Jennifer Lyon

Monday, September 21st, 2015

It was a good weekend here! First up, Bailey and his Dragonfly. When gets a new toy, he LOVES it.

He played with it the whole weekend. Here he’s giving my “Please Eyes” because he wants to play tug of war.

Bailey dragonfly 3

I play with him.

Bailey dragonfly 4 tug of war

Bailey wins! Bailey always wins :-)

Bailey dragonfly 2

This has pretty much become Bailey’s chair in my office. He hangs out there when I’m working.

Bailey dragonfly in his chair

In other news, did you all see that Jackie Collin’s passed away? I met her when I was co-president of Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America, and she came to speak for our group. It was such a great experience. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but she was lovely and kind. She had a wicked case of stage fright before before going on stage. I know this because our program director was out in the car (limo) with her, helping her settle down. Then my co-president and I went out to greet her, and Jackie told us exactly how nervous she was, and asked if we’d walk with her to the stage. We did, and she was grateful.

Then she went up the four steps to the stage and boom, it was like a switch flipped and she was calm and AWESOME.

After that, she stayed and signed every book, and spoke to every single person who was excited to meet her.

I don’t know anything more about her than my one experience, but I was so very impressed with her.

So how was your weekend?

6 comments to “”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    September 21st, 2015 at 6:42 am · Link

    Yay Bailey! He ain’t puttin’ that toy down for no one. LOL

    I saw that about Jackie Collins. Neat story about meeting her. I never read her, but it’s a sad thing when writers we admire die. :hugs:

    We had a pretty good weekend. Quiet. We took a couple drives out into the countryside – checking out boat launches to see which ones were ‘closed’ for the season. They’re not really closed, just unmanned and the facilities are locked. Which we like because less people hang out there when they close. =o) I wrote some lame words, then went back and fixed them so I can get back on track. Redid the cover for Wish in One Hand and got it all uploaded. Read a lot.

  2. Silver James
    September 21st, 2015 at 9:13 am · Link

    Bailey Dog is soooo cute! I know you and Wiz had fun with him this weekend. I watched football. OSU won. I watched baseball. The Cards are gonna kill me before the seasons over.

    It rained and I should go out and do some weeding while the ground is soft. I’ll get right on that. Not! :lol:

    I wrote almost 5K words on the wrong book. I did make myself work on the most pressing WIP. I need to work faster on it and also on the standby WIP. But Iffy got into the chocolate and hit a roll on one of the Nightrider books. Since all those words pretty much gave me the plot for that book, yeah. But now I need chocolate!

    Gonna be a long, busy week. *sigh*

  3. Jenn
    September 21st, 2015 at 10:54 am · Link

    B.e., you seem to get a lot done in a weekend! Writing new words and getting the cover how you want it is great.

    It seems Jackie C lived a full life, so I’m happy for her. I just remember how much she wanted to do well in her talk. I thought that was interesting that she truly cared. But I didn’t know her well by any stretch.

    Bailey’s going home this morning. It was fun to have him, but I’m ready to focus on work :-)

  4. Jenn
    September 21st, 2015 at 10:57 am · Link

    Silver, ah yes football season is here. I’m happy for all you who love it, and thank Ear Plugs for those of us who aren’t obsessed :-) Actually I use ear plugs,I can tune it out if I really want to read or work :-)

    Hmm, I think maybe you’re not all that excited to weed, LOL! I saw weeds in our back planter today and ignored them.

    On the wrong books…bwhahaha!! I’ve had that happen, although deadlines have forced me to focus until this summer. But it’s awesome that you got 5k words done!

    Hope you get your chocolate!

  5. Viki S.
    September 21st, 2015 at 3:45 pm · Link

    I was so saddened when I saw the news scroll yesterday morning about Jackie. You were really fortunate to have met her. Nice to see that she was as real as she always appeared to me. She’ll be missed.

    Lucky Bailey got a new toy. You can tell how much he loves it. I bet you two had a great weekend together. He’s SO cute.

    The weekend was really nice around here. The weather was beautiful. Didn’t do too much other than housework ;).

    Have a great evening and put that wine caddy to good use ;).

  6. Jenn
    September 21st, 2015 at 5:19 pm · Link

    Viki, Jackie did seem genuine in a very glamorous way :-)

    Bailey was tons of fun! He was my shadow which cracked me up. Boy was he happy with Girlfriend showed up to pick him up. So excited to see her, which made her feel great too.

    Wizard and I are catching up on some cleaning today — not fun. But it’s nice to get some of it done.

    I’m eyeing that wine. it’s a nice Merlot I’m looking forward to trying. Have a great evening!

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