Happy Friday!
Every few weeks, Wizard goes to get his hair cut early in the morning. The night before we always end up with some version of this conversation:
Wizard will announce. “Witch, tomorrow after my haircut I’m going to buy a dozen donuts.”
Me. “No.”
At this point, I look up from whatever I’m doing. “Veto. The kids aren’t here, we can’t eat that many donuts and you’ll get sick. I’m using my Veto Power.”
Wizard smirked. “Who gave you Veto Power?”
“Who bought a dozen donuts while I was in NY and posted it on the internet?”
His smirk dimmed. He actually did that, which a message that went something like, “When Jen’s away, I get all the donuts I want!”
“Busted.” I told him and may have cackled, laughed.
“Fine,” Wizard says, “I’ll get two. Jelly for me. And that stupid one you like. Uh…”
Of all the freaking things Wizard remembers, including how many years we’ve been married when I can’t recall, he can’t remember this one donut I love but haven’t had in YEARS. “Chocolate Buttermilk.”
“Right, that. I’ll get it tomorrow after I get my hair cut.”
That’s how the conversation goes. But it doesn’t happen! He comes home without donuts. Last time he got his hair cut this happened, and I said, “Don’t talk to me about donuts again. It’s like the Jelly Bean Torture.”
He’s completely baffled. “What?”
“You know, when I had to have the tooth extracted (a baby tooth, I never had an adult tooth there — weird) and that same day, you bought a bag of jelly beans and ate them in front of me? Then these promises of donuts and you don’t deliver? That torture. Don’t talk to me about donuts. (Ok, full disclosure here, he doesn’t bring home the donuts, because I’m usually trying not to eat a lot of junk, but still…he should know when I mean that and when I really want a donut, right?? He’s a Wizard–he should be able to read my mind!)
So last night, Wizard says, “Tell me again what kind of donut you want. I’ll get it. Really. This time I will.”
I politely told him, “Chocolate Buttermilk.”
Then I left pictures of it on my computer and around the house.
If he doesn’t bring me that donut this morning…there’s going to be trouble
So what are your weekend plans?
September 25th, 2015 at 7:12 am · Link
Mmm, donuts. I’ve never had chocolate buttermilk, but it looks yummy. I usually get the raspberry-filled, cream cheese frosted ones. Or the apple fritters. Or the bavarian creme longjohns. Lately, I’ve taken to sour cream dunker sticks. I buy ’em by the half-dozen and we get donuts for three days. (Ten seconds in the microwave freshens them right up.) Lucky me, we have two left. Breakfast!
I’ve been a toad, and I only have 5 days left to finish this first draft before my editor sends me the edits for Bloodflow. It’s all good. I’m pretty close, I think, but I really need to buckle down this weekend. And I have to hit the store some time soon. I trudged up there a couple days ago, but forgot TP. Ugh. Remembered my special ice cream, though. Candybar Crunch. Mmmm. Shows where my priorities were that day. LOL
September 25th, 2015 at 8:59 am · Link
Okay. My mind went there. When I opened your site this morning, not all of the picture showed. Only the very top portion of it showed. And it looked like a shoulder, an arm, and something…else, all coated in chocolate.
Hey, sinus infection, meds, and lack of sleep! (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!) (And I did make a picture of what I saw but can’t figure out how to share it here. LOL I’ll email it if you want to see it. )
I’m going to be working on fixing typos and reuploading NIGHT SHIFT and then getting DOUBLE CROSS ready for Createspace. I’m considering entering both of them in the RITAs (NS in Erotic Romance and DC in either Romantic Suspense or Paranormal). And trying to herd the cats that THE DEVIL’S CUT continues to be. *sigh* Oh, and college football and Cards baseball. Playoffs are looming!
September 25th, 2015 at 11:22 am · Link
B.E., i got my donut! And Wizard tried one and loved it too But I can’t have more in the house like you can. I just don’t trust myself around them. As it is, I cancelled out any benefits from my two-mile walk with that donut.
I hate forgetting things at the grocery store. It’s so annoying. Although it was much easier when the kids were home and had thier driver’s license. They were great about running out to grab milk or whatever I needed.
Glad you remembered your ice cream, LOL!
Good luck with your edits!
September 25th, 2015 at 11:29 am · Link
Silver!!! What a naughty witch! YES I want to see the pic Honestly, my mind really was on the donut. All during my walk this morning I craved that donut. And when I got home, Wizard had it here for me. It was awesome!
So sorry about your sinus infection. Those suck. I can still remember my last one and it was years ago. Feel better soon!
I know you need to get your editing/formatting/re-uploading done, but you also need to rest to kick that sinus infection. Those things aren’t easy to clear up.
September 25th, 2015 at 11:44 am · Link
Jen, glad Wizard remembered your donut today. It looks delicious. Good thing I just ate lunch
My mom and I are walking in the Komen Race For The Cure on Sunday with some of our cousins. We’ll go out to lunch after the walk. My only other plans for the weekend are laundry and reading.
Happy Friday, witches!
September 25th, 2015 at 2:43 pm · Link
Jen, you have mail.
September 25th, 2015 at 3:37 pm · Link
OMG! You got the donut. I bet the reminder of jelly bean torture did it for Wizard. I’m sure he had no clue how hard that was on you. He’s a very good Wizard. It’s sweet that he had one too ;). Now what is the Wizard’s reward from the Witch? Brownies this weekend?
I had a handyman over today fixing all kinds of little things for me. I feel so happy now. I had a fixture over my weight bench that’s been broken for 8 months. It’s going to be so nice to lift and actually see what I’m doing ;).
I hope you have a great weekend :)!
September 25th, 2015 at 3:41 pm · Link
Dawn, that’s awesome that you’re doing the walk!
The donut was good, but it’ll hold me for a while.
Enjoy your weekend!
September 25th, 2015 at 3:42 pm · Link
Silver, LOLOL!! That mail cracked me up!
September 25th, 2015 at 3:45 pm · Link
oh my word. dessert torture. that is the worst! you don’t tease with donuts! lol glad you got yours. looks yummy! I like the cream filled ones. And strangely…blueberry cake ones with a sugar glaze. Our grocery store has a bakery staffed by non-Americans and they so didn’t get the donut thing. I’d never seen a blueberry cake donut until this grocery store and it’s pretty much the ONLY donut they make. Like dozens and dozens of blueberry cake donuts and nothing else. So now I have a thing for blueberry cake donuts. born out of donut desperation. lol
September 25th, 2015 at 3:45 pm · Link
Viki, he is a good Wizard today! I think he did feel bad about the jelly bean torture The donut was very good! I can’t even remember the last time I had one.
I totally get how happy you feel about getting all those little things done around the house. And your workout area should have appropriate lighting, so that’s good news too. And safer!
Have a great weekend!
September 25th, 2015 at 3:55 pm · Link
Anna, I’ve never had a blueberry cake donut, and now I want one! I’m going to look for that. It sounds interesting!
Wizard was really trying this morning, and very sweet about bringing me the donut. He’s lucky, but that jelly beat torture was too cruel
Have a great weekend!