Jennifer Lyon

Monday, July 25th, 2016

My weekend was pretty good. I cleaned, went to the mall with a friend and had a great lunch that included cake! And I wrote, trying very hard to stop doubting myself and the story. Now I have a Monday treat for you all. This is Corky, he’s one of CPA Boy and Special K’s three dogs, and the sweetest, most laid back boy ever. Here’s Corky is politely insisting that CPA Boy keep petting him.

Hope you’re all having a Happy Monday! How was your weekend?

6 comments to “”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    July 25th, 2016 at 10:04 am · Link

    Awwww! What a sweet puptart!

    We didn’t do anything this weekend. It was too hot to do much. Bleh. So I wrote some and read a bunch and watched a lot of TV. Today, the temperature’s down so we could do stuff, but thunderstorms are threatening. Another day inside. LOL

  2. Jenn
    July 25th, 2016 at 10:58 am · Link

    B.E., Corky is a gentle soul pup. We all love him :-)

    Ugh on the heat! A huge swath of the country is suffering it, I hope you get a break and not too many cranky thunderstorms. Have a great day!

  3. Silver James
    July 25th, 2016 at 12:21 pm · Link

    Awwww. Sweetness squared! Glad you had a good weekend. Like B.E., hot here but there’s a chance for rain and mid-90s instead of 100s this week. I’m struggling with my book for Rocki. I’m down to the last 8K words so I’m getting there but…yeah. I also made the mistake of getting hooked on a new series–Michelle Segara’s “Cast in” fantasy series. Its…fascinating. Staying up too late reading but these books are my reading crack at the moment.

  4. Viki S.
    July 25th, 2016 at 3:34 pm · Link

    What a sweetheart :)!

    I’m glad you had a great weekend. My question is, did you have to take some of the cake home? When we go there I always get a piece of Lydia’s cake to take home ;).

    All we did was normal stuff this weekend. Nothing exciting. It’s been so hot and humid I try not to go outside ;).

    Have a great evening :)!

  5. Jenn
    July 25th, 2016 at 5:52 pm · Link

    Silver, you can do it! Just keep typing (in between crack-reading, LOL). But I feel your pain so much.

    Thanks, Corky is a real sweetheart.

  6. Jenn
    July 25th, 2016 at 5:53 pm · Link

    Viki, I had cake there at the restaurant :-) I ate most of it too. Then I took some cheesecake home to Wizard because he’s spoiled like that.

    It seems like everyone is suffering in this heat! Stay cool!

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