So Friday…not my best day. It started when I went to the gym at 6:30 in the morning and came home at seven with a cracked bumper. No other cars were involved, just the rising sun blinding me when I came around a curve and tall yellow road dividers. I can explain this in ridiculous detail, but ultimately, I screwed up. And obviously, I was NOT happy with myself. I’ve driven that road hundreds of time and easily dozens of times in similar conditions. But…it happened. So I check the car, skipped the gym and went home because I wanted to show Wizard. Okay I don’t WANT to since Wizard takes meticulous care of the cars, but I needed to because he knows more about cars than me and I want to make sure there’s not some damage I didn’t spot. So I get back home around seven a.m. which is way too early. Wizard knows something is up and comes outside.
He’s looking at me so he doesn’t notice the bumper and asks, “What’s wrong?”
I show him the bumper and explain. He asks if I’m okay, (I’m fine) looks at it and then shrugs. “It’s only the bumper. It’s actually a good thing I’ve wanted to get that replaced. I’ll take it down and get an estimate after my physical therapy today.”
Wait, what? Why isn’t he mad when I’m so upset at myself? So being the mature adult woman I am, I blurt out, “This is going to cost us money to replace the bumper. You can be mad at me.” Like maybe I think he needs permission?
He just says, “That bumper was pretty dinged up from all the rocks on the freeway. It’s fine. Close the garage will you?” And he walks into the house. I was way more upset that he was. Inside the house, I keep trying to explain and he hugs me and tells me to quit worrying.
Later that day, Wizard got the estimate and we’re dropping the car off today.
So last night, I told Wizard I was writing about this in my blog, and I was teasing him about trying to figure out why he was being so nice. I theorized it was because I spent weeks taking care of him 24/7 after his surgery, and so he had to be nice to me.
“Nope,” he answered. “It’s because I want a new car later this year. You owe me now.”
I cracked up. I have been dragging my feet on a new car
Otherwise, I spent the weekend working on an important turning point in the book, Savaged Vows. I think I got it and am writing as much as I can. That deadline is coming fast!
Oh, and yesterday morning we went out to breakfast and I had amazing blueberry pancakes.
I’m still ticked at myself about the car, but rather suspicious about all the car dealerships Wizards looking at online
How was your weekend?
February 27th, 2017 at 7:41 am · Link
Gah. I hate driving into the sun. I’m glad you’re okay. And Wizard’s right, it’s just a bumper. But I totally get where you’re coming from. Last year when my tire went flat on the highway, but I drove on it because we have no shoulders here, I thought Hubs would be miffed, but he told me if it ever happens again, drive on it. A ruined rim is worth me not stopping the car in the middle of the highway. (Got lucky that time and didn’t ruin the rim. Whew.) Yay for Savaged Vows! Yay for blueberry pancakes! Yay for a new car for Wizard! :ducks and runs:
The weekend here was pretty good. I finished the 1st draft of Wish Hits the Fan ahead of schedule. Had fun fishing because I was actually catching fish this time. We’re having bass for dinner tonight. Yay. Read some stuff other people wrote for a change. =o)
February 27th, 2017 at 10:13 am · Link
Now I want blueberry pancakes!
Men can be so weird sometimes! I got LG off to the airport at the buttcrack before dawn today. He had everything stuffed into one suitcase and I asked him how much it weighed. *koffkoff* Yeah…I repacked for him and he was stuck with two carry-ons plus the check-in, but most of what’s in the 2nd carry-on stays in DC and it will pack in his check-in on the way home Wednesday. I also had to walk him through the whole process. He hasn’t flown in…over five years, and that was a family trip to New Orleans with The Only and I there to shepherd the clueless men.
My weekend was mostly spent getting LG ready to go. I did get the synopsis for my proposal written. If I’ll get off the internet, I can proof it and get the whole thing sent off to NYC. Then it’s line edits on Kade’s story. I have three days to myself and I need to make the most of them!
Off to work! And yeah, let Wiz get his new car, don’t sweat the bumper, and fist bumps on that turning point. Well done, woman!
February 27th, 2017 at 12:03 pm · Link
B.E., I agree with your husband about the rim, but driving on a flat and worrying that you’re ruining the rim is nerve wracking.
LOL on the new car. We’re going to need it, I just hate paying for it
I’m so jealous that you finished your draft, but happy for you!! And you get fish for dinner! You deserve the break–have a great Monday.
February 27th, 2017 at 12:07 pm · Link
Silver, the blueberry pancakes were so good! I want them again.
So funny on LG! Good thing you were there or he’d have been in a mess at the airport. Also, airports suck. Hope he’s arrived safely at his destination (DC I think?).
Getting a synopsis written is a huge accomplishment!
Wizard can have his car later this year. It may not be the car of his dreams though, just saying…
Hope you get the synopsis off to NY!
February 27th, 2017 at 4:08 pm · Link
Oh no. Your poor car and your poor nerves. I agree, driving in the sun is awful. Wizard is too much ;). Men always seem to have a plan. So will the upcoming new car be for you or Wizard? I bet he has fun deciding what to buy.
Yum! I haven’t had pancakes in years.
Great job on the book. Must feel wonderful having it all coming together. Can’t wait to check it out.
Made my 25# pan of lasagna yesterday. We have 4 dinners all wrapped up in the freezer as well as care packs for 2 of the guys and sig figs :).
Have a wonderful afternoon :).
February 27th, 2017 at 6:35 pm · Link
Viki, as weird as this sounds, Wizard and I don’t have his and her cars. We have two cars and drive whichever one we want/need that day. Back when the kids were little, that meant we moved car seats around a lot, but it’s worked for us. But I know it really sounds crazy to people.
Wizard has narrowed his wish list down to 2 cars last I heard. But we’re going to tackle that later this year.
Your lasagne sounds amazing and you have all those meals for yourselves and others! I haven’t made lasagne in years, but it sounds good!