Jennifer Lyon

Monday, March 13th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

It’s been a roller coaster weekend. Our niece on Wizard’s side had to have an emergency C-Section Friday morning at 30 weeks pregnant. That makes the baby 10 weeks early. He’s 2 lbs, 3 oz and right now as I type this, he’s holding on and getting a little stronger each day. Our niece is stable and resting. But if you guys can send out prayers or good thoughts for our newest baby boy addition, we’d all appreciate it.

Around all this, I’m working as fast as I can on Savaged Vows. I love it, I have it, and I can’t stop writing or thinking about it. All normal for me :-)

I also got The Sex on the Beach Book Club uploaded for March 20th release date. It’s up for pre-order now at Amazon, Nook, Kobo and Google Play. Sometime today the pre-order at iBooks should go live. So I want to talk about the cover of this book for a moment. This is a romance/mystery with a slightly erotic heat level. It’s also funny, snarky and has a kick ass, very independent Private Investigator heroine. Trying getting all that on a cover.

It’s not really possible and, the job of a cover isn’t to tell the story, but rather, it’s a sales tool to attract targeted customers attention. And by targeted, I mean readers who this book would appeal to. My main concern is that I don’t want to mislead readers, especially mystery readers who might only want a little romance and no sex. So after much agonizing, I decided the cover needed to target those who like sexy, fun romances first and went a cover that fit that and the title (it’s the original title of the book that I decided to keep).

Then I made it clear in the blurb that it was a romance and a mystery. I also say in the blurb that this is a reissue of a 2007 release.  I don’t want those who’ve already read this book to buy it again, or make anyone feel tricked.

So will this strategy work? I have no idea. Covers are really a tricky thing and every reader responds differently. But I’ll let you guys know my experience with this cover in a few weeks.

So that’s my weekend, how was yours?

8 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    March 13th, 2017 at 6:37 am · Link

    Oh no. Positive thoughts winging their way to her and the baby. :hugs:

    The cover looks fun and flirty. It’ll draw people in for sure. Fingers crossed your strategy works. Keep us posted.

    Let’s see… Here we got a couple inches of snow on Saturday, which melted off on Sunday. Now we wait to see how much of my burgeoning gardens were affected by the freeze. The peonies looked pretty pathetic when I checked them out yesterday. I spent part of the weekend working on initial edit notes for Wish Hits the Fan and then last night got trapped in a research frenzy for something I hadn’t researched during the writing. Still haven’t found the answer. I think I’m going to have to say ‘screw the research’ and make something up to fit – like folklore for genies. :shrug: It’s either that or change a bunch of stuff to fit something else. Luckily, this is paranormal, so I have wiggle room.

  2. Silver James
    March 13th, 2017 at 11:18 am · Link

    Holding good thought for mom, baby, and the entire family!

    I LOVELOVELOVE this cover. And I know I’ve read this but I’ll be buying it to read again. If nothing else, just so I can pet the cover on my Kindle. ;)

    Weekend. Oh. Yeah. Don’t ask… And now I’m hiding until this freaking book is written! *poof*

  3. Jenn
    March 13th, 2017 at 11:19 am · Link

    B.E., thanks for the positive thoughts, they really are much appreciated.

    Hope your flowers shake off the snow shock and recover.

    I can so relate on research, but it sounds like you need to create a solution to work within your world building. You can do it and it’ll be great!

    Hope you’re Monday is going better than mine :-)

  4. Jenn
    March 13th, 2017 at 11:41 am · Link

    Silver, thanks on the baby.

    And thank you on the cover. I’m second guessing myself all over the place.

    Hope we both make our deadlines and I’m hiding too :-)

  5. B.E. Sanderson
    March 13th, 2017 at 2:14 pm · Link

    I had an epiphany after I commented here and it all dovetails nicely with what I already have. Just a few tweaks here or there. =o)

  6. Viki S.
    March 13th, 2017 at 3:08 pm · Link

    Oh the poor little guy. Have been sending up prayers all day. I’m keeping your family in my thoughts.

    The cover is great and I think you made the right move. Many read mystery/suspense and aren’t in it for sex so it’s good to be clear. The cover is intimate but not too bold. It fits.

    Have a nice afternoon. Oh, don’t kill “all” of your characters :-P

  7. Jenn
    March 13th, 2017 at 6:48 pm · Link

    B.E., that’s awesome! I love when that happens :-) Go, go, go!!

  8. Jenn
    March 13th, 2017 at 6:53 pm · Link

    Viki, thank you! He’s hanging in there, but he has a long road to getting up to optimal weight and strength. It’s been a long weekend and now we have another relative in the hospital. But Monday is almost over and I’m hopeful the week gets better.

    I think my characters are hiding now, LOL! And thanks on the cover :-)

    I hope you had a good weekend, and your week is getting off to a great start.

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