I don’t have a Wednesday Worthy candidate today. You know how it is, when it rains it pours. Not only do we have the premature baby on Wizard’s side, but Sunday night my brother-in-law had a medical emergency that landed him in the hospital. It’s been a scary week, and Wizard and I are both twitching every time one of us gets a phone call or text message.
The good news is the baby is doing okay so far. And last night my brother-in-law was released so we’re all breathing a little easier.
I need everyone to please just be healthy, safe and have a Happy Hump Day. Hopefully next week, I’ll be back up to speed with a Wednesday Worthy Candidate.
March 15th, 2017 at 6:00 am · Link
Gah, I hate that phone call twitch when you aren’t sure what the next ring will bring. :hugs: Take care of you and Wizard first.
I’m glad the baby and the brother in law are doing better. Hang in there. And you stay safe and healthy, too, okay?
March 15th, 2017 at 9:18 am · Link
Good news on the family health front. Still holding good thoughts. I got my Wednesday Worthy fill looking through my files for my FB #TooSexyInHisShirt candidate. Hang in there. And take time out for you and Wiz to just catch your breaths!
March 15th, 2017 at 10:47 am · Link
B.E. Thanks
March 15th, 2017 at 10:48 am · Link
Silver, I’ll have to catch my breath after this deadline Thanks!
March 15th, 2017 at 10:55 am · Link
Good to hear the baby is holding his own and that your BIL is home. I hope he recovers fast. I am keeping the baby and you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Just to let you know, PeeWee hurt his lower back to the point he couldn’t relieve himself. He would just scream. After a trip to a specialist vet, they found no source for the pain. He is on pain killers and muscle relaxers. They are hoping that taking the meds will allow whatever is wrong to heal. They’re giving it 10 days. Poor little dude.
We got 15 inches of snow and it’s very cold and windy. But it’s nice and warm in the house :).
I hope you have a great day :).
March 15th, 2017 at 1:33 pm · Link
Viki, poor PeeWee! I’m so sorry, it’s awful to see our pups in so much pain. It’s even worse when we can’t pinpoint the source like that. I’m really hoping he heals quickly. You guys must all be a bit worried, although it probably is an injury that will heal.
That’s a lot of snow and cold! Glad you’re staying warm.
Let me know on PeeWee. I’m hoping he bounces back to his old self soon.