Jennifer Lyon

Friday, August 4th, 2017
Friday Five!

Let’s do our Friday Five where we list five random things about our week:

  1. I had a great birthday!
  2. I got medically overruled on Yoga and am not allowed to try again until we resolve my shoulder :-)
  3. On the same subject, in the a last ten days I’ve seen two specialists, a new physical therapist and today I see my GP to get a referral to a pain management specialist, and try to get everyone on the same page for a treatment plan. Which is a lot like herding cats. I’m so over this. Basically I have two different diagnosis–a problem in my shoulder and a problem in my neck. No one knows which came first. But it looks like the two met up in a perfect storm to annoy the shit out of me. (Okay that last part isn’t an actual medical diagnosis, but an expression of my frustration, LOL!)
  4. Yesterday I had time to write! And I wrote until I couldn’t do it anymore. Today I hope I can do it again.
  5. The kids are all coming out with Jett.  I’m so looking forward to it!

Okay now it’s your turn to share your Friday Five!

Have a great weekend!


6 comments to “Friday Five!”

  1. Silver James
    August 4th, 2017 at 9:20 am · Link

    Yay for the good stuff happening to you. Boo on that whole herding cat medico thing. :-x My five:

    1. I got new words written despite recovering from con crud.

    2. Lawyer Guy killed the vacuum cleaner while I was gone. Good news was, he was running it. Bad news was, he didn’t find the directions to fix the problem and went after the roller brush with a hammer and screw driver.

    3. I now have a new vacuum.

    4. This was a week when there wasn’t enough coffee in the world.

    5. The weather has been cooler–a relative term in Oklahoma in August. Instead of high 90/100s, we’ve been in the 80s and low 90s. That means 11 cents a kilowatt hour instead of 43 cents. Woohoo!

    Okay. One more cup of coffee and then to work! I hope you get lots of writing done today, Jen. Me too! :D

  2. Dawn
    August 4th, 2017 at 11:58 am · Link

    Yay in the birthday and the writing. Enjoy seeing the kids this weekend ? The medical stuff sucks ?

    My five:
    1. To whomever sent the insomnia my way: you suck hairy green eggs!!

    2. Silver’s right about not enough coffee/caffeine in the world this week.

    3. I feel like I haven’t accomplish d much of anything at work this week. I’ve been busier than normal but haven’t finished the things I wanted to get done

    4. I’ve been enjoying the cooler than normal weather here in NW Ohio. Today’s high is only supposed to be around 75. Much better than the usual 90ish with 70+% humidity.

    5. The only book I’ve been able to really get into recently is Savaged Vows. I have around 2 dozen books to read and can’t seem to find any enthusiasm for any of them. A big contrast to April when I averaged 4 books a week.

    Happy Friday! Have a great weekend ?

  3. Viki S.
    August 4th, 2017 at 2:54 pm · Link

    1. So glad, you deserved to have a great day.
    2. Yoga can wait.
    3. So relate.
    4. Yes! I hope today was another great day for writing.
    5. Yes, again ;)! I’m sure you and the family will have a fantastic time. Give Jett some extra rubs :).

    1. For the past two days we’ve had storms all around us but no rain here. Finally we got a little bit this afternoon. Awful to hear all the thunder and not get anything from it.
    2. Ordered some baby furniture for the coming grandson :).
    3. PeeWee is not doing well. He’s been at the vet all day. Looks like he has to have most of his teeth pulled. Bad infection. He hasn’t eaten in days. Poor little old man.
    4. Have no desire to make dinner and hubs is pouting. Don’t care. He was supposed to go to a friends and I was off. So much for off. Here come the hot dogs :).
    5. Spunk turns 4 next Tuesday so I went out and bought his special tuna. We have to spell the word. If he hears it he starts crying for some ;).

    Have the fires left your area? Those photos were scary.

    I hope you really have a great time this weekend!

  4. Jenn
    August 4th, 2017 at 4:29 pm · Link

    Silver, I’m just now at my computer afters spend all freaking morning dealing with the medical stuff :-(

    1) I’m impressed you got words written while sick.
    2 & 3) made me laugh,although I’m sorry you had to get a new vacuum. But a hammer and screw driver…lolol!! MEN!
    4) Same here on coffee–or time time drink it. I have a half pot left I just haven’t had time to consume.
    5) Yah on the $$savings. We get hammered on the electric bill here in the summer (but I’m thankful for it!)

    Hope you have a good weekend!

  5. Jenn
    August 4th, 2017 at 4:36 pm · Link

    Dawn, thanks! The medical stuff is bummer for anyone going through it.

    1) Oh no on insomnia! I feels awful for you. Hope you sleep tonight.
    2) Amen on caffeine.
    3) I hate that feeling of doing a lot, yet not feeling like I have enough accomplished.
    4) I’m jealous of your weather!
    5) Thank you on SV!! But I do the same thing lately with books, and it’s worse when I have insomnia. I’ve been really enjoying Silvers book Claiming the Cowgirl’s Baby! Hope you flnd a book to escape in.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Jenn
    August 4th, 2017 at 5:58 pm · Link

    Viki, I wrote a long comment to you and it vanished. I must not have hit submit, grrrr!!! The fires here are out, thankfully.

    1) Thunderstorms are weird like that.
    2) You must be so exciting about your grandbaby :-)
    3) Poor PeeWee. He’s really been having a rough time of it. I understand the teeth thing is fairly common for older dogs. But poor little guy!
    4) Hubs should make dinner and clean up or order in. Your deserve a night off
    5) 4 years!! It seems like you just got the spunky kitten. Too funny that you have to spell “tuna.” He’s a smart kitty!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

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