Jennifer Lyon

Friday, October 13th, 2017
Happy Friday Five

It’s that time again to list our five random things about our week!

  1. I’ve hit the wall last night. I came home from the NINC conference energized, but life is running fast and hard this week and not letting me catch my breath or concentrate on writing. Today, I have an early morning appointment then I’m getting back to writing!
  2. We met three potential foster dogs on Wednesday. Our first choice is a sweet little chihuahua mix (she’s a little bigger than an average chihuahua, curious and submissive with new people), and if all goes well, we’ll pick her up next week. Right now, her name is Nana but I just can’t call her by that name as it’s what my kids call Wizard’s mom. So I’m going to ask if I can change her name to Maggie–she looks like a Maggie. Although I’d be happy with almost any other name besides Nana. I didn’t take pictures like I should have because I really wanted to focus on the dogs not photo ops :-). If by chance she’s adopted over the weekend, then we’ll probably take the second choice, an eight year old laid back Pomeranian named Larry. He came across as a pretty mellow guy. We also met a scared little terrier that really tugged on both Wizard and my hearts. This dog has been seriously neglected or abused and afraid to let anyone touch him. It’s heartbreaking. I hate anyone who intentionally abuses an animal that way. I want everyone to be assured though, the shelter staff really care about this little dog. They have him in a kennel with two little friends that he loves to play with, and they have a trainer coming in to see if he can work with him. We’re keeping the little terrier in mind, but we don’t want to take him out of the place he feels safe unless we’re reasonably confident we can help him. And for sure, I’ll take pictures when we pick up our foster pup!
  3. We had a sudden death in our extended family this week :-( It’s always sad, and I wish I could spare my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and nieces the pain of losing a beloved father and grandfather, but unfortunately, I can’t. I hate when people we love hurt, but all we can do is be there for them.
  4. In good news, we’re going to a birthday party for my daughter-in-law, Special K, this weekend. That’s the reason I put off picking up our foster pup until next week–I didn’t want to leave her a really long stretch of time the first few days home. I can’t wait to see how Special K is showing in her pregnancy, and I’ll get to see Middle Son’s fiance’s ring in person :-) Middle Son is very proud of choosing that ring (and I’m proud of him for choosing a great girl!).
  5. I’m so sluggish from poor eating and lack of exercise, but I can do small things to change that. Getting a foster pup will help me get more active too.  It’s a win-win!

Okay that’s my Friday Five. Now it’s your turn to share your Friday Five.

4 comments to “Happy Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    October 13th, 2017 at 9:23 am · Link

    Wow! You covered a lot of territory in your five! My heart goes out to the little terrier. Did you see the news story about the German Shepherd and his Chihuahua buddy? They were found as strays together and when the GSD needed medical care, the Chi refused to leave him. They need to be adopted together. If I didn’t have my boys, I’d drive to Arizona to get them! Condolences to your family. It’s always hard to say goodbye. Can’t wait to see which foster you bring home, and such great news with your sons! Okay…my five.

    1. I’ve plugged a couple of plot holes in my WIP. HUGE relief. Hopefully, I’ll get it finished by Monday. Concentrated effort on my part!

    2. I need to learn to market like Starbucks. I’d be on the USA list if I could tap into that genius.

    3. The neighbor’s cat, Boove, has taken to hanging out on the window sills of my house. He does not like Adidas. Deeders does not like him. When they talk through the screen, it’s both hysterical and loud.

    4. The last two days were cool. Today and tomorrow will be warm. Sunday and next week back to cool. C’mon Autumn! I’m tired of waiting.

    5. This book ain’t gonna write itself so I’d best get off the internet and get busy. Have a great weekend!

    Happy Birthday to Special K! And congrats again to Middle and his lady!

  2. Jenn
    October 13th, 2017 at 11:50 am · Link

    Silver, Wizard is telling me to go get our pup today :-) But that terrier–it kills me. I want him too. And thanks on condolences. It’s really hard on Wizard’s brother’s family, but we all go through these losses. Now for you:

    1) I want to be your writing process! Mine is in hiding (I know it’s the pain, ringing in my ears and constant stress…but still, I want to be you!!)

    2) Starbucks is genius. You just need the right angle then convince people they can’t live without it. Easy, right??? LOLOL!

    3) Maybe you could do a quick video of the “discussions” through the screen. I bet it’s be hilarious.

    4) I want autumn too. Doesn’t summer know it’s time to leave?? We REALLY need the cooler, wetter weather for the horrible fires up north of us in the wine country. The devastation up there is unreal, and I’ve lost count of the deaths and missing people. Sorry–I wandered off your point.

    5) Why can’t we have self-writing books so we can have more play time??

    Have a great weekend!

  3. B.E. Sanderson
    October 13th, 2017 at 2:11 pm · Link

    Yay for you guys! Your foster pup will be the luckiest little furbaby, whichever one you get. :hugs: So sorry for your loss. And for the wall you hit. Yay for Special K’s b-day!

    1) I’m kind of out of it today. I thought I was here this morning, but apparently not. Talk about sluggish. Bleh.
    2) I’m now some sort of contract laborer for my family business. I do spreadsheet stuff – taking ones they receive and turning them into something they can actually read. It’s a huge help to Mom and a little scratch for me.
    3) My brother wanted to bring me on in a larger capacity – put a phone line in my home and use me for tech support. :shudder: I’m such a hermit.
    4) My laziness has led the way to awesomeness. I was too lazy to make cake cookies as drop cookies, so I smushed all the dough into the bottom of an 8×10″ cake pan and made bar cookies. Which are actually more like brownies. OMG.
    5) And now I want a cookie, warmed, with ice cream.

  4. Jennifer Lyon Apodaca
    October 14th, 2017 at 8:54 am · Link

    B.E., Thanks on all! We ended up picking up our foster pup yesterday because we couldn’t wait :-)

    1) Hope they sluggishness is gone today. I have those days where there’s just not enough coffee.

    2) I didn’t know this! Hmm…sounds like you’re a big help and that your like the challenge. It’s a win-win as long as it doesn’t take over your life and you can still write.

    3) I’m shuddering with you if tech support means dealing with people. I love people in small doses, LOL! I’m really interested in what the company does but it’s probably not something you want to share here.

    4) Love this! Laziness pays off!! This should be a slogan and the cookie brownie bars sound delicious.

    5) Enjoy your warm cookie and ice cream!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

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