Oh Maggie! So this is our new foster pup. We name her Maggie. Wizard decided we should pick her up Friday rather than Monday:
Everything was going great until the Saturday night when she decided she didn’t want to be in her kennel and barked for a LONG time. It was probably about a half hour after I checked her (in case she was sick or had to go to the bathroom, and because I’m soft like that), but felt like YEARS. I thought Wizard was going to lose his temper. He hasn’t so far, but we’re both tired Maggie will figure this out.
In a funny twist, Maggie is good as gold in the day, except she’s way more attached to me than Wizard. I’d say that’s pretty normal for a shelter dog, especially since I tend to take care of her. That will even out as she gains in confidence. She’s great on a leash, so far she never chews on the wrong things, she seems potty trained and she’s sweet as pie. I took her to Petsmart with me to buy her a new leash, and she charmed everyone there–dogs and people alike. They should be here around 10:30 tonight, LOL! Seriously, she was a very good girl there.
But we are having a battle of wills about where she sleeps!
I’m trying to read through the 350 pages I have on the manuscript for SAVAGED DEVOTION because I know there’s something off in there, something I’m sure I can fix once I find it, then go onto writing the end. Plus I want to clean up a some chapters for a critique partner. I’m trying hard it’s just slow going with all the medical crap and Maggie
In other news, we went to Special K’s birthday party over the weekend and she’s looks great four to five months pregnant. CPA Boy got her a diamond heartbeat necklace for her birthday and it was stunning. It has a tiny diamond in the center of another diamond that beats (glitters) like a baby’s heartbeat. I’d never heard of it before this, but it was really pretty. We also got to see Middle Son’s finance’s gorgeous engagement ring. Middle Son picked the perfect ring! He also planned a lovely proposal. I’m really proud of him and excited for them both.
I’m working today, and Special K is taking a break from her school work (she’s gone back to school for her masters degree in an IT related field while pregnant!) to come meet Maggie. That will be fun.
So that was some of my weekend, how was yours?
October 16th, 2017 at 7:32 am · Link
Awwww. Such sweet girls in your life–two AND four-legged varieties. I’m so excited for you and Wiz becoming grandparents and for CPA Boy and Special K to be parents. They’ll be awesome! And good for her to go after that advanced degree. You’ll figure out the misstep in the book. You always do. *nods*
I’m guessing the barking is happening at bedtime? Is Maggie’s kennel in a different room? If so, Maggie’s most likely missing her people. If she doesn’t settle soon, you might consider a compromise and move her kennel into the bedroom at night, especially if she’s housebroken and will sleep through the night. Just my two cents worth.
October 16th, 2017 at 10:58 am · Link
Silver, thank you on behalf of my two-and-four-legged variety of girls
Maggie surprises us last night and went into her kennel on her own and didn’t bark once. So we’ll see. You’re right that she wants to be with us, but she’s also a foster and I have to think of what’s best for her.
Hope you had a great weekend and you’re Monday is starting off right!
October 16th, 2017 at 3:12 pm · Link
I was wondering if this happened the night of Special K’s birthday party? Did you leave her home alone? If so maybe she had been bored during the day and wanted your attention now that you were home? Glad last night went well :).
I’m sure you’ll figure out what’s wrong and fix it in no time at all.
That necklace sounds wonderful. I have to look that up and see one for myself ;).
The little guy is under a blue light and tube fed (they try a little bottle every day). No idea when he’ll be coming home but Cass came home today. They took Harrison’s scull cap home for PeeWee and he just lays with his head on it. It’s so sweet. I think he just may know that it belongs to his human brother.
After we met Harrison yesterday hubs backed a loaner car into the parking garage support causing all kinds of damage. Not looking forward to the cost of repair.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
October 16th, 2017 at 4:31 pm · Link
Viki, wow you have a lot going on! First congrats on baby Harrison! I’m so excited for you all. The tube feeding will assure he’s getting everything he needs while he learns to bottle feed. Really hope Cassie’s recovering, she had a rougher time that we would have hoped. (But it’s worth if for baby Harrison!)
PeeWee laying with his head on Harrison’s skull cap is adorable.
Oh no on hubs backing a loaner car into the garage supports. It’s too easy to do stuff like that in an unfamiliar car and area. Maybe it won’t cost as much as you think?
You’re right, Maggie had been in her kennel while we were at Special K’s party, and that’s the night she barked. I don’t blame her in a sense. We put her in the kennel today too while we bought a car–hope she’s over it by tonight. I may just leave her out in the days–I’ve yet to see her do anything destructive.
Hope Monday is treating you well!
October 16th, 2017 at 8:58 pm · Link
I have an excuse for being late today. I was working on spreadsheety stuff all day and getting used to this new work thing I’m doing. It should all even out eventually and I can be somewhat normal again.
I’m so glad Maggie had a better night last night. Fingers crossed it keeps up. You’re such good people. :hugs: Sorry SD is giving you fits. You’ll figure it out. Yay for Special K and the BabyK and CPA Boy and Middle Son and his LadyLove.
There was a weekend? I missed it. I had to look at the calendar a minute ago to see what day it was. Could’ve sworn it was Wednesday or something. Sheesh.
October 18th, 2017 at 11:45 am · Link
B.E., I’m so late in answering this, sorry! Half the time I do this in my head but not real life, LOL!
You’re busy with the new work project, but it sounds like it’s an interesting challenge for you. That’s always good.
Maggie regressed last night. I’m going to try to get her into the shelter for a check to make sure she doesn’t have any physical issues like kennel couch or ear stuff. I need to figure out what’s bothering her or if she’s testing her limits. Or maybe we need to change things around for her.
I felt the same way about the weekend, LOL! Life is a bullet train lately.
Hope your week is going well!