So Monday we bought a car. I was hoping it’d take two hours, but it took between three and four hours. Most of that time was sitting around waiting for finance to pull all the paperwork together. Anyway, the good news is we bought a white Toyota Camry S.E. and so far, we really like it. We traded in our older Lexus. We’ve had two Lexuses and kept them for about 8 to 9 years on average. We’ll see if this car lasts that long!
Sunday and yesterday I really dug into reading through my book, and I’m thinking about it over night before I clean it up and ask for help from a critique partner. I see the problem, but I need an outside opinion to get my back on track to finish it. It’d be even better if I could get my physical problems cleared up but I have to go through the process of changing doctors so all that’s on hold for a month. It’s frustrating in the short-term but will be better in the long-term.
Okay onto Wednesday Worthy. Here’s today’s candidate:
What do you think, is he worthy?
October 18th, 2017 at 9:12 am · Link
Ooh! Love “new car smell.” LOL Hope y’all enjoy it and it lasts a long time! I love my Toyota Highlander! It’s a 2008 and runs like a top. I knew you’d figure out where the disconnect happened. Your CP will help. Crossing fingers the doctor switch goes smoothly. As for the candidate? Yeah, he can come work out at my house. Heck. I might even lift some weights with him!
Happy Hump Day!
October 18th, 2017 at 11:36 am · Link
Silver, I love that new car smell too. We got a good deal which makes me happy
I was thinking the same thing about this guy–I’d go back to lifting weights with him, LOL!
Hope you have a great day too!
October 18th, 2017 at 2:47 pm · Link
Nice! A new car. Glad you are enjoying it. I agree with you and Silver, that new car smell is the best.
I knew you would find what wasn’t working in the book really quick and you did. Also sure you’ll have it fixed on on track in no time.
I like this guy ;).
The body work on the loaner is $1350. Since our deductible is 1K we’re paying out of pocket. Keeps the insurance rate from going up.
Tomorrow hubs and I are taking the “how to care for the premature baby” class along with Harrison’s parents. There’s another class to attend next Tuesday. We should be good to then :).
Have a great afternoon!
October 18th, 2017 at 5:00 pm · Link
Viki, I hope I can solve it, but I do see the problem and that’s half the battle.
Out of pocket hurts but better than insurance rates going up.
That’s a lot of class work but it’ll probably help you all to feel more confident in taking care of Harrison. I hope he gets to come home soon! (But not before he’s ready, of course.)
Have a great night!