Okay, guys, February is sneaky! The month is over and I’m not ready! Tomorrow I’m scheduled for my next epidural shot, which is done in an outpatient surgery center. It completely snuck up on us. We are really REALLY hoping this shot puts everything into a form of remission for a while. Treating this kind of nerve pain is complex (and expensive!), but we’re very hopeful.
If I don’t post Friday, it’ll be because Thursday was a long day and I just don’t have the energy after the sedative they give me intravenously. I’ll catch up with everyone on Monday.
Now let’s move onto Wednesday Worthy. So I have a Very Important Question for you all: Do you prefer white or gray? In case you need visuals, here you go:
So which is more worthy to you? The white towel or the gray?
February 28th, 2018 at 3:27 am · Link
I hope all goes great tomorrow and you put a stop to the nerve pain. The cost of health care is crazy.
Get rest Friday and enjoy your weekend ????!
I pick gray????.
February 28th, 2018 at 11:14 am · Link
Crossing fingers for tomorrow! Do whatever it takes to recuperate!
Personally, I’m not too fond of “tidy-whities”. Grey shows less dirt. But I’d be tempted to laundry for both candidates if they decided to drop towel.
February 28th, 2018 at 12:55 pm · Link
Viki, thanks! I think the second shot will help. But yeah, health care is frightening. I’m more worried about that than the procedure.
Gray definitely has a few things going for it
February 28th, 2018 at 12:58 pm · Link
Silver, thanks! This time I don’t have a jam packed weekend planned like I did the last time I had the shot.
Let me know if you convince the guys to do that, and I’ll volunteer to pick up the towels for you to launder
February 28th, 2018 at 1:08 pm · Link
Positive thoughts for tomorrow! :hugs:
They look like the same guy to me. :blink blink: I dunno. Gray towel?
February 28th, 2018 at 9:10 pm · Link
B.E., thank you for the positive thoughts! I’m pretty confident based on my prior experience
The two towel guys are pretty close, although I can see small differences in their muscular build but those could be from camera angles and lighting too. Who knows???
Happy Hump Day!