Eh, it was a weekend. Not exciting since we chose to stay home, but not bad. The high point was planting some hydrangea plants in my front planter. As an aside, Maggie loves going to the garden shop at Home Depot! So many smells, and as a bonus, a nice little girl there petted her too. Best day ever for Maggie!
I tried to write, and I’m chipping away at Writer’s Block the only way I know how–with total Bulldog stubbornness. Saturday while I was supposed to be writing, my brother called. Then oldest son called. Then middle son called. I just laughed, because there are worse things in life then my family calling while I’m trying to work.
Lastly, it’s July 1st and the year is half over!
So that was my quiet weekend, how was yours?
July 1st, 2019 at 5:28 am · Link
Sounds like my weekend – not exciting but not bad. Yay for Maggie getting kid-pets! Ah, derailed by family calls. I wish I could say I had that reason for not working, too. ;o)
My weekend was walking, weeding, TV, and reading. I made a pizza yesterday – my best one yet. Read a really good courtroom thriller – Hostile Witness by Rebecca Forster. Watched the fawns. A good weekend all in all.
July 1st, 2019 at 7:41 am · Link
Awww. Nice weekend! And Maggie is such a good girl. And good excuses for not working.
We finished packing up and moving LG’s office. Long story but after almost 20 years together in two different locations, including 10 years at the current (now former) location in the Stockyards. He moved into his brother’s office. It’s all good–for both of them!
Had to laugh about the phone calls. Only calls me on her commute home because she’s bored when stuck in traffic. That’s usually when I’m trying to wrap up a scene so I can stop and fix dinner. Still, love her dearly so…yeah.
Had a great start on words last week but by the end of the week RL reared its ugly head. I did get almost 3K words done yesterday. Gonna miss my deadline but I’m at least at 65% of my word count so the end is sort of in sight.
Time to get to work! Have a great week.
July 1st, 2019 at 2:51 pm · Link
I can see Maggie having a great time at Home Depot. There are so many items to sniff ;). And to have the attention of a little girl too. She must have been on cloud nine.
Hydrangeas are favorites of mine. What color did you plant?
Guess writing wasn’t in the cards but family time was on Saturday :).
Our weekend was a normal one except we had dinner with the middle one and his wife. It was SO nice to just go out with them and not the entire family. It’s very hard to really talk when all 8 of us are together.
Hubs has to have oral surgery tomorrow afternoon. I know he will be put on a soft food diet and he’s not understanding the concept very well. He thinks he should be able to have a BLT Wednesday for dinner. I gave him “the look.” Men.
It’s super sticky outside so I am not leaving the house. The air hasn’t kicked on yet but it’s still nicer inside.
Have a great day!
July 1st, 2019 at 5:30 pm · Link
B.E., we definitely had similar weekends. No complaints but nothing super exciting to talk about. Well, except for your pizza!
I’ve known Rebecca for years, she goes (or went anyway) to my local RWA. She’s smart, very nice and always willing to help where she can. I really liked Hostile Witness too.
Happy your week and month are off to a good start!
July 1st, 2019 at 5:36 pm · Link
Silver, that sounds like a big move! Hope LG gets settled in quickly.
Oldest (CPA Boy) does the same, although it varies when he leaves the office.
You’re making amazing progress! I know it’s not where you want to be, but you’re getting there! Hope today was filled with several thousand brilliant words all in the right order
July 1st, 2019 at 5:43 pm · Link
Viki, we planted three, pink, lavender/purple and blue. Right now blue is my favorite, but we’ll see if the soil supports the color. I’ve wanted Hydrangea forever, but never got around to it.
I know exactly what you mean about a quieter evening with one of the kid-couples instead of all. I’m so glad you guys got together with Middle and his wife for dinner.
Poor hubs! And good luck convincing him. I had a meltdown with Wizard before his first back surgery–he just didn’t believe me that he wasn’t going to be fully mobile. Since I rarely semi meltdown (shocking, but true) that got Wizard’s attention and things worked out.
You should definitely stay inside with the air conditioning!