I heard a rumor that there was a weekend???? Can anyone actually confirm that? LOL! As usual, we had a busy weekend. The two highlights were:
- Saturday, we went out to Middle Son and his wife’s house to meet their newest addition, a sweet dog named Hazel. They now have two dogs, Jett and Hazel. Jett is a Dude, where’s the party? kind of guy. While Hazel has a little more refinement to her. She’s still a puppy at about 10 months old, but she truly has old soul energy about her, very calm and centered. Maggie met her with no problem. It was a good morning there, but I didn’t take pictures because we were very focused on introducing the dogs right–and that includes walking them together, etc. I handed Wizard put my purse and phone to put in their house and forgot all about taking pictures until we left. I have to say, really admire my son and his wife, as they are both committed to having big, power breed dogs, but they make sure the dogs have consistent structure, training and are never exposed to aggressive behavior. As a result, they are very balanced dogs and a pleasure to be around. Jett, however, has no clue he’s a big dog, LOL! I was sitting on the floor talking to all the dogs, and Jett backed up to me, sat on my lap then leaned back so that I was holding him and rubbing his belly. So I was pretty much holding a 70 pound love bug. He’s absolutely ridiculous and irresistable at the same time.
- Sunday, Wizard went racing, and I went to Youngest Son’s house and helped my almost daughter-in-law put a special primer on the walls of one of the bedrooms. That particular room is bugging her allergies, but we’ll get it all fixed up. Man that girl works hard! She rolled the whole room while I did the trim work. Youngest was patching holes and texturing walls in that room, and in other rooms too. Plus he was moving the ladder around for me. I’m sure I’ll be a little sore today, but it’s been 9 1/2 months since my surgery, so I’m past having to worry about causing any real damage. It’s so nice to feel useful again!
That was the two highlights, and I’m back trying to work on my book around life. The stops and starts are really bad for being able to get into the story, but on the other hand, the time away has helped me to see more clearly how I can make my heroine stronger as my critique partner suggested. I’m just diving in and trying.
So that was my weekend, how was yours?
August 19th, 2019 at 12:53 pm · Link
NINE AND A HALF MONTHS!!!!! NOOoooOOOOO! It was only like…last month! Has it really been that long? Wow. I…time…where did it go?
I’m slow getting around because I put in 14 hour days at the computer and my feet and ankles are STILL swollen. I did take off part of Saturday for RWA chapter meeting but worked before and after. 😜 I got all the updates and revisions done, plus got Bowker up-to-date on ISBNs, got them all re-uploaded to Amazon, got one formatted for print and partially uploaded–I need the cover to finish and waiting on Only for that. I have one more to format for print and I nee4d to get them uploaded to D2D. Once I get it done, I’m going for some downtime with my feet up and/or not sitting in my desk chair.
And that, folks, is the sum total of my weekend. Yippee. Here’s to a great week for all of us!
August 19th, 2019 at 1:25 pm · Link
Silver, I know! Where has time gone?
Sheesh, you’ve been in overdrive too! I’m assuming your feet and ankles are swollen from sitting (or I missed something, and since I’m never on FB anymore, that’s possible). You need time away! But wowzers, you’ve gotten a lot accomplished! You should feel great about that!
Hope your week is off to a kick-butt start!
August 19th, 2019 at 2:22 pm · Link
You’re right about the weekend flying by.
It’s so good to hear that you are able to help with painting and working on BLB/almost-DIL’s new house. Must feel really great to be able to do these things and not hurt yourself.
Jett is the “dude” ;). How cute. Hazel is laid back and lady like, that’s a nice mix. Is she a pitt mix too?
I can so picture Jett backing into your lap. My girlfriends daughter has 3 pitts pitt/mix. The oldest boy reminds me of Baby Huey. He is so clueless and wouldn’t hurt a fly.
I’m still trying to get the driveway and generator lined up. Can’t have any cars parked on the driveway for 4 days after it’s poured. They can’t commit because of rain. I can’t line up the generator because of the no parking. Slaps head into wall.
I hope you’re having a wonderful day.
August 19th, 2019 at 3:50 pm · Link
Busy lady! I’m so glad your recovery has gone so well and you’re kicking butt out there in the world. Don’t worry, kicking butt in the writing stuff will come. :hugs:
Not much going on around here. I haven’t been outside the house since Friday… Well, unless you count the couple minutes just now on the porch trying to smack a big ol’ horse fly, then it was right back inside. The heat index is 101 right now. But I’ve been staying active with cleaning and baking and stuffs, so it’s all good. I finally made that oatmeal cake. So yummy. I posted the recipe to my FB page, if you’re interested.
August 19th, 2019 at 6:12 pm · Link
Viki, it does feel great to feel helpful again! They all helped us out through the surgeries.
Yep Hazel is a pit mix too. She’s smaller than Jett, and very sweet too. I’ve never, ever seen aggression from Jett. He plays rough with his best friend, a great dane, but it’s all play. I expect the same from Hazel, but with any dog I meet, I go slow and build a relationship and real trust. But I really like her!
Man you’re between a rock and a hard place trying to get the generator and driveway scheduled. One of them has to commit to a date, so you can figure out the other. This kind of stuff gives me a headache–I mean it’s their job to figure out how to schedule!
My day is going very well, and I hope yours is too! Happy Monday!
August 19th, 2019 at 6:14 pm · Link
B.E, I hope so on the writing stuff, but hearing you say it (hmm, seeing you say it?), makes me feel better!
The heat is terrible for you! I’m so sorry. We had a couple bearable days which I so appreciated, and I really feel for you. You’re smart to stay in the house, and I know you had the big cleaning planned. And you found time to make cake! I’ll go check out the recipe, thanks!
Hope you get a break from the heat and have a great week!