Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019
Shh…Maggie Is Hiding

Hi guys, it’s me, Maggie. But don’t tell, okay? I’m hiding from my mom and Wizard dad. I’ll show you how good I am at hiding:

Pretty amazing, am I right?

So yesterday, mom decided to clean the carpets upstairs, and while she was doing that, the big monster machine was spitting out wet clumps of black hair.

Guess who they blamed? Can you even believe they blamed me, Maggie?

So then I got my feelings a little bit of mad-hurt, and I hid from them. I bet they’re gonna feel real bad when they can’t find me, and then won’t care so much about my hair.

Later On That Same Day: Guys, you know what? My hiding must have worked, because Wizard-dad gave me an extra treat-bone for no reason! He never does that!

Happy Wednesday everyone and I hope you get an extra treat today!

6 comments to “Shh…Maggie Is Hiding”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    November 20th, 2019 at 7:39 am · Link

    Black dogs and light carpet do not go well together. If I had a way to put a picture here, I would show you the two big black dogs I used to have – Sheba, my daughter’s Rott-n-Lab, and Tutter, my Malamute-Lab. You probably wouldn’t have wanted to play with them, Maggie, because they were 70 and 110 pounds and they played rough with each other. Cleaning up after them was way hard. Heck, cleaning gray cat fur out of our light carpets now is no gun. But you can’t help shedding and your parents can’t help being grumpy about cleaning it up. Yay for getting extra treats, though!

  2. Silver James
    November 20th, 2019 at 8:57 am · Link

    You ARE good at hiding, Maggie! Jake and Boone know your pain. fjd’aen5re3la Heya Maggie. Jake here. I played dolphin nose with Mom to make her give me the keyboard. When Lawyer Dad gets out the Closet Monster, Mom has to go back later to unclog the Closet Monster. And they sweep lots and lots before the Closet Monster eats all the hair Boone Dog and I leave as presents. We go outside while Lawyer Dad wrangles the darn thing. Then we bring in leaves or grass. Boone Dog and I need to figure out how to get extra treats…

    Mom and I went to Walmart yesterday to take back something. People took my picture and I was a Very Good Boy. I got a puppacino at the Starbuck’s place. Then we went to get cleaning and pizza and gas. I got lots of pets. Shhh. Don’t tel but my Good Dog vest is itchy sometimes. I roll on the ground to scratch. Mom thinks I’m cute.

    Your Mom and Wizard-dad love you. 🐶

  3. Viki S.
    November 20th, 2019 at 3:59 pm · Link

    Maggie you are a very good hider :). Wizard-dad must have felt bad to give you an extra bone, or maybe he just loves you extra :).
    Spunk knows how you felt. Today I vacuumed the basement stairs and hubs made the comment that the canister was filled with kitty fur. Spunk was not happy and stayed in the basement for hours.

    No extra treat for me today but Spunk gets one ;).

    Have a great day!

  4. Jenn
    November 20th, 2019 at 6:12 pm · Link

    Hi B.E., I bet Sheba and Tutter had lots of fun times together! I don’t know how to play rough though, so maybe I’d just watch. My two big cousin-dogs are coming over on Thanksgiving, and mom says I probably should just watch them play too.

    Mom always asks me how a short hair dog like me sheds so much. But then she pets me and tells me I’m worth it!

    Extra treats are awesome!

  5. Jenn
    November 20th, 2019 at 6:18 pm · Link

    Silver, thank you.

    Hi Jake! Wow you have like a cool game with Closet Monster. I totally think you should get extra treats all the times. We all should.

    You must be a very smart dog, Jake, to get those “good boys” all the place you go. Mom says you’re learning to be a working dog, and that’s special, so maybe that’ll get you extra treats?

    Hopefully rolling on the ground will teach that vest not to itch :-)

  6. Jenn
    November 20th, 2019 at 6:23 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks, I think I’m good at hiding too. I think Wizard-dad loves me :-)

    Spunk probably can’t help shedding either. We get a little testy when we get blamed for things we can’t really stop so I understand why he stayed in the basement.

    Hope Spunk loves his extra treat as much as I loved mine!

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