Do any of these ring a bell for you?
Cleaning Procrastination
Deadline Procrastinator
Social Media Procrastinator
I’m Social Media Procrastinator every danged day (reading news and mindless FB scrolling in particular)
Cleaning Procrastinator sometimes, but less than I used to be.
And for Deadline Procrastinator, I’ve been there, done that and burned the T-shirt with the acid from my stomach ulcer
How about you? Do you resemble any or all of these?
May 20th, 2020 at 2:14 pm · Link
I am a social media procrastinator too. Trying to cure myself but it’s going slow ;).
Cassie won’t do my hair. If she gets turned in she will lose her license :(. They are only legally allowed to do immediate family members in their own home, otherwise it has to be in a salon.
Tried to get a London Broil today that was advertised at the local grocery store. None! The only meat they had were cuts I would never use. I really hope this straightens out soon.
Have a great day!
May 20th, 2020 at 4:29 pm · Link
Viki, bummer on your hair. I do understand risking her license though. I was hoping she could do family and friends without penalty.
The meat packing plants are really struggling. Their work environment just seems to be perfect for spreading the virus uncontrollably. Like you, I hope they can figure out a solution so workers can stay healthy (that’s the biggest priority) and we can keep the supply chain moving.
We are living in frustrating times. I’m keeping my fingers crossed the virus slows down until we can get a vaccine that will help control it.
May 20th, 2020 at 10:56 pm · Link
Yes all
May 22nd, 2020 at 8:05 am · Link
How did I miss this Wednesday? I definitely connect with the deadline procrastinator. LOL