I’m writing this Sunday afternoon while Turbo is outside playing with Wizard. Our weekend has been good so far. Turbo accepted his parents leaving with no problem. He’s been totally comfortable and having a great time. Here he is playing in the dirt.
Turbo’s grandpa has a bucket of dirt for him to play with We sent pictures to his parents, and they are chill with it–or pretending to be. Turbo loves baths, so I don’t see a problem.
Once we recover on Tuesday then I’ll get to work on Eli’s opening scene in Primal Magic. I tried on Saturday, but Eli wasn’t feeling the scene I designed just for him. So…all is normal in the Wing Slayer Hunter world, LOL!
Today, we’ll probably take Turbo home late this afternoon, then come home and crash hard.
How was your weekend?
October 19th, 2020 at 6:21 am · Link
Awesome! Kids need to play in the dirt. And it all washes off. Yay for Turbo loving baths! Ugh, tell that Eli to get it in gear. Have a fun rest of today and then a good crashing.
I have all of my proofer notes now. Today I start fixing the stuff they found. I may still have this out by the end of the month. We’ll see. I got the blurb done, added some Coming Soon stuff to the blogs and to my FB header. In non-writing news, I made a new recipe yesterday – oatmeal apple cookies. They’re pretty much like regular oatmeal cookies, but with diced apple instead of raisins. They were good, but not wow. Next time I’ll add some hot cider mix and a little more cinnamon to amp up the flavor. I also got some cleaning and some reading done. Yay.
October 19th, 2020 at 9:05 am · Link
Kids and dirt. It’s meant to be. And little boys and trucks. Some little girls, too, including my own. Eli is such a PITA but we love him anyway! You’ll miss Turbo after you take him home but yay for crash nap time! You’ll need it.
There was a weekend. We did a spaghetti dinner at the Post Friday night. Saturday was a blur. I edited. Sunday, Only joined the church affliated with Stormy’s school so we went. Came home and I edited. LG went to the Post to work a corn-hole tournament. I edited.
In other news, I finished the edits! Mostly. I need to do a quick search-and-replace for the word “club.” There are times it needs to be capitalized and I’m not sure I did. It’s a continuity thing. And in other-other news, the book is better than I thought, though still 70K. The scenes I though I could cut? Nope. Other scenes and plot points wouldn’t have made as much sense. S’all good.
As soon as I get off the net, I’m doing the club thing. Then time to be an adult and make a Wallyworld run. We need things like coffee. And food. Then I’ll start formatting. Gah! I hate the formatting almost as much as I hate writing the blurb.
That’s my plan for the day. Have a great week, everyone!
October 19th, 2020 at 3:01 pm · Link
Good job Grandpa in supplying dirt. Nothing is more fun :). Looks like Turbo had tons of fun.
How tired are you and Wizard? Little people sure keep us on our toes.
How did the cookie making go? I bet Turbo helped clean up the kitchen too. Harrison loves cleaning.
Speaking of Harrison, they took him to the drive in Saturday night to see Nightmare Before Christmas. He’d seen the movie before but had never been to the drive in. He loved it.
I hope you guys get some much needed rest :). Take care.
October 20th, 2020 at 2:34 pm · Link
B.E., I’ve kinda-sorta figured out Eli’s problem today, but I’m so wiped from all the fun with Turbo, I’m mostly doing tasks today rather than actual writing
Yay on getting all your proofreader notes. You did a lot this weekend with the blurb, FB header and oatmeal apple cookies. Your thoughts on how to get them to the wow status good to me. You can try a bit of nutmeg too if you like that spice.
Sorry for being late, I’m catching up today
October 20th, 2020 at 2:41 pm · Link
Silver, yep we miss Turbo You’re right about boys, dirt and trucks. And yep, my kids had friends who were girls who were right there in the dirt with them.
I’m seeing an editing pattern in your weekend, LOL. All your hard work paid off when you finished! I always have a list of words to search by the time I’m done editing. The fact that you only have one shows you write much cleaner than I do.
Hope you got everything done yesterday and a start on the dreaded formatting. That’s why I have a formatter, I know I would hate it, nor would I be good at it.
Here’s to a productive week!
October 20th, 2020 at 2:49 pm · Link
Viki, I cracked up at grandpa getting Turbo all that dirt. Grandpa had a great time with Turbo.
I’m more tired than Wizard, but both of us are fine overall. We enjoyed him so much.
The cookies aren’t bad, very low in sugar and a little dense, but considering measuring is a loose concept to a 2 1/2 year old, we did good Turbo did help me wash a couple things, then he went to play trucks with Grandpa, so I could clean up faster.
How funny that parents are taking kids to drive throughs again! Of course I know it’s from Covid. So glad Harrison enjoyed it. Is he excited about Christmas now? They are so cute at this age!
I hope you had a good weekend, and that your week is going well.