So this weekend took an a turn I could have done without. Maggie had what I hoped was just a bladder infection. Friday afternoon, I took her to the vet where my daughter-in-law works. In my state and probably elsewhere, Covid restrictions require humans to stay in the cars, only pets go into the office. My daughter-in-law came out to get Maggie, and secure my permission to take urine, which involves an ultrasound and a needle. After that she and Maggie went inside. A half hour later the doctor called me. While doing the ultrasound on Maggie, they found two significant spots in her bladder that could be stones (not good) or masses (really bad). She asked to do an x-ray and blood work.
I want to say I was shocked, but I wasn’t. I’d hoped I was over-reacting, but we’d known something was going on with Maggie for a while. The problem was we couldn’t pinpoint it until last week when her symptoms showed and then quickly progressed.
Anyway, my daughter-in-law came out to get my signature and talk to me. First, she did NOT pretend all is well. Guys, I love her for that alone. It’s okay to be worried and scared as long as we’re not panicking. I wanted to make sure I was processing information correctly, because no matter how this turned out, I would have to make decisions and they needed to make the right ones for Maggie. My daughter-in-law kept me focused on dealing with each step, answered questions that she could (she’s not a vet, and never oversteps that line which is another reason I respect her), and gave me a timeline for the next couple hours. I do much better with clear information than any kind of vague assurances. And the best part is I knew she was in there with Maggie.
In the meantime, I called Wizard. He was upset for Maggie, and waiting too. I think I talked to him more on the phone in those three hours I waited at the vet’s office than in the past couple months An hour and a half later the vet called. Maggie has two large stones in her bladder. She needs surgery and the soonest they can get her in is this Thursday. We booked it. How this dog has been functioning like her happy little self for this long is a mystery. Maggie is a tough little girl I’m sure I should have realized sooner, but I didn’t. Beating myself up over that won’t help Maggie now, so I’m not going down that road.
To add to our fun, the next day, one of Maggie’s labs came back and sure enough she also has an infection (UTI) so…my girl likes to multitask.
Maggie’s home now, she’s on some meds to help clear up the infection and get her through until Thursday. So far she’s tolerating the meds, and believe it or not, eating. Urinating is a struggle, but she’s coping. She never cries, no matter how awful it looks when she’s trying to void her bladder. I have a copy of the x-ray, and trust me, these are two very large stones. Wizard and I are are aware of the risks, but we are confident surgery really is the best and only option for her. Once that’s done, we’ll have to change her diet, but we’ll tackle it all one day at a time. Because we love her.
So that was my weekend, how was yours?
January 25th, 2021 at 9:13 am · Link
Oh No! Poor Maggie. Please keep us informed as to how she is doing.
January 25th, 2021 at 9:27 am · Link
Sending all the love to Maggie, you, Wizard, and all the family. Maggie is a tough little fighter and she’ll come through this and be all the healthier and happier for it. Hang in there. Holding and sending healing thoughts your way. Looking forward to Friday’s update!
I got some writing done. Did some veggie. Did some book listening. We’re all good. Knock wood!
January 25th, 2021 at 1:26 pm · Link
Shonna, thanks! I will keep you all updated. We’re just hanging in there until Thursday. I appreciate your caring.
January 25th, 2021 at 1:28 pm · Link
Silver, thanks, and I agree. Hopefully surgery and diet change will solve this problem and she can get back to chasing critters in the back yard.
Sounds like a nice weekend, and very happy to hear you’re “all good”. Exactly what I want to hear!
Happy Monday.
January 25th, 2021 at 3:23 pm · Link
Poor Maggie. She must be so uncomfortable. Good thing she has such a fantastic human family. We/she knows that you will take the very best of care for her. I have added her to my prayers. What time does she go in for her surgery Thursday? I want to make sure that God and I are talking at that time.
Did you get enough rain over the weekend to help out with the drought? The photo you posted of your hike the yesterday looked like the ground was very dry.
We didn’t get much snow over the weekend but it did get cold ( 14F with single digit wind chill). We’re going to have freezing rain over night tonight but should start warming up around 8am. I hope it’s sooner so that those who have to drive in to work are safe.
Give Maggie an extra rub from me and have a great evening.
January 25th, 2021 at 6:50 pm · Link
Viki, thank you! I don’t have a time yet, I’ll get more info when they call me on Wednesday. I know the drop off time is between 8 and 8:30 in the morning. They’re having to do surgeries all day now to keep up since other offices have had to close down. It’s all a mess here, but the vet really took good care of her, so I consider us fortunate.
We got rain the day before that pic, then more rain last night and hail today. The air is really unstable today. We have more rain coming later in the week, which is good. As you saw, it’s really dry and the rain will help.
That’s really cold there1 The freezing rain sounds treacherous to drivers, so I’m with you on hoping its a bit warmer and safer for the morning commute.
I’ll pet Maggie for you, she’s sleeping upstairs in her “want to be alone” spot. Hope you have a good evening too!
January 26th, 2021 at 7:05 am · Link
:hugs: Sorry I missed this yesterday, but you know what I was doing yesterday, so I get a pass.
Every positive thought possible winging its way toward you and Maggie. :hugs:
January 26th, 2021 at 4:56 pm · Link
B.E, thanks so much for caring.
I’m so sorry about Kira. I know she was a senior kitty and lived a good life, but losing them is so hard. Big hugs!