Friday, May 28th, 2021
Friday Five
TGIF!! Time to share five random things about our week:
- Wizard has been getting out of grocery shopping. I’m very sulky about it. I LOATHE grocery shopping. Next week, I’m making him go with me.
- I ordered my glasses five weeks ago and still waiting. The office finally called me yesterday to tell me there was a problem. You think? Sorry, is my annoyed sarcasm showing? I’m more annoyed that they brushed me off twice when I called to inquire about the glasses, than the fact that they ran into a problem. Anyhow the problem is they are supposedly having trouble cutting the lenses, and the lab will call them back soon with an update…we’ll see what happens.
- I’m working a lot this week and wish I had more pages to show for it. But I’m logging the hours and efforts, so the rest will come, it always does. Side note: Having to thread Ram and Ginny’s storylines in to this book along with Eli and Savi’s is crazymaking. I’m pretty sure the Wing Slayer Hunters stay awake nights plotting ways to melt my brain in some kind of twisted revenge for making them work so hard to get their Happily Ever Afters.
- I’m writing this Thursday afternoon right before Wizard and I leave for dinner out. We’d originally planner to go out for Mother’s Day, but Wizard had an allergy attack so we’re finally getting around to actually going. We are both looking forward to going out.
- In the column of good things I do for myself, I’m still doing Yoga. It’s helping me destress, and I think it improves my sleep slightly. In the things only good for my mental health–I bought dark chocolate covered almonds. But I haven’t opened them yet
That’s my five now I’d love to hear yours. I hope everyone in the states has a great Memorial Day Weekend!
May 28th, 2021 at 6:51 am · Link
Yay for yoga and chocolate! Yay for going out! I hope you had a nice dinner. Yay for working and yes, the pages will come. Wrangle those Hunters! Boo for stupid glasses people and for shopping when you don’t like to.
1) They had predicted some seriously nasty weather for us for yesterday, but all we really got was rain. Two inches between like 1pm and 6am. Sploosh.
2) In anticipation of the weather, we moved the garden inside. Half in the sunroom and half in the garage. One of the benefits of this container gardening thing – no wondering whether the rain/hail will ruin my plants.
3) I made a black-forest cake. It’s really just a chocolate cake with cherry pie filling spread over the top and whipped cream on the side. (The whipped cream is supposed to be spread over the cherries, but I like it better when I can control the amount I get on each piece.)
4) Yesterday, I finished beta reading a most awesome book. I can’t wait until it’s out so I can buy a copy.
5) My own writing has totally been in the desert. I really need to rectify that. I need to focus on what Jack London said “You can’t wait for inspiration. You need to go after it with a club.” Time to dust off the club and go after it.
May 28th, 2021 at 7:40 am · Link
Yay. B.E. beat me to it so what she said! I totally agree with her assessment and totally get all you said. Okay, my five:
1. Stormy arrived yesterday before the storms and spent the night. We had a chance of high winds and hail and maybe swirly things but we got rain. LOTS of it. So a bit of flash flooding. Wait! That should count as two things.
2. I got my MS back from my beta but her email said she liked it. Haven’t looked at it yet and still waiting on the editorial copy. GHOSTS should be out next week. 🤞
3. Super-regional softball starts today. Both my OSU Cowgirls and the OU Sooners are hosting teams. And it’s all on TV. YAYAY! 🥳
4. I did a cool thing. At least *I* think it’s cool. I made a YouTube “Mix List” of the soundtrack/playlist of GHOSTS. I’ll post the link when the book is ready to go live. 🎵🎧
5. Okay, I give up. Boring life. I revert back to the weather. We had to turn the AC on because 87 degrees with 90% humidity and 7o at night? Nope. Now that the storm cleared the air, we’re looking at highs in the low 70s and lows in the 50s and 60s so that AC is turning off! I love fresh air (and low utility bills!)
So, that’s my five (and story) and I’m stickin’ to ’em. 🤣
May 28th, 2021 at 3:16 pm · Link
1. You are so lucky that Wizard does any shopping. My hubs hasn’t done ANY since the initial lockdown.
2. They finally called you about your glasses – WOW! I hope they can figure out how to cut the glass and that they arrive soon.
3. It’s a fact that the Wing Slayers like to mess with you so it’s not too surprising that they are once again giving you a challenge.
4. How sweet! I hope you and Wizard had a lovely dinner.
5. Keep up the good things you do for you. We often neglect ourselves.
1a. Had a physical done on the ellipse. All is good except the bearings are shot in the right arm. A new one will go on in two weeks. It’s still under warranty thank heaven.
2a. Had 5 yds of mulch delivered. No, I will not be spreading it. That is a job for hubs. I don’t go outside much because of allergies.
3a. After being in the upper 80’s and lower 90’s it’s 59F and rainy today. I’m loving it. We need the rain. Our pump in the well has been working so hard to keep the holding tank full. There just isn’t enough water :(.
4a. It’s so nice to go about business and see peoples faces again. It is strange that SO many vaccinated people are still clinging to their masks. They’ve become security blankets. I was one that would tear mine off my face the moment I left a store. So going without has been a pleasure.
5a. Because it’s so cool I’m making soup and grilled Havarti sandwiches for dinner and I think we will have a fire. Spunk will love it :).
Have a wonderful weekend!
May 28th, 2021 at 5:10 pm · Link
B.E., we had a super nice dinner, thanks!
1) Two inches of rain is a lot, but glad the worst of the nastiness missed you.
2) Yay for portable container gardens!
3) Sounds yummy!
4) Oh! I want to hear about the book when it releases! (I’m wondering if it’s Silver, but I won’t ask, I can wait)
5) I hope you have a big club! I agree with that quote!
Hope you have a great weekend!
May 28th, 2021 at 5:16 pm · Link
1) Hope you didn’t have too much flooding, and yay for Stormy Time. (It totally could have been 2 things).
2) Yay for beta reader approval! And you’re going gangbusters this year!!! So happy for you!
3) Glad the games will be on TV. Wizard’s been occassionally frustrated by not being able to watch his teams for various reasons–pay-per-view or we don’t have the right channel, or blocked for some other reasons. The pain is real.
4) That’s definitely a cool thing!
5) Weather is always a topic it and I’m with you, I really love fresh air.
Hope you have a great weekend!
May 28th, 2021 at 5:27 pm · Link
Viki, I am lucky that Wizard will do shopping. He used to do all kinds of errands for me where he worked because we didn’t have the same stores out here. But he’s always been good about pitching in.
1) Good thing you got the warranty (I rarely do!). The elliptical is the only thing I miss at the gym. I love it.
2) Spreading that is a job! Glad your hubs is doing it, and you don’t have to brave the pollen (or whatever sets off your allergies)
3) Hope the rain helps.
4) Glad you’re able to go without a mask. I’m pretty much a to each his own person
5) Dinner sounds good. I hope Spunk is feeling well and enjoys the fire!
Have a great weekend!