Jennifer Lyon

Archive for June, 2021

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Monday, June 14th, 2021
Weekend Roundup

Quiet weekend, which I’m good with. My favorite part was getting videos of my grandson, Turbo. He was playing with a friend, and they were so cute together. Both are 3. But at one point she hugged Turbo, who made some kind of mild protest I didn’t really catch on the video.

The sweet little girl said, “Sorry.”

Turbo respond, “It was so much hugs.”

I cracked up. Then later, Turbo hugged her. 3 year olds are adorable sometimes.

Otherwise, my weekend was the usual stuff; cleaning, errands, cooking, walking with Maggie, and writing. The book is developing, but wow, I was pulling some quotes to send to Carla (my assistant) and talk about messy. The pages are just brimming with typos, missing words and general nonsense that even I can’t make heads or tails of. I convinced the Wing Slayer Hunters are putting in that gibberish in there just to screw with me.

Seriously. They’re devious like that.

But that’s okay, my general rule is:

The first draft is a disgusting mess with glimmers of hope that a story is possible.

The second draft shows signs of story structure, character development and a plot arc.

The third draft is a freaking miracle that might be publishable :-)

So that was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, June 11th, 2021
Friday Five

TGIF! Did you all hear the whoosh as another week zoomed by? Okay let’s jump into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. We’ve been cleaning carpets. Ugh. Okay, here’s the thing, after the last time my daughter-in-law loaned us her carpet cleaner, I was gonna buy one so we could do this as needed in a logical and consistent way, instead of this frenzied all-at-once way.  It was a solid plan and I put a carpet cleaner in my cart on Amazon cart. Then…Cheap Jen woke up and deleted it from my cart. Two years later, we borrowed the carpet cleaner again, and Holy Disgust Balls. We had to do some rooms twice, I don’t mean we went over the carpet back and forth twice, I mean full clean, let dry and do it all over again twice. As I’m writing this on Thursday, all I have left to do is the three easy bedrooms upstairs which I can do in an hour or two. We left the easy rooms for last.
  2. I’ve put Cheap Jen in time out until she agrees we need to buy a carpet cleaner with no more cheap-ass shenanigan’s.
  3. Yesterday, I went to Starbucks, and ordered something new, an iced honey oatmilk latter. OMG LOVE!!! I meant to get it hot, but they gave it to me iced, and I thought, why not? I really liked it. I’m still buzzing from the caffeine though :-)
  4. Still doing yoga, but doing it Wednesday after a marathon cleaning day may not have been my brightest idea. My joints did a bunch of Wizard of Oz Tin Man squeaks and squawks. However I got through the practice without injury. I could use a quart or two of some oil laced with ibuprofen into my joints though :-)
  5. I’m getting some words down too. I’ve passed the 100 page mark story wise. Those are pages I consider workable. Brace yourselves for this tidbit of crazy: I actually have 349 pages in the file. I have even more in another cut file. Some of the extra 250 pages I will use at least snippets of, the rest will get cut. It’s insane, but it’s how I work. The Wing Slayer Hunter world is expanding with every book, and I’m evidently here only to tell the story. When I try to actually control things, the hunters stand back and watch me write myself into a corner, then laugh.

That’s my five random things, now I’d love to hear yours. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 9th, 2021
Who Cares About Morning Routines?

I don’t know why anyone cares, but here’s what my morning routine looks like.

5:30 a.m, I’m always awake. Always. Sometimes I’m awake at 4;30am but I stay in bed until he coffeemaker goes off.

5:30 – 6:30 a.m: I sit with Maggie on the couch, have coffee, and either read, check email, do some editing or watch videos. It’s usually my only “downtime” during the daylight hours and I’ve learned to enjoy it.

6:30 – 7:30 a.m: Shower and walk Maggie.

7:30-8:00 a.m: Make breakfast–usually boring oatmeal with blueberries, organic almond butter and cinnamon. Or I have yogurt, fruit and a piece of toast with almond butter. FYI I love sliced apples dipped in yogurt. I feel that not enough people know this is delicious :-)

ARE YOU BOARD YET??? I mean all that above is true and my day goes on nonstop from there, but why does it matter? It doesn’t. But all over the internet, “successful” people are telling us their morning routines as if it were life-changing information.

As my adorable and very bright 3 year old grandson would say, “That’s so silly.”

The only morning routine that matters is the one that works for YOU. Copying someone else’s morning routine by making the same exact green juice they choke down each day won’t suddenly make you super successful. But it will also make you sad that you didn’t slice up fresh, crisp apples and dip them in smooth creamy Yoplait yogurt instead. Trust me, it’s much better then pureed spinach. Anyway, morning routines are, at best, a structure in which to manage your time to achieve all your goals. If you want to tone up and drop weight, then sure, structuring in time for exercise and a healthy breakfast makes sense–but only if it’s doable for you. Not everyone is a morning person. Some people can barely find their way out of bed to the coffeemaker. They’d be downright dangerous on a treadmill before noon.

We all look for shortcuts, but in the end, what matters is focusing on our goals, and figuring out how to take steps each day to get there in a way that works for us. Maybe shutting off the internet and doing the thing–exercise, or in my case, writing–is the real tool that will get us to success.

And back to my routine for a moment, I’m more a morning person by nature, and I tend to do a fair amount of things in the the day. Partly that’s because I’m a card-carrying control freak and I can’t live in chaos. I know this about myself, so I structure my days in a way that keeps my life running somewhat smoothly and doesn’t drain too much of my energy. Doing that then frees up brain space, and energy, for creativity. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and have learned through experience how to maximize my limited energy. But all this is just what works for me.

Other folks can thrive on chaos. I’ve seen it and marveled at it. I’m actually in awe of people who can do it. If they tried to live my structured life, it would suck the joy and creativity right out of them in about three hours. My morning routine is not just useless to them, its actually damaging. And the reverse is true; if I tried to live their lives, I’d be too anxious and tired to be creative.

That’s all okay. Know yourself, know your goals, and go do it!

Okay, tell me about your days. Do you like structure or do you thrive on being a free spirit who embraces a little chaos?

Monday, June 7th, 2021
Weekend Roundup

Fun weekend! Saturday I worked, and since it was a decent writing day, I call that fun.

Sunday was all about…

Turbo! His parents dropped him off at 10am. We dug in dirt, played in the hot tub (pictured above), ran up and down stairs a gazillion times, played endless games of trucks, took Maggie for a walk, and had homemade chocoate cookies. We wore him out and he fell asleep five minutes after we put him in the car for the ride home. Our daughter-in-law grilled steaks for dinner too. Totally fun day but no words got written. Turbo takes a village, LOL! He’s sweet, well behaved and is a ball of constantly moving energy.

Today it’s back to the world of sexy, demanding Wing Slayers. I have a long ways to go, but I’m finally hitting a stride…which will take a headlong slide into a wall again at some point :-) But for now, I’m strapping in and typing!

How was your weekend?

Friday, June 4th, 2021
Friday Five

TGIF! Sheesh, I don’t know how time is going by so fast! Okay, let’s dive into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Top of the news for me is that Wednesday we went to play with Turbo. He was a blast from the moment we walked in :-) When we had to leave, he was said and said, “I don’t want you to leave.” Priceless.
  2. How many of you bet on Maggie winning the mini hunger strike???? You all win! She’s back to getting wet food in her morning kibble just how she likes it. There’s a reason we call her Princess AKA Princess P.I.A.
  3. Maggie’s other nicknames include Magalicious, Pupperoni, Love Bug and Pumpkin Face.  The last one is probably the weirdest, LOL. It’s one of those names that just happened for silly reasons and stuck.
  4. I am not a fan of cleaning. However I’m a huge fan of a clean house. The dilemma is real. So is the body aches from cleaning :-)
  5. Back to Turbo, he’s coming over Sunday. His parents will make the hour drive out to drop him off, then return home to tackle some spring cleaning and we’ll take him home later that day. I told Maggie Turbo is coming over–her ears went up and she looked at the front door. I felt bad since she didn’t understand I didn’t mean that minute. If Maggie sees us getting ready for company (like getting out Turbo’s toys), she sits at the door and waits. It’s cute like that, but not cute that I teased her days before Turbo was actually coming over.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021
Help Me Break My Reading Slump

So I read a big paranormal romance trilogy and then burned out badly. Since then, I’ve read a book or two, but I keep getting distracted.

FYI, my distractions are podcasts about cults (it’s a weird fascination) and business, elite gymnastics, cake decorating videos and veterinarian shows, all of which I watch on the same Kindle that I read books on :-)

But I’m looking for a killer romance…I mean hot, sexy, can’t-put-it-down. I must break this slump!

If you know a good romance, please shout it out!

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