Jennifer Lyon

Archive for August, 2022

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Monday, August 15th, 2022
Weekend Roundup

The heat sucks. Just thought I’d mention it :-)

Saturday we went out to see Wizard’s mom and took Maggie again. That made her happy. Getting older is not easy, and if Maggie can make her smile, then she’s earned her keep!

Sunday Biker Witch and I went to lunch and hung out at the mall to stay cool. I even found a few things to buy because I wasn’t looking, which is always how it goes. It was great to see her and just hang out. I wish my stomach had been a tad more cooperative, but overall, it was a good day.

Wizard let me know just this last Saturday night that his reunion is casual. I made him show me this since it’s at a country club. I honestly couldn’t tell if they meant casual because it’s buffet style dinner or casual dress. Also, why did he want until after I bought and showed him the dress to tell me???? But I’m seriously thinking I’ll take the dress back and just wear something casual. I really like the dress but it’s not something I’ll wear a lot so I’m leaning more toward going with a more casual look. I’ll be more comfortable too which is always a plus.

So that was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, August 12th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF!! Let’s all share five random things about our week. Here’s mine.

  1. Wizard and I are rarely bored. But this week, we’ve been bored. Now that the panic of where to live is solved since we are able to rent back here for the month of September, we’re living in limbo. We have half the house packed, it’s hot as Hades outside, so what do we do? It’s annoying stuff, my basil plants looks good and I wanted to try making a pesto sauce but my food processor is packed. I can unpack it since the boxes are clearly marked but I don’t want to undo the work I’ve done.
  2. On Tuesday afternoon we were so bored, I talked Wizard into furniture shopping. We aren’t buying, just looking at things we might want in the new house eventually. Because we weren’t buying, we found stuff, couches, a dining table, and a desk :-) Isn’t that always the way. The surprise find though was a hallway table with a wine rack in it. We definitely want that table, but not until we are in the new house. Right now, it’s just more clutter to move. And we’re not exactly believing the promises of move-in dates at this point.
  3. Wednesday I went to my regular doctor, whom I like a lot. So he was comparing my latest bloodwork numbers with the previous year and said, “You’re cholesterol has gone down, you’re doing great.” And me, being glib (translation: a smart ass) said something to the effect of, “That’s because the I can’t eat many foods anymore.” You know what I should have said, “Thanks that’s good news. But no, I had to be a little snarly and you know what that got me? A trip to the gastroenterologists with a strong suggestion that I have a double scope procedure. LOL! Okay, truthfully, the reasons I went in to the docs was to request the referral to a gastroenterologist, but my doctor was way, WAY ahead of me. Once I said that and he fired off a rapid fire verbal quiz, then bent over his computer ordering the referral before I could ask for it.  I didn’t even get a vote in the decision :-) Just to be clear, though, we are not looking for anything scary here, just to see if there’s inflammation and determine the right coarse of treatment, if any, in addition to dietary.  Otherwise, I’m healthy.
  4. My dress came and I really like it! Here’s a pic of it on the hanger. It doesn’t show it off at it’s best, but you can get the idea.  It fits, so I think I’ll keep it.
  5. Maggie is bored too. She tries to go outside and chase lizards, but I limit her time outside, then make her come in and cool down. So we pretty much play in and out all day, but when the temps are over a 100, heat stroke is a very real possibility in people and dogs. She is very good about drinking lots of water so that helps.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022
Weird Word Wednesday

So does a word ever bug you? It may be a perfectly fine word, but when you read or hear it, it twangs like a bad note in your brain? Maybe you think no one says that! For me, one of those words is “guffaw.” I mean who actually says that aside from writers because we’re weird?? I know the word, but I never say it. And my family teases me relentlessly about my vocabulary. I use a lot of words they swear “normal” people don’t use. I think that may be true of most people who read a lot. We just like words, and they have a way of popping into our conversations without us fully realizing it.

But to my ears, “guffaw” is awkward and weird. Sadly, I have written it, I think. But whenever I read or hear it in an audiobook, my brain notes it as awkward.

So my weird word this Wednesday is “guffaw.” What’s yours???

Monday, August 8th, 2022
Weekend Roundup

Friday afternoon plot twist anyone?  How about an expensive plot twist full of Holy Crap Batman, What Now? 

Despite having been sent an official notice of the closing dates on the house, along with fees that will be assessed if we are even a day late in closing, the builder has delayed it for a month. And they somehow managed to move the date without incurring the fees.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some of that magic?

That was very stressful, but yesterday afternoon we asked the new owners if it’d be possible to extend our rental. They agreed and we are so very grateful to them. I sincerely mean that, they have been awesome in working with us. I don’t know their circumstances but they seem very capable so hopefully this is working out well for them too. Just for the record, if they had said no, we would have totally understood and struggled to find other arrangements.

Otherwise, the weekend was hot, frustrating, and occassionally productive. I ordered a possible dress for Wizard’s reunion, but that’s a minor thing. Heck we may even be moving that weekend, so we’ll just see how it goes.

Yesterday I started getting a slew of spam calls with unidentified numbers. It’s a scam claiming they are Amazon. After about 8 of those, I unplugged my landline phone and set my printer so the fax machine answers :-)

This whole experience of selling one house and buying a new build are giving me lots of plot ideas!

How was your weekend?

Friday, August 5th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF!! Let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Monday we tackled taking our huge desk apart to get it outside. To get the desk into the house, the delivery people took our front door off. Getting it out was going to be impossible, or if we did manage it, we might damage the door or doorjamb. After a endless debating, we decided to take the desk apart and dispose of it. We had two great decades out if the desk so it lived its life. Now the remains are neatly stacked on the side of the house until we get a dumpster. We’ve decided to keep the two bookcases and filing cabinets, at least for now.
  2. We’ve put up a folding table for the computer and that’s total chaos, LOL! I’ve ordered three organizers to contain our stuff so we can reorganized and run our lives again. We’ll be using this system in the new house for at least a few months too. Wizard and I can handle most disruption with the packing and moving things around, but the office is the “brain” of hour lives and we need it organized to function.
  3. We scheduled movers for the 30th. Hopefully all goes well. But so far, everything appears to be lining up. Also, packed boxes are stacking up in our living room :-)
  4. We’ve spent a year getting rid of crap, and yet, we found MORE files to shred yesterday. How do we collect so much stuff? I did find handwritten notes on negotiating contracts, which was interesting. At least until Wizard walked by and said, “Keep shredding, slacker.” He’s mean! Of course, he’d already shredded the first half of the stack and it was my turn to shred not meander down memory lane.
  5. I’m trying to make myself spend money on a new dress for Wizard’s reunion at the end of September. The money is only half of it, the other problem is I have to order a dress, try it on and send it back if it doesn’t fit. Í can’t make myself order several at one time. I’m convinced if I do that, I’ll somehow be unable to return them. Such a dilemma. I do have one dress I could wear, but I don’t want to. This is a stupid thing to whine about, LOL!

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022
Happy Wednesday!

You know, part of me was dreading this birthday where I turn another decade older. It’s one of the few times a number bothered me. But then, being a fairly typical Leo,  I thought, “Screw this.” I took a picture of myself, posted it on FB essentially saying, this is me ready to take on me 60’s.

And you know what? I felt better! This is another decade ready for me to make it any kind of success I want to make it. Sometimes all it takes is reframing the issue bothering us into an opportunity to do something amazing. It doesn’t have to be splashy amazing, it only has to matter to YOU.

So let’s all go make our next decade amazing!

Happy Wednesday!

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