Jennifer Lyon

Friday, September 9th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF! That feels a little weird to say when there’s a tinge of sadness around the world today with the passing of the Queen of England. She was a woman who wielded power and influence with grace, dignity and a steadfastness that I grew to admire more and more over time. She lived a long and amazing life, and deserves to go onto her peace with other loved ones who are waiting for her.

Shifting gears here, lets jump into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine where I will try NOT to mention (as in whine about) the weather :-)

  1. Wizard broke a tooth a couple weeks back. The temporary has fallen out twice. Poor guy has to keep going back. He should get the permanent in Monday. He’s not in pain or anything, it’s just been annoying and adding to the running around.
  2. Speaking of Wizard, he’s so patient on the big stuff, and we’ve had a lot of that lately. But little stuff sends him into Ranty McRanter. Yesterday I saw an email to both of us regarding the house stuff, he asked me to read it so I began. I didn’t get halfway through reading before he began a verbal tirade, stormed into another room and closed the door. When he came out, he was still ranting. I’m not laughing….LOLOLOL!! You just had to be there. I handed him a glass of wine and nodded my head a lot while he worked his way through his tirade. A couple hours late, I began teasing him about his tantrum and he laughed at himself.  We both tend to lose it on the dumb stuff to release stress. I wasn’t the least bit upset, just amused. All that said, he worked hard together the info needed. I told him I’d do it, but he’s better at it and we both know it.
  3. Last Friday, I had my eye exam. All is good, but I need new glasses because my right eye has changed. I hate choosing glasses. It gives me anxiety, partly because the complexity of my prescription requires a big size lens area so that really limits what I can choose. I just went with a tortoise shell frame this time. Shrug. I mostly just use them at night anyway so I have no idea why I stress about it at all. Hopefully they will be ready in the next couple weeks.
  4. We drove a ways to go to a place that only sells barstools and dining tables to find stools for the island in the new house. This is odd for us because we normally buy cheap stuff from discount places. But we want specific kinds of comfort, stability and accessibility. After scouring twenty two thousand stools (okay maybe 50), we both loved one and only one stool. I did have one concern as the cushion is almost white, and you know, its are going to stain in ten minutes. But then we discovered that one advantage of buy expensive (to me!) stools, the cushions are easy to take off then recover or replace, so that was a huge bonus for me. We bought them and now can’t wait to put them in the house! This sounds like a small thing, but it’s something both of us cared a lot about. We want people to be able to sit comfortably at the counter and hang out while we’re doing our thing in the kitchen. Or we can eat there, work on our laptops, or wherever.
  5. My reading can be eclectic. I’m currently reading a book on Winston Churchill and WWII and also listening to a book on self improvement and hustling by — wait for it — 50 Cent (AKA Curtis Jackson). The book on Churchill I chose because I was restless and wanted a reading challenge. I was frustrated by light books that turned whiny and dumb at the halfway point (FYI endless whiny exposition will make me hate the heroine and not care of about the characters or their conflicts). I’m enjoying the book on Churchill, although it’s a slow read. The one by Curtis Jackson was recommended to me, and I am  enjoying learning about lives outside of my own experience. But I’m the first to admit I can read a wide range of unexpected things.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a good weekend!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    September 9th, 2022 at 10:37 am · Link

    Ugh on the tooth. LG feels Wiz’s “pain” there. Ranty McRantypants. LOLOL Of course, you were laughing WITH him and not AT him, right? *makes shifty eyes* That reminds me, I need to doublecheck where I am on the waiting list for my eye exam. Sorry for the new prescription but you should see better so that’s a win. Yay for the barstools and I TOTALLY get that stuff. Eclectic reading is cool beans and the whiny stuff? Angsty books drive me nuts and I have a stack of DNFs due to that. Okay, my five:

    1. I WILL finish revisions on RESCUE MOON today. I’m only taking a break to get coffee, “see a man about a dog,” and reply to this. I have ten pages left, but that will likely be expanded because I have notes about the ending that may need additional words. Which is cool. Still, I WILL finish it today. Period.

    2. I started the new JD Robb book. Normally, I zip through the new In Death releases. Not this time. The last two books were disappointing to me and I keep waiting for a shoe to drop in this one. I fear I’m turning into a reading pessimist. Oh noes!

    3. The writing I’ve done this week was not on the book I need to finish but on the book I stopped working on to write the book I’m currently working on. Confused yet? Yeah, me too. Silly Iffy. I keep threatening to cut off her caffeine intake but then she threatens to take me up in front of the Muses’ Greivance Counsel.

    4. Stormy’s first fall soccer game is tomorrow. Team colors are yellow and blue this time around (double-sided jerseys, yellow is home, blue is visitor). I have never owned a yellow shirt in my life. I debated getting a yellow T-shirt. I looked at Wallyworld when I was in and rememered WHY I’ve never owned anything yellow in my life. I will wear an orange OSU shirt, since my Cowboys play tomorrow. That’s as close to yellow as I plan to get. LOL

    5. Ending on Pete stories of the week. Boone followed me into the garage and Pete was there eating. Boone went over to check what was in the bowl so Pete backed away about two inches. Boone sniffed, decided the cat food wasn’t worth his notice and walked away. Pete went back to eating. Yeah. No problem there. Next morning, I opened the door to feed Pete and he strolled into the hallway. Loki was right there and they came nose-to-nose. Pete was cool. Loki froze for an instant and then hissed. And scared himself. He’s never actually hissed before and making that noise shocked him. He somersaulted backwards and looked up at me like it was all my fault. Dude, learn to cat!

    Have a great weekend all! Jen, I hope Hurricane/TS Kay brings some rain and cooler temps your way!

  2. Viki S.
    September 9th, 2022 at 3:24 pm · Link

    1. Poor Wizard on his broken tooth. Seems odd that the temp has popped off twice but it may be where the tooth is located. Getting the permanent in soon will be a blessing.
    2. Ha ha on the rant. I had one of those this week and hubs was glad he didn’t have his hearing aid in 🤣🤣.
    3. You can’t go wrong with tortoise shell frames. But I think we all have trouble picking out frames. I certainly do.
    4. Good move on the bar stools. We always go cheap too . Glad you didn’t this time around. You’re raising kids so the cushions should hold up a little longer than you think.
    5. Your reading some good material. I bounce around quiet a bit too.

    1a. My rant was about the light on my car popping that my tire pressure needed attention. My first thought was I had another nail in my tire and I was just pissy about the entire thing and carried on like a crazed woman. Turned out they needed air – go figure 😄.
    2a. My mom has been in good spirits lately. It had become almost a chore to call her every day but this week was good.
    3a. The wasps are after my hummingbirds. They want the sugar water from the feeder. We can’t find the nest to get rid of them. I’m guessing it’s under ground under the deck. I went on line and got a tip from this guy that winters the hummers. He said to coat the feeder with tea tree oil. The hummers are okay with it and the stingers hate it. Sure enough the wasps won’t land. Still waiting for the hummers to come back.
    4a. Hubs is a good guy. My car hadn’t had a wash in months. I was complaining that I just didn’t have time to do it and so he took it this morning for me. It could use a few more runs through to get completely clean but it looks good now too.
    5a. Yesterday afternoon hubs and I went to a local place for Happy Hour. It had been closed for a long time because they couldn’t get people to work. It’s limited now but at least they’re open and making money. We just had 1 glass of wine and a little pizza. It was good.

    6. I watched Charles’ address this afternoon. How could he not cry. I was impressed. Mummy would be proud.

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  3. Jenn
    September 9th, 2022 at 5:07 pm · Link

    Silver, um, sure let’s say I was laughing with Wizard :-) The barstools are a splurge, but I figure I’ll keep my 30 year old dining set for a while longer. The tropical storm is brining some steady drizzle and dropped the temps, so that helps. It may (hopefully) help the fire out here too. Now for your five:

    1) I’ve been sending positive energy to finish your RESCUE MOON!
    2) I’ve had the same experience with the JD Robbs lately too. But I’ve gotten a lot pickier on my reading/listening so I never know if it’s my reading crankiness or the actual book.
    3) Uh oh! You really don’t want to be called up to the Muses’ Greivance Counsel. They are totally pro-muse and anti-author on deadline!
    4) LOL on yellow! I so get that! I see others in yellow and they look good. I look dead. It’s just not a color that works for everyone. I believe that showing up for Stormy matters a lot more than the color of your shirt!
    5) Wow Pete and Boone are respectful. But Loki…OMGosh I can’t help but laugh! I mean he’s trying to be a cat, but then is surprised when he actually is a cat!! Too funny. And Pete is knows how to bring the laughs!

    Hope you typed or got close to The End on your book, and have a great weekend!

  4. Jenn
    September 9th, 2022 at 5:19 pm · Link

    Viki, it’s not as strange as it sounds on Wizard’s temporary for two reasons 1) the permanent took longer than usual to come in, and 2) Wizard keeps forgetting and eating stuff he shouldn’t. Both of us keep forgetting. And on the glasses — that’s why I went with tortoiseshell frames :-)

    1) I’d have ranted about the tire too! But I’m glad all you needed was air. At least that was some good news.
    2) That must be a huge relief to find your mom in good spirits when you call. I hope it stays that way. She’s a pretty tough woman with all she’s endured.
    3) Wasps are so mean! I swear they will sting just because they can. I had no idea they hated tea tree oil though. Hope the hummingbirds come back and feast! I haven’t had a feeder since the roadrunner killed baby hummingbirds in a nest by the feeder. It was a decade ago and I’m still traumatized. I saw the bastard grab the babies, ran outside and couldn’t catch him. I don’t know what I was going to do if I had caught him, but I was so mad.
    4) That was a total win for hubs to get your car washed for you! I love that. It’s the thoughtful things that mean so much to us!
    5) I’m so glad you both got out, and that the place is up and running even with limited seating. It’s so hard for any of the restaurants to stay in business these days. I’m all for supporting them when we can. (As an aside, and supporting what looked like a small family business where we bought the barstools).
    6) I listened to a brief part of Charles’s speech on the radio. I don’t know how he didn’t cry either, but it was clearly important to him, and to his mother. As I understand it, this has been planned for a long time and he rose to the moment. But I’d have been sobbing.

    I hope you and hubs have a great weekend!

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