Yesterday, I was at loose ends and had something on my mind, so Maggie and I went for a walk. We followed a road until it literally dropped off into a wash for rain runoff:
It’s amazing what the force of water can do! It’s a lot steeper looking in person, and I never get too close to the edge (or let Maggie get close). What’s funny was years ago a housing track swore that the was going road would go through to the freeway that is on the other side of some of the land you see here, plus there’s a rock quarry back there. We laughed at them. Sure it was possible, but unless that housing track was going to pay for it — including buying the rock quarry, it was highly unlikely. It would take years just to get the funding and do all the studies for that. I don’t remember who told them that, but they were trying to sell it to us as fact. We still laugh about that. It’s been about 27 years since then, and I feel pretty confident that we were right.
And this one is Maggie thinking: Yesterday you took me to the vet as an emergency, and today you take me out for a second walk that turned into a mile long hike? Humans are not logical! LOLOL!
She has a lot of gray these days, but she’s still beautiful to me! She also clearly feels fine, she was excited to go for the walk. By the way, if anyone recognizes the martingale collar I use, that is for her safety. We are in an area that could be dangerous, and if she somehow slipped her flat collar, it could cost her her life. The collar never bothers her. If fact, when I pick it up to leash her, she gets excited.
How’s your day going?
November 30th, 2022 at 9:17 am · Link
I use a martingale collar on Jake. They are terribly smart to use. Of course, I remember when we used martngale “spiked” collars on our Siberian, Pyrenees, and Newf–all of which had very thick coats, were very large, and very strong. People didn’t like it. Of course, they said the same thing when I put only in a “halter vest” with a leash when she was a toddler. Kid hated to ride in the cart and refused to stay by my side, nor would she hold my hand. I laugh now when I see almost every toddler parent out there “cinching” their kids into a similar apparatus. 🤣
Maggie is like fine wine–she just gets better with age. Boone has all that gray on his face. At 17, he’s like 100 in human years. So happy Maggie is feeling fine, even if you confuse her about vets and walks.
Stormy came over after school yesterday. We’ll see him again tomorrow. I “roasted” a small turkey breast last night for dinner. Frozen to sliced in 2 1/2 hours in the oven. We had baked sweet potates, corn, and my homemade rolls fresh from the oven after rising and baking. Good dinner and a good foundation to start this happy Wednesday.
I hit a little over 50K words on Monday so I “won” NaNo for my 16th year. Will the book have that many words when I finish? Probably not. There’s a lot of fluff and “filler” notes like “Go back and check to see how many days and then either fix this or add in stuff that happened on those days you didn’t talk about;” and “Holy word salad, doofus. Tighten this scene up so it makes some semblance of sense.” But hey, that’s part of the process and I wrote those words to advance the story so, in my book, they count! 🤣
On that note, time for fresh coffee and then to work! I have many more words, edits, and fixes to do before this puppy is ready to go out into the wild. I’m hoping for right around New Year’s. We’ll see.
Happy Hump Day! 🥰
November 30th, 2022 at 3:42 pm · Link
What a drop! You were right 27 years ago. You were all being sold a ton of “dirt.”
Maggie is so right about humans. We are strange creatures. By the way, she’s beautiful to me too 💗.
Today it started out warm, windy and rainy. It is now cold and windy. It’s supposed to snow. We’ll see.
This morning on the way to Wally my crown popped off. I was lucky and was able to get in to see my dentist an hour ago. He re-set it and all is good. Funny how these things just happen.
Yesterday my brother called to say he finally got the DNA testing on the cancer and there is a 97% chance or recurrence without radiation. So now he has to have 8 weeks of daily radiation. The fun part is trying to arrange everything with his work. Never easy.
I sure hope you have an excellent afternoon.
November 30th, 2022 at 6:29 pm · Link
Silver, I suspect we’re on the same page with collars and tools, and probably training of our dogs. Used correctly, they make everyone, including the dog or kid’s, life better and safer. Use incorrectly they are cruel. I used a kid harness. I’ve also had that one brief moment of a kid disappearing (he was nearby and fine) and I’d do anything to avoid that all out terror again. You’re did great with Only and doing great with your dogs! Every child and dog is individual and requires different handling. Look at Jake, he had several homes and thrived when he came to your home. That says a lot about you!
17 is very mature and wise, especially for a bigger breed dog! Go Boone! I hope he’s feeling well. We are just guessing at Maggie’s age, but probably between 8 and 10.
Yay for Stormy, and your roasted turkey breast plus some fixings sounds so good.
Congrats on making your goal on the book and NaNo!! 50K is amazing! It’s a first draft so changes, tightening and all that is expected. Embedded notes is how you keep going get that many works in a month. You should be very proud! I think it’s awesome!
Hope you were able to get more coffee and more writing done!
November 30th, 2022 at 6:35 pm · Link
Viki, it was pretty funny back then. But I felt bad for people buying from out of the area who believed them. I’m happier having all the space around us.
Maggie says thank you for calling her beautiful! And human behavior baffles me all day, every day.
That’s quite a weather change! Hope it’s not too cold there. It’s been a nice day here but a storm is supposed to move in tonight.
Ugh on your crown, but your dentist is awesome to get you in so fast! I really hate when this stuff happens, but it’s less of a pain when we can get it fixed quickly and go on with our lives.
I’m really sorry your brother’s cancer has such a high reoccurrence rate. But doing chemo now should give him better odds. Hopefully he tolerates it well. It’s much harder to go through these treatments while working too. I hope his work is as accommodating as possible. His health needs to come first.
We are having a good afternoon, and hope you’re having a great evening!