Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, December 21st, 2022
Wednesday This and That

Christmas is just a few days away!  I hope everyone is ready or almost ready. For us, it’s a busier week than we’d anticipated, but it’ll be manageable.  But I am a little distracted and I was thinking so hard about various things yesterday the I ended up cleaning the shower twice. I may have called myself an idiot in very creative ways when I realized what I was doing! I mean it’s not a chore I enjoy doing once…so I deserved the self-name-calling.

I’m still mad about it, LOLOL!!

But aside from my masochistic tendencies, I started listening to a new book to get through the dreaded cleaning and thought you all might be amused given my rather eclectic choices lately. The title is “The Second Life if Mirielle West” by Amanda Skenandore, and it’s a historical fiction about a socialite in California in the 1920’s who contracts leprosy and is sent to a colony run by nuns.  Is that eclectic enough :-) ?? I truly just stumbled onto the books when I looked through a sale at Audible and it caught my eye. The heroine is a spoiled, vain woman who finds herself living in a leper colony and having to readjust — so at it’s core, it’s a fish out of water story. And it’s not told in a grim way, I’m enjoying it more than I would have believed.

Also Maggie wants to show you all her brand new toy! It was a gift from a friend of hers (my daughter-in-law’s mom) and Maggie loves it. She run around with it, throws and shakes it. I tried to get a picture of that, but she was shaking it so hard, it came out a gray blur in the pics. I’m glad she loves it, but I can’t seem to take my eyes off that long candy cane striped…nose :-) I guess its a long nose sawshark? Out of the water, he looks more comical than scary!

Happy Wednesday!

9 comments to “Wednesday This and That”

  1. Carrie
    December 21st, 2022 at 6:45 am · Link

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! Maggie looks really proud of her new toy. I may be the unicorn of the sea, a narwal. Have a safe and happy week.

  2. Carrie
    December 21st, 2022 at 6:46 am · Link

    *It may be a narwal*. Way too early to type today.

  3. B.E. Sanderson
    December 21st, 2022 at 7:38 am · Link

    Well, at least your shower is very clean. :hugs: You know, that book does sound interesting and I’d probably pick it up myself if I saw it at the thrift store. Yay for Maggie and her new best friend! I’m with Carrie – it’s probably a narwhal. But I like your name for it. It’s more fun. If I don’t see ya here on Friday, have an awesome Christmas!

    They’re predicting all sorts of nasty weather for us starting tomorrow, but as the day gets closer, the predictions get less nasty. Fingers crossed it settles down enough that I can make it to work and home again. (If I don’t think I can, I won’t try.) It’s only 2.5 miles each way, and I’m an old road-warrior, so most likely it’ll be a breeze. :knocks on wood:

  4. Silver James
    December 21st, 2022 at 8:19 am · Link

    Definitely a narwal but like B.E., I like your nickname for it. Maggie looks so proud. No comment on the shower. I’ve *NEVER* done anything similiar. Nope. Not me. *looks shifty eyed*

    I’m done shopping but now I need to wrap. I finished the Christmas story and it’s on my blog today.

    I’m also getting ready to start a batch of rolls that either Baseball Boy or Only will pick up this afternoon. Only is making a gift of cinnamon rolls to a friend. I’ll do the bulk of the rolls right before Christmas. The freezer is currently full–until I take the turkey breast out to thaw, there’s no room to freeze the rolls and they either need to be baked or frozen immediately.

    It’s 22 outside and the garage is staying a steady 50 degrees. That gives me hope for when it goes down to the predicted 9 tonight and 11 for a high tomorrow. Good for pipes and Pete. We’re supposed to stay sub-freezing until about noon on Christmas Day. Ugh.

    We don’t have to get out again–except me to feed ferals and the birds–until Christmas morning. I’m good with that.

    Not sure if I’ll start wrapping today or tomorrow. I need to do laundry at some point between now and then. Also, I’ve lined up lots of warm comfort food for the next few nights. We had breakfast last night–eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, and biscuits. Coming up is shepherd’s pie, chili, spaghetti (Christmas Eve tradition), and beef stew with corn bread–that’s probably tomorrow. Probably chili tonight, shepherd’s pie on Friday. *nods* Yup, that’s a plan!

    Happy Winter Solstice, Yuletide, and/or first day of winter. Take your pick. If I don’t bump into y’all around the intrawebz, Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅🏼🎄

    Okay, off to officially start my day. Homemade rolls wait for no one. :lol:

  5. Viki S.
    December 21st, 2022 at 4:06 pm · Link

    I am like Silver and have NEVER EVER done anything like cleaning the shower twice. I think we all get brain freeze this time of year.

    The book sounds interesting but I don’t think I would have picked it up on my own. If you continue to like it let us know.

    I love Maggie’s new toy. She should be proud to show it off. Spunk has the same toy only quite a bit smaller. He throws it up in the air and does spins with his. Guess our fur babies like narwhals 😊.

    Hubs now has a bad tooth to go along with the cold. The fun never stops.

    The blizzard is supposed to hit Friday morning just as I’m supposed to head out to get my hair done. We’ll see what happens.

    Have a great afternoon.

  6. Jenn
    December 21st, 2022 at 7:03 pm · Link

    Carrie, I just learned something new!! I now love narwhals! And yep, that’s exactly what it looks like. Maggie probably knew but she just let me look ignorant, LOLOL!!

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!!

  7. Jenn
    December 21st, 2022 at 7:07 pm · Link

    B.E., a longnose sawshark was my best guess, but I was wrong :-) FYI I watch way too many shark shows! But now I’m on a mission to learn about narwhals. Any creature that is called the Unicorn of the Sea has to be cool.

    I trust your judgement about driving in the snow and ice. I hope you can get to work if you need too, otherwise, enjoy an extra day at home and stay warm and safe! If you can’t make it back to the blog, Merry Christmas!

  8. Jenn
    December 21st, 2022 at 7:15 pm · Link

    Silver, of course you haven’t done anything like cleaning the shower twice. You would not be so silly! I just wonder how I manage to cross the street by myself sometimes, LOLOL.

    I haven’t been on the computer until now, and may have to save reading your Christmas story until Friday but I’m really looking forward to it!! Yay for getting it done and posted!

    You’re awesome to help out Only with the rolls, and they sound wonderful. I completely sympathize on the freezer problem! I’m just now emptying mine out woth one more tray of cookies for tomorrow to go.

    Wow you are organized on meals! And I’m super glad since you’re in for some rough weather. Hope both your pipes and Pete stay warm enough.

    Good luck with the rolls, and Merry Christmas to you too! (It’s my plan to be around Friday but things can always change).

  9. Jenn
    December 21st, 2022 at 7:36 pm · Link

    Viki, it’s just such a strange thing to do when I was super busy — make more pointless work for myself!!

    I think I’m a bit more than half way through and really liking the book. I don’t know if the subject matter would interest everyone. I can’t always tell if I’m being exceptionally weird or not in my reading tastes, LOLOL.

    Maggie will be excited to learn Spunk has the same (but smaller version) toy! She only plays with toys in short spurts so when one

    Your poor husband is going through a lot! Hope he feels better soon.

    Ugh on the blizzard possibly getting in the way of your hair appointment. I’m crossing my fingers that it holds off until after you are home.

    Have a great evening!

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