Friday, February 3rd, 2023
Friday Five
TGIF!! How is it February? Okay, let’s jump into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- I had hoped to share a picture, but due to slow drying concrete, phase two of the backyard won’t be done until sometime later today. So far, Wizard and I are very happy though! The drying concrete is some cement pads to create a sitting area outside our sunroom, and today the artificial turf in, including around those pads of concrete. I will show pics once it’s all done. Next will be the smaller stuff like figuring out, buying and then planting the landscape.
- While we’re happy, Maggie is stuck in the house. She doesn’t understand why she can’t go into her own backyard and looks at us with sad eyes. I’m not saying that Maggie is a con artist, but this “look” has earned her extra treats and walks.
- I’m feeling somewhat better this week and hoping I continue that way. I saw my doctor again and am doing all I can to resolve this or at least control it. At least this week has been better!
- I finished reading TERM LIMITS by Vince Flynn and enjoyed it! I am finding I read more in trade or hardback rather than my Kindle lately.
- I baked and froze a cake, made some fondant, and managed to get out to my cake store although I didn’t buy anything. I’ve sketched out some designs, but this weekend I think I’ll try the hardest one that I am pretty sure won’t work There’s no reason except that I feel like trying it that way.
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone is doing okay after the brutal weather in some parts of the country this week! Have a great weekend!
February 3rd, 2023 at 8:14 am · Link
I can’t wait for your pics! Aww, poor Maggie. Yay for feeling better! Yay for liking Vince Flynn. I’m in love with his Mitch Rapp. Ooo, we need pics of your cake, too!
1) I’ve managed to make it to work two days in a row now. Let’s see how the roads are this morning.
2) The lingering head cold is almost done with me and Hubs is starting to get better, too. Man, that was a pain in the buns.
3) I’m reading a Victoria Holt now. It’s kind of weird, but I’m enjoying it. (I think I said that about the last book of hers I read, too.)
4) I was dreaming about dogs and cats last night. I was wandering around and I kept finding dogs and cats as I wandered. I didn’t bring any of them home, though.
5) I am so over Winter. Come on, Spring!
February 3rd, 2023 at 9:02 am · Link
What B.E. said except I don’t read Vince Flynn (yeah, I know, sacrilage) but more power to y’all! Maggie will love the space once she can get out there. And I agree. Pics all around–yard AND cake! (Even if it flops but knowing you? It won’t!) Okay, my five:
1. We went 106 hours with temperatures below freezing. Not a record but brrrrr 🥶🥶🥶
2. We managed to only get some sleet until yesterday overnight. Then we were hit with a glazing of ice. It was worse than a skating rink. Boone went down hard on the back patio and ended up sliding down the walk (slight slope) to the dirt. I went to help and I went down, but managed to “bounce” off a chair so no bruises. Still, I had to shed the rubber-soled slippers for my fuzzy socks in order to walk. Frozen feet before Boone and I got back inside. Ugh! He’s limping slightly. I’m fine. Stupid ice.
3. I get emails from IHeartRadio with links to stories. One of them was the top Country Music break-up/broken heart songs. Curious, I clicked. There were videos. I watched them all. And Iffy woke up…
4. …and so I got distracted yesterday with ideas for other books. Stupid Iffy. We need to finish the one we’re woking on! And during that distraction (because I was thinking I’d already made notes about similar scenes), I got to reading my random snippets and yeah, I was down that rabbit hole for waaaay too long.
5. Pete is starting to play the in/out game at the garage door. I’ll open the door, he’ll come in. I’ll start to close the door and he goes out but stays right there looking into the house. Cat! Though he did stay in for 30 minutes to an hour a couple of times during the cold snap. He didn’t move far from that door, but he was in. Dogs ignore him. Loki occasionally wants to play box.
Have a great weekend, everyone. It’s First Saturday so siren test and Mexican food with the fam. Yay. Soccers over for now. And it’s supposed to be in the 50s. Double yay!
February 3rd, 2023 at 4:24 pm · Link
1. I’m looking forward to seeing the completed backyard photo.
2. It’s easy to picture Maggie’s cute face getting those treats since she’s kind of locked up. I love how they tilt their heads too. Does Maggie do do the tilt?
3. Great news that you are beginning to feel better. It sounds like you and your doctor are making progress.
4. Hear you – I just like books better than the Kindle. Turning pages is more full filling than hitting a button.
5. The cake, is it the trial cake for Turbo’s birthday?
1a. Had my hair done today. It felt so good to get away for an hour and a half.
2a. I get to get away again tomorrow for a few hours. Middle is taking me to the Botanical Garden to see the orchids.
3a. Man is it cold today. The temps have just continued to drop and the wind makes for crazy wind chill.
4a. My pizza peel was supposed to arrive today but hasn’t. Bummer since it’s pizza tonight.
5a. I think I’m going to spend some time Sunday going through my grandma’s recipes. They’re all had written and I think I’ll share them with youngest’s lady. She is a real chef and may get a kick out of 80/90+ year old recipes.
Have a great weekend!
February 3rd, 2023 at 5:47 pm · Link
B.E., Maggie is freed to go in the backyard tonight Thank you, I hope I keep improving but I’ve accepted this isn’t an easy fix. On to your 5:
1) Hope you were able to get to work with no mishaps. It’s just stupid cold in your parts.
2) Good news on your cold, but they sure take their sweet time leaving, don’t they?
3) It’s awesome that some authors work lives on forever. Glad you’re enjoying her!
4) Your dream kind of mimics what you’re doing now — looking but not adopting. Same thing I did for 25 years.
5) Hope Spring kicks out Winter soon!
Have a great weekend and hope both of you return to full health soon!
February 3rd, 2023 at 5:57 pm · Link
Silver, um…I’m kind of planning for this cake to flop, LOL! But it’s okay, it’s a practice cake so I don’t mind at all. I’m waiting to see if we’re going to Turbos before I start it because it’ll take a chunk time.
1) Record or not, that’s scary cold! I’ve been following the weather and feel for all of you in those areas!
2) Oh no, I’m sorry you and Boone fell on the ice. At least you weren’t hurt, and I hope Boones okay, and the slight limp goes away in a day or two.
3) Uh Oh
4) Well at least you’re creativity is hard at work! But man, I’ve been there and know how it’s both exciting to think about and research a new idea, and frustrating because the WIP is waiting and not happy about it. Still all this pre-work now will pay off in a later story!
5) Pete has evidently appointed you his doorman (or doorwoman) LOL! Loki trying to play box with Pete is pretty funny. Does Pete ever play?
Hope the Siren test goes well and you all have a great time together having Mexican food! Be careful on the roads!
February 3rd, 2023 at 6:08 pm · Link
Viki, Maggie turns her head sometimes, it just depends. She does this really sweet look that kills us both. We’re just easy marks for her, LOL. The cake will be a kind of practice for Turbo’s birthday. But this is just a “try it and see what happens” cake Mostly it’s keep my mind off other things which is good.
1) It’s good that you got out and did something for yourself.
2) Even better to spend time with Middle and visit a beautiful garden.
3) I hope it warms up soon! That wind chill is wicked.
4) I’m bummed too, I wanted to hear how your pizza peel worked! I’ve tried to find one in stores but had no luck. I’ll order one soon.
5) I bet she’d love seeing your grandmother’s recipes! It’s nice of you to share them with her.
Hope you have a great time tomorrow! Enjoy the weekend!