Friday, February 24th, 2023
Friday Five
TGIF!! Here we are at the end of the another week. I hope all of us in the path of the current storm stay, warm and safe! Okay, time to jump in sharing five things about our week.
- Today is Freaky Friday. How do I know? We are supposed to have a snow day today. In Southern California. It’s totally freaky. Yesterday was cold with wind, rain and hail, so why not snow? To be fair, we have had snow before, it’s just rare enough to be an event.
- The weather has caused me to postpone plans to get together with Bike Witch today. I’m gonna be really annoyed if it’s just turns out to be a light rain as I haven’t seen my sister in a while. When we made this plan, the storm was supposed to have already moved through, but it kept getting pushed back until Friday looked like the worst day. We’ll get together next week.
- Yesterday I baked gluten-free bread and gluten-free cookies. I knew it was going to raining so I planned it. I also made stew to go with the fresh bread
- This is a small problem to have, but I needed to schedule another scan, and there are only two locations in the entire county who can do this scan. The only date I could get is the one date I already had my hair appointment booked for. Otherwise I had to wait until late April and that’s just not an option for me at this point. It’s so frustrating because this is probably the third time I having to change my hair appointment for medical tests. That should be almost statistically impossible, LOL! Fortunately my hairdresser is very nice, and hopefully since I’m giving her almost two weeks notice, it won’t cause her problems. I just feel bad doing this to her. Plus it’s weird that my entire month of March is open for this test but they could only do it that one day. It’s also possible I am really tired of labs, scans and tests Or medical people looking at me like this:
- Sunday is forecast to be our first dry day and I have plans to go to lunch with a friend I haven’t seen in years! I’m really looking forward to that.
That’s my five now I’d love to hear yours! Have a safe and fun weekend!
February 24th, 2023 at 9:02 am · Link
I’m telling you, Mother Nature is on a bender! Ugh on the scan and appointments. Yay for bread, cookies, and stew. Boo for Biker Witch delay, yay for friend date. And yeah…I know those looks. Me, too. Okay, my 5:
1. Go home, Mother Nature, you’re still drunk! Wednesday was 73 and sunny. Yesterday we managed to hit 32. Today we aren’t getting out of the 20s. Sunday? Back to the 70s and possible severe weather.
2. Second surgery went well medically. Sight-wise? Not so much. We were really hoping the cataract was the big vision blocker but nope. Things are still fuzzy. Pressure is also up in both eyes (not unexpected re: doc) so I’m back on glaucoma drops again. Right eye is staying at 20/40 and near vision is regulating a little. Hoping both improve by next appointment this Wednesday.
3. Okay. So I’ve worn glasses (or contacts) most of my life. Nearsighted. I needed them to see across the street, not up close, so was in bifocals at age 8. With the lens implants, I can now see across the street but up close not so much. I’ve “borrowed” a pair of LG’s readers (not truly right prescription but close enough I can read the monitor.) I freak myself out because I’ll look up, expecting to see across the street with the readers but it’s all blurry and I have to remind myself (after the minor freak-out) that I’m wearing readers not “real” glasses and if I duck my chin, I can see across the street over the tops of the glasses. Yes, I am old (and set in my ways), why do you ask?
4. I actually wrote a scene yesterday! A short one based on a flash fiction prompt and it will need to be edited into a previous scene but that’s okay. It was new words!
5. Pete is Pete and because the space heater in the garage blows on his bed he’s stayed out there during the cold snap. Instead, a Loki story today. While I was doing dishes last night, I heard this deep sigh. I looked over and Jake was sitting stone still in the place where he waits for his salmon stick treats. The long-suffering look on his face was too funny. The cause of the look? Loki was in “Godzilla” mode, standing on his hind legs and “boxing” at Jake’s muzzle. When I laughed, Loki zoomied off (cat zoomies are too funny except at 3 a.m.) and poor Jake just looked…long-suffering. I petted him and told him it was okay. He was allowed to play with his little brother, and to defend himself. And yes, he got an extra treat. LOLOL
Have a good weekend, all. As Jen said, stay safe, warm, and dry!
February 24th, 2023 at 4:02 pm · Link
1. It is very strange seeing CA on the news with a Blizzard warning. I hope you didn’t have any issues with the snow. I’m betting southern CA does not have the equipment to remove snow and ice from the roads.
2. Since you had to postpone getting together with Biker Witch I hope it snowed like the dickens.
3. I sounds like yesterday was a great day in the kitchen. Wizard must have loved how the house smelled with al that goodness going on.
4. That really stinks about the test and having to re-schedule your hair appointment. You would figure that with the amount we all pay in healthcare that there would be more than two locations to get the testing done. Things like that make my blood boil.
5. Have a really great time at lunch Sunday with your friend.
1a. This rollercoaster ride of weather is growing old. It’s constantly going up and then crashing down.
2a. I decided I needed to get away so I went to a chair yoga class at my library yesterday. It was 1 hour and 20 minutes. I get it but I don’t think it’s for me. I will try to do some of the upper body movements a couple times a week and see if it helps.
3a. Our furnace went crazy when Harrison and family were here. It may be the blower. Youngest ordered a new one and he will install it this weekend with his buddy (the HVAC he went to school with that installed our furnace). It makes this incredibly loud noise and when not on it hums.
4a. It’s Lent so hubs wants to get a fish fry. We’re going to pick it up from a local place called the Hungry Bee. They are bee farmers and incorporate the honey in all of the food that they make. Very good.
5a. I’m pushing it but I put out the spring tablecloth today. I just need to make it cheery.
Have a great weekend!
February 24th, 2023 at 4:20 pm · Link
Silver, so far, no snow here, but the storm keeps delaying. It’s finally arrived in LA. Here it’s just wet and threatening.
1) The weather swings are insane. We need an intervention with Mother Nature.
2) I’m sorry for the disappointing news on your vision. It was a logical hope that it was the cataract, but hopes don’t always translate into reality. I’m just hoping the more time will give you some improvement. And that the treatment will slow the progression dramatically. Hugs.
3) I’m farsighted with my contacts in (my vision is bad!), so I get it. Readers are easy, though, once you get used to it. I often read my phone with my readers on, then look over the top to watch TV too. You’ll get used to it, but since I have progressive glasses when I don’t have my contacts in, I can see how weird it is for you now!
4) Wow that’s much quicker than I would have expected! Congrats on getting some writing done!
5) Aw Pete’s so cute with his personal heater And poor Jake! I feel for him. Loki is too funny, and knows Jake won’t fight back. I really need to see cat zoomies one day! I know what Maggie zoomies look like and they are funny enough, so cat zoomies must be hilarious. Not much is funny at 3am!
Give Jake and extra treat from me and have a good weekend!
February 24th, 2023 at 4:31 pm · Link
Viki, we don’t have a lot of snow plows hanging around in the lower areas, that’s for sure. I have to tell you, the weather and newscasters LOVE this the blizzard warning. But they’ve been wrong for days when the weather would hit, so we’ll see. But they all need a Xanax to just calm down and report rationally As for the health care stuff these days…I’m so over and tired. But I have such sympathy for really sick people. I can fight my way through all this, but how do desperately ill people do it?
1) Yeah you guys are really getting hit with extremes. I hope the weather levels out to something resembling normal.
2) Good for you for trying something new! I’ve never done chair yoga, so I have no idea how helpful that would be. This probably doesn’t help, but the I don’t Vinyasa yoga and some power yoga. But I stay in lower intermediate levels. But it’s a decent workout.
3) I hope the new part youngest installs fixes the furnace! This is not the time of year to have trouble with it. That noise would drive me nuts.
4) I bet their honey is amazing! Enjoy the fish fry! And how is it Lent already?
5) It’s the perfect time to pull out your Spring table cloth! Especially if it cheers you up. We have having rain for the next week so I’m going to get a taste of what you all go through. Most years, we just have a day then it’s sunny again.
Enjoy your weekend!
February 25th, 2023 at 7:31 am · Link
I hope the bad weather missed you entirely, even if it did already screw up your plans with Biker Witch. You don’t need weather negativity. Yay for baking! Gah about your conflicting appointments – and I bet the hair appointment is as hard to get as the medical thing. Aww cute puppy! Yay for your lunch date!
1) Obviously, I have no idea what day it is. I only had a vague feeling a couple of times yesterday that it was even Friday, and none of them happened in the morning so I remembered to stop here.
2) I believe I have made peace with the fact that I am working and will be doing so until I die at my desk with the phone pressed between my cheek and my shoulder.
3) With all the dietary changes we’re making, I now know more about the sodium content of foods than I ever wanted to know. 310 mg in a chocolate cupcake? That’s just sick and wrong.
4) We have this buck fawn who likes to play by himself in the yard. He’s hilarious with all the jumping and skipping and feinting at unseen opponents. He paws at the ground, tosses his head like he has a rack of antlers instead of two tiny buttons, and jumps into his invisible battles. It’s awesome.
5) I told myself I wasn’t going to clean the office anymore. I mean, I feel like I’m the only one who cares, so why bother? Umm… Yeah. I came to the conclusion that I bother because it bothers me, so I did it yesterday. LOL
February 25th, 2023 at 12:38 pm · Link
B.E., we are just getting rain here. But we’re getting snow pack in the appropriate places and water for the reservoirs, which is great news for California! This year will help the drought immensely. On and the bread I made is gone…again. I’m addicted It’s a small loaf, but still. But in time, the novelty of being able to eat this bread will wear off. Maybe.
1) You’re so busy, the days must be blurring together for you. I’m so glad you stopped by! Also I meant to tell you the blog had some technical glitch on the day you had trouble. I got a couple email notices about it, but for some reason, those were in my spam file.
2) I hope that particular plan falls through do to an unexpected windfall that allows you to retire and do anything you want, whenever you wish!
3) So true on sodium!! One of the reasons I bake so much is to control the ingredients. But I’m not try to limit salt (my sodium is low lately). It’s in every-freaking-thing. What’s more frustrating is you don’t have a lot of extra time right now to experiment and do a lot of baking or cooking.
4) That is soooo cute!!! I hope you can video him! That video would go viral (possibly from me watching it a thousand times, LOL)
5) I feel your pain on that! It’s bad enough you have to clean your own home (I’m sure you guys share chores like we do), but now you have to clean the office too? I’d be irritated on the daily. Why can’t people just clean up after themselves??