Friday, May 12th, 2023
Friday Five
TGIF! And Happy Early Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! Okay, time to jump into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- I’m actually reading a book! It’s been a while since I’ve even opened one. This book BREAKING BADGER (The Honey Badger Chronicles #4) by Shelly Laurenston. I really needed something light and funny, and Shelly is perfect.
- We went out to Wizard’s mom’s yesterday and are mentally wiped out as I write this Thursday evening. This time we didn’t take Maggie because we needed to take care of some things. But on a sweet note, when his mom found out about all our planting flowers for our backyard, she went out and collected a bunch of cuttings from her flowers for us to plant more. Wizard and I will plant those today. I hope the flowers take and we can have “his mom’s flowers” in our backyard for a very long time. (By the way, this really is normal life stuff we’re dealing with — people get older, and other people get sick, we are just dealing with a lot of it at once lately).
- Maggie was sad we didn’t take her to Wizard’s moms, so when we got home, we took her to Home Depot to buy some pots to plants the flowers. She forgave us then
- Biker Witch and I planned to have coffee, do some shop browsing and then to Trader Joes yesterday, but both our lives decided took a plot twist and we couldn’t do it I guess the good news is it worked out best for both of us, and we’ll reschedule as soon as we can. Also, I know Trader Joes is a weird place to want to go, but it’s in the outlet mall we were meeting at and we both like the store
- It’s Mother’s Day Weekend. Hilariously, I didn’t realized it until a little over a week ago We’ll go to breakfast, and see youngest for sure as he asked us about it last weekend. The other two live farther and it’s harder to arrange that, so a phone call is probably best. Hopefully we’ll see Turbo soon too!
That’s my kind of lame five, I bet your five can top mine!
Happy Mother’s Day and have a great weekend!
May 12th, 2023 at 7:42 am · Link
After a marathon listen to Shelly’s Pride series, I just transitioned to HOT AND BADGERED. Shell is ALWAYS good for a giggle and I love the honey badgers! I 💖 that Wiz’s mom passed along her flower legacy! 🤞🏼 they take root! And yeah, life does get weird sometimes with family plans. Yay for Maggie’s “road trip.” And yay for Youngest time with 🤞🏼 for Turbo Time™. I bet my five are lamer than yours!
1. I’ve been having weird dreams this week. In one, my “waking” self reminded my “dreaming” self that it was just a dream. I only seem to have weird dreams when Pete is sleeping on the bed so I blame him. Witchy dream cat!
2. As a result of the weird dreams, the little bit of writing I’ve done has been complete random and totally weird. Still, new words is new words, right? (And yes, I intentionally used the wrong verb there.)
3. We’re celebrating Mother’s Day on Saturday because our fave Mexican restaurant isn’t open on Sundays and due to soccer match times the past 3 months, we haven’t done First Saturday Siren Test and lunch! Gotta get our fix!!!
4. We had weather last night. Well, WE didn’t, but the area just south and east of us did. A little rain and some thunder but there were 11 (thankfully small) tornadoes that were spun up by the storm front. More rain and storms forecast for every day through Monday. Yippee.
5. Loki, after observing Pete sleeping on my bed so often, has co-opted the twin bed in the guest room that is Jake’s when Stormy isn’t spending the night. LG walked in the other day and there was a tiny void curled up agains the pillow and Big Jake laying in the floor staring up at his bed with Emmett Kelly Eyes™. LG moved the cat and patted the bed for Jake, who jumped up and settled happily. For 10 minutes. That’s how long it took for Loki to get over his mad, sneak back in, and hop up on the bed, sending Jake scrambling. I should NOT be entertained by this 6 lb. cat bullying my 130 lb. dog.
Happy Mother’s Day to all who mother! Have a great weekend.
May 12th, 2023 at 4:33 pm · Link
Silver, life is definitely weird (not the word I’d use — we’re exhausted with trying to be everywhere at once). But this too shall pass.
1) LOL on blaming Pete! He must have some pretty awesome powers.
2) Yep the words count now matter how random they might be!
3) Saturday is a great day to celebrate! Hope you have a great time and great food!
4) Man weather has been all over the place lately. Glad you didn’t get any of the tornado energy!
5) It is funny! I love watching video of huge dogs afraid to pass by the cat But poor Jake! He just wants to sleep in his bed!
Have a great weekend!