So I don’t have a green thumb. Wizard has a part time green thumb that only shows up if it matters to him, LOL! And together we are trying not to murder too many plants
We finally planted some pots and here’s two of my favorites:
Don’t ask me their names — I can’t remember. We’ve planted soooo many flowers! I call the second picture, the orange one my Hawaiian plant. That’s probably not the real name (I think it’s in the hibiscus family maybe?) And the bloom you see in the picture is one that bloomed AFTER we got it home and replanted it and that’s a win for me!
And for the far end of our little patio there’s a strip of dirt — youngest is going to build me two big planter boxes so I can grow my tomatoes and bell peppers next year (let’s say hopefully grow!).
My herbs are thriving, but I only have five and they are easy to grow so far so I can’t really brag.
That’s my growth report update. Since I’m not writing, I have to create something! Although I really want to make a pretty cake very soon. I miss decorating!
What’s your report this week?
May 17th, 2023 at 6:41 am · Link
Oooo, pretty! Lilies are pretty hearty, so you should have a tough time killing them. Try irises, too. Not sure how tough hibiscus is. Good luck!
I bought seeds for tomatoes, bell peppers, and basil. Now let’s see if I ever take time to plant them.
May 17th, 2023 at 7:22 am · Link
Those lilies and the hibiscus are gorgeous. I have a brown thumb. Every plant I try to nuture turnes brown and dies. No, seriously. I once killed a Boston fern in 24 hours. The only reason I have flowers in the yard is because the previous owner planted perinnials and they still come up. Sometimes they bloom, sometimes they don’t. LOLOL
Anyway, more power to you, your yard and garden. You go, Plant Momma! 🥳
May 17th, 2023 at 2:37 pm · Link
I love you lilies and the hibiscus. The lilies remind me of the oriental lilies my grandfather grew. I took some with me when I left home. I transplanted them with every move and then we move here and the chipmunks ate the bulbs while still in flower. B. E. is right, Iris are very hardy.
Take a bow. You have done well!
The other day I was at Aldi and they had the tri tip. Since you’ve mentioned it and I have never had it, I bought one. Tonight is the night. I can’t trust hubs with the grill so I’m going to do it in the oven. It says 425F for an hour. We’ll see. I like my meat medium rare so I may take it our sooner.
I hope you are having a fantastic day!
May 17th, 2023 at 8:58 pm · Link
B.E., thanks! I figured it was a lilly but too lazy to look it up, LOL. But I’m not sure if it’s good for pots year around, but whatever. Life is a learning curve
I know you’re super busy (and probably tired!) now that you’re working full time, but I hope you get a chance to plant and grow your seeds into tomatoes, peppers and basil! I almost feel guilty because this is the first time I’ve actually had time to just play with plants and ideas for my little patio garden and it’s not fair that you don’t
Hope your week is going well!
May 17th, 2023 at 9:04 pm · Link
Silver, I’m normally right there with you. But in your case, you have much colder winters (snow and ice!) which makes it harder. I just get distracted by things like life and stories. But this little space and our main patio are my happy places (and my kitchen!) these days!
You know, inherited plants count just as much as the ones we birth ourselves You’re taking care of those plants to keep them alive and blooming (in the years they feel like it!).
Happy Wednesday!
May 17th, 2023 at 9:10 pm · Link
Viki, bad chipmunks! I love rabbits, but they are just as bad about eating through gardens.
I’m just relieved they are still alive. And the geranium cuttings from my mother in law appear to be doing okay too. I do know those are hardy so I guessed they might survive my clumsy attempts, LOL.
I hope your tri tip turns out good! I love when we get ideas from each other here! Enjoy your dinner!!