Jennifer Lyon

Friday, July 21st, 2023
Friday Five Late Edition

TGIF! Sorry guys for being late. Life is a roller coaster. This will have to be quick as I’m leaving to go get an x-ray. Here’s my five:

  1. Monday I had to clean carpets after taking Maggie to boarding. We don’t know what’s going on with the carpets, but we do know we hope to put new floors in with the next couple years (that was part of our original plan with this house). And I knew the my infection or whatever it is in my nose was coming back. I said nothing because Wizard’s surgery is important and I am not contagious. I’ve even done covid tests. It’s something going on with me, not a virus.
  2. Tuesday was a blur but things went well. The only complication was boarding couldn’t get Maggie’s bath done. They kept her another night at no charge, which helps us out too.
  3. Wednesday I went to my own doctor and he could see my nose and throat are inflamed. And he can see the sore spot. I need a full sinus xray and he’s getting me a referral to a specialist to determine what it is. He also gave me strong prescription ointment and that’s helping. If it clears it up and my x-ray is okay, I could skip the specialist, but it also might be wise to have it checked out (it’s wise, I know). After that, I picked up Maggie and brought her home. She was tired and not real hungry but she ate her dinner okay.  3a) While at boarding the last night, Maggie staged a “prison break” getting out of her enclosure and opening the gate to the small front lobby. Wizard and I cracked up about that. She was fine — the door was locked. The owner found her early the next morning just casually wandering around. Maggie is very intelligent when she wants to be, so this both surprises and doesn’t surprise me. She’s so “good” she rarely does stuff like that. But she is also driven to find me.
  4. Maggie was very sick and crying very early Thursday morning. I didn’t know it (I hadn’t slept in two nights so I was out cold), so Wizard just put her in her bed in our room. It wasn’t until the next morning I discovered she’d been really sick. And then she started having bloody diarrhea. It was a long day trying to care for her and get her into her vet. They tried, but last night I ended up taking her to emergency. They did a free evaluation and determined she’s stable enough to go home. They believe she found something to eat at boarding and with her history, her insides got irritated and bled a bit. There’s a reason we keep her on a strict diet. Not to blame the boarding place — there’s a lot of dogs and people, and things can happen. Her vet then called late that evening  right after I got home from the emergency vet, and said it could also be stress colitis which fits Maggie’s history too. They have meds on standby for me to pickup if she needs them.  Now she’s on a rice, boiled chicken and water diet.
  5. I slept with Maggie and she’s looking better this morning. Assuming that holds, I’ll go get my x-ray. So far, Wizard is healing as expected. He’s in pain, but ice helps a lot. With all this, it’s been a hard week BUT everyone has been nice and helpful where they can. There are not enough vets and too much demand. Hopefully Wizard and Maggie will be fine :-) And one day I’ll catch up on sleep, exercise and cleaning the house.

So that was my week, how was yours? Hope everyone has a great weekend!

6 comments to “Friday Five Late Edition”

  1. Silver James
    July 21st, 2023 at 2:30 pm · Link

    Oh good grief!!!! Sending good and healing thoughts to you all! What a week. No wonder you are exhausted! I do hope you get the X-ray, though. Gotta remember to take care of yourself because, darlin’? You can’t take care of everyone eles if you get really sick! Just sayin’. Hang in there! My five:

    1. Things are all out of sync this week. Not in a bad way, just a real life way of shuffling things around. I ended up at Wallyworld today and as a result, I keep thinking it’s Monday. :roll:

    2. Jake’s ear hasn’t gotten any worse. It’s not better, but at least it seems to have “stablized” for whatever that means. We’re confirmed with the new vet on Monday afternoon–another reason for hitting WW today. That and I was out of vanilla soy milk for my coffee. :lol:

    3. Mother Nature is still drunk. Heat advisories, storms, and now a very pleasant day (it’s current 81 instead of 91) with a cooler breeze out of the north and lower humidity. Tomorrow is supposed to stay cooler too. Then then heat dome comes back with a vengeance next week. At least we don’t have the storms with floods and tornadoes.

    3. Pete and Loki got the zoomies the other other night. I was walking from the family room to the kitchen and suddenly Pete zoomed past from my bedroom through the kitchen to my office, with Loki hot on his tail. They cut right in front of me. I made it to the kitchen and here came Loki, zooming back on the same path with Pete hard on his heels. It was funny. 😹

    4. We didn’t win Powerball. Maybe we’ll win MegaMillions tonight. 🤑💰💲

    5. I FINALLY got through the sexy bits scene. I struggled with that sucker all friggin’ week! First glance and I’m thinking it works on both the physical and the emotional level. If I’d get off the dang intrawebz, I might could finish the dang book today. First draft anyway! 💻✍🏼

    On that note…Here’s hoping things calm down for you. Take care, rest, have a good weekend. We’ve got one last soccer match tomorrow morning, and it should still be cooler. Then it’s work for me if I don’t get this sucker finished today. If I do, then I foresee binge watching the DVR and/or napping. Later, gators! 🤗

  2. Viki S.
    July 21st, 2023 at 3:10 pm · Link

    I hope this posts. I couldn’t get it to work for Wednesday’s blog.

    Man have you had A week!

    1. You will be so happy in a couple years and the carpets are gone.
    2. Tuesday must have been a rough day. It’s good that the “SPA” kept Maggie free of charge to get her bath an d nails done. It also gave you and Wizard a bit of a break since surgery.
    3. Good thing you saw got a strong ointment from your Dr. and a referral to the specialist.
    Ha ha on the escape artist.
    4. On no! Poor Maggie. I hope she is still recovering and all is well. Happy to hear that Wizard is coming along as he should.

    1a. Harrison and clan will be here in the morning. Oh boy will it be a whirlwind.
    2a. Got a letter today from the IRS in response to the one I sent them June 5th. Basically they need more time to review what I sent – dang government! At least another 90 days.
    3a. We had a big storm here yesterday. We lucked out but those around us had trees come down.
    4a. C & C’s puppy is a hit everywhere they go.
    5a. I made Jambalaya for dinner. Haven’t doe that in years.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Jenn
    July 21st, 2023 at 5:19 pm · Link

    Silver, thanks! I got the x-ray after 3 hours of waiting. Then I went by the vet office, picked up meds for Maggie and spoke to her vet which helped. We set up a plan, and if she’s not better Monday the vet will see her. I promise I’m trying to take care of myself, which is why I kept the Wednesday dr appt even though I had to leave Wizard alone (and of course, he was fine).

    1) Those are weird weeks, aren’t they? Anytime I shift my normal day for grocery shopping, I get confused on the days.
    2) All you have to do now is get through the weekend, and hopefully the new vet will fix him up real quick. With all the worry and stress of Jake and the vet, you need your vanilla soy milk!
    3) Wow you lucked out with two nice days! The weather is bat-sh*t lately. It’s miserable hot here and we are grateful for A/C and worried about those who don’t have it.
    4) Bummer, you should have won! Hopefully MegaMillions has your name on it!
    5) OH! I hope you finished or are so close you can’t stop typing! Go Silver!!!

    I’m hoping for a boring weekend here, and hope you have a great one and Stormy wins his game!

  4. Jenn
    July 21st, 2023 at 5:28 pm · Link

    Viki, it figures with my blog. and it’s always Friday when I hear of it or try to email my web person. She hasn’t answered lately which is really unusual. But yes, it posted today.

    And thanks on everything. I got the x-rays and I’ll get the referral whenever the insurance gods approve it. Then I’ll see when I can get in. The new ointment stuff is helping too. As for Maggie, she really scared us but she looks better today. It’s going to take time for her colon to heal up so it’s a chicken-and-rice-plus-meds weekend for her. And we are trying to keep the stress to a minimum for her too.

    1) Definitely a whirlwind but it should be a fun one! So glad you get to see them.
    2) Ugh, so sorry! Nothing moves fast with the IRS. The stories I hear from CPAs are interesting.
    3) Yikes! So glad you didn’t have any trees come down, but sorry for those who did. That’s scary.
    4) Awww! And that was my smile for the day! They must be enjoying their new puppy so much!
    5) That sounds good! I can’t eat it, but I can think about it, LOL! And maybe you have leftovers to enjoy this weekend too.

    Hope you have a great time with Harrison and his family!

  5. Marianne
    July 22nd, 2023 at 9:53 am · Link

    Sending Wizard and Maggie healing thoughts. Sending you nap thoughts (you might need a few).

  6. Jenn
    July 22nd, 2023 at 5:03 pm · Link

    Marianne, thank you!

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