Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023

Sure, once I wanted to be a good more, and bestselling author.

But now?

Well, I met this older lady over the weekend, and she was delightful. We chatted for a while, and she told me she was a vegetarian, and had been one most of her life. I commented how much easier it is now to find good options at restaurants and gatherings these days. She agreed and said: “The hippies did that for us.”

That answer was so unexpected, I splurted laughter. Also, she’s not wrong.

We chatted on with her telling me about her adult kids, and grandkids, sharing dog pics, and she kept amusing me.

And then? I found out that she’d just gone with her granddaughter a few days ago and gotten tattoo. She got two of them on her calf! She showed me the tattoo of a flower (for her daughter) and a dog (for her dog). The looked good on her!

She is a totally cool grandma.

I want to be like her with my grandkids! I don’t necessarily need a tat, but the idea of sharing experiences with my grandkids — that’s what I aspire too!

Happy Wednesday and do you have any aspirations you’d like to share?

2 comments to “Aspirations”

  1. Silver James
    October 11th, 2023 at 7:53 am · Link

    She was probably smart to wait until she was already old and wrinkly before getting the tats because trust me, they don’t age well. She does sound interesting but man, I am a carnivore and unapologetic. But yeah, cool that she’s so in tune with her life and family. That’s something to aspire to.

    Long ago and far away, I made a bucket list. (There was a movie about bucket lists and I thought, why not?) Anyway, some were whimsical and I figured would never happen. Some of those did! Others were practical and I figured I’d get them marked of pretty easily. Yeah…nope. Life has a way of giving us twists and turns, detours, and bumpy roads.

    My aspiratons now are to be both a friend and a mom to my Kids, to watch Stormy grow up, become an adult, and start living his best life. And to finish the next book. ALL the next books. LOL

    Oh, and to not “go off” on social media with blistering opinions, even though I’m right and those other idiots are wrong. 🤣

    On that note, getting off social media and going to work on the book. Happy Hump Day! Have a good one. 🥰

  2. Viki S.
    October 11th, 2023 at 2:50 pm · Link

    This woman sounds wonderful. She’s really young at heart.

    I have no desire for tats either.

    I just want to try and be positive. Sorry, but right now that’s a big one. It would also be nice to not be a burden on my boys.

    Have a wonderful afternoon.

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