Halloween day got away from me. Heck this whole week, weekend and beginning of next week is a marathon. But here’s our Halloween Roundup:
We sat outside, not many kids but a few really cute ones with fun costumes so it was worth it to see them. A couple neighbors came over and sat with us and that’s always fun. If I’d known it was going to be a party, I could have had margaritas (virgin for me), chips and salsa! We donated the remainder of our candy to a church. Oh and Wizard and I carved pumpkins, and his was better than mine so in my totally mature way, I refuse to show you my ugly pumpkin
Also Maggie got lots of compliments as she sat outside with us. She preened and believes every word, LOL.
So that was our Halloween night, was yours more exciting?
November 1st, 2023 at 2:05 pm · Link
Aww. Good dog, Maggie! And “stoop” parties can be the best. We used to do those in the Army. The temps here at t-n-t time were hoverin near the freezing mark. We closed all the curtain and turned off the outside lights. The ring camera only picked up a few groups out on the street and none of them approached our house. I guess they are finally learning that no porch light means no candy. I think it was the combination of a school night and cold temps, plus lots of other events held inside where the kids could get candy. It was nice and quiet and we watched baseball.
Maybe next year I’ll drag out all the decorations again and even buy a small bag of candy. Depends on the weather and the economy. LOL LG said he could put on his suspenders and sit on the porch shaking his cane and yelling, “Get offa my lawn!”
Enjoy the rest of your week though it sounds like things are going to be hectic. 🤗
November 1st, 2023 at 2:52 pm · Link
I’m sure Maggie was a hit with the kids. She was probably standing guard to keep them safe from witches and lizards.
It’s nice that you and the neighbors got to hang out for a bit. Your weather was probably nice too.
Around here they ask that you donate left over candy to the military men and women over seas. I guess they fill up boxes and ship it over and the men and women love it.
As is normal, there were no kids here last night. A & A had hundreds of kids and Queso had a ball.
At 11:30 we had about 1/4 in of snow. By 3 AM we had almost 2 inches. I think we topped off just over” 2 but 1″ is still here. It never warmed up today. It will tomorrow and all the white stuff will be gone.
I hope your afternoon is a relaxing one.
November 1st, 2023 at 3:17 pm · Link
Silver, I would have thought it too cold for trick or treaters in your area! I saw the forecast for the cold and snow hitting parts of the country. Sounds like you were smart to stay inside and enjoy baseball!
I see so many families going to organized events with their kids now. It’s probably safer (nothing is totally safe). But if you feel like doing it next year, then do it for fun and enjoy!! We have the benefit of milder temps which makes a huge difference. But dang, candy is expensive this year! I just bought one bag. Years ago, I’d buy four or five, but I also had three teenaged boys at home and “wasted food” wasn’t a thing.
LOL on “Get offa my lawn!” You could do a spooky recording of that and play it too! I wanted to have Wizard record one about our gravestones with some like: “Here lies the last five solicitors brave enough to ring our doorbell.” But too much happened in Real Life to get around to it.
I’m getting a break this afternoon and that should help me get organized for the next few days Hope your week is going well!
November 1st, 2023 at 3:26 pm · Link
Viki, a few of the kids were more interesting in petting Maggie than getting candy. Other kids were so focused on the candy they didn’t notice her. Kids are so interesting to observe. And year, our weather was just cool. I’d wore shorts all day and just added a light jacket.
What a good idea to donate the candy to the military! I never thought of that.
Sounds like a super fun night for Queso and his parents! Also Queso sounds like a very social and fun dog.
Yikes that’s pretty cold and a lot of snow! You’re all definitely a heartier bunch than us here in So Cal. I found out last night that kids have a day off school the day after Halloween because the teachers don’t want to deal with the kids hyped up on sugar. I thought I’d heard it all until I heard that!
My afternoon is slower now, and I’m loving it. Hope you’re having a good day too!