Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, December 6th, 2023
Wednesday Reading

I just finished listening to a nonfiction audiobook that I didn’t much care for, so I’ll ignore that one. Instead let’s talk about book I’m reading on Kindle and loving! It’s a fantasy called FOURTH WING by Rebecca Yarros. I tried to start it while camping, but my eyes wouldn’t cooperate so I set it aside. Then the other morning, I started reading it again and was hooked. I’m a bit more than half way through and wishing I had more time to read! (I have a reasonable amount of time — usually an hour in the morning and at night when I can read, so I’m just being greedy, LOL)

What I love about this book is that it’s about a group of young adults training to become dragon riders which catches my interest right away. The pacing is fast, the world building makes sense to me without being too detailed and cumbersome, but most of all I love the main character, and many of the secondary characters. I also hate the characters I’m supposed to hate in this story too, which makes it a more intense read. So far, the story is told is told in 1st person present tense, which I don’t usually care for, but it works here, at least for me.

And did I mention dragons? I love dragons :-)

So that’s what I’m reading, how about you?

4 comments to “Wednesday Reading”

  1. Silver James
    December 6th, 2023 at 8:44 am · Link

    That book has made a huge splash and so is the second in the series. I just can’t do 1st person present. Can’t read it and can’t listen to it. I’ve tried on books that I really wanted to read/listen to and my brain just stops parsing the words. :cry:

    Now, having said that, I DID finish STARLING HOUSE by Alix E. Harrow, which is in the dreaded 1st Person Present. I almost didn’t get it from the library (and when it came up my turn on hold, I delayed it at least twice) due to that. I finally gave it a try. I had to go slow but I got through it. It’s…a southern gothic magical realism romantic elements suspense something novel. It’s also one of the buzzy books this year. The writing is lyrical, the characters interesting and the worldbuilding tight. If you want something different, you might give it a look.

    Next up was Shelley Laurenston’s BORN TO BE BADGER, finished in about two days. :LOL: It is her usual madcap paranormal and I do enjoy her honey badger shifters but this one left some major threads open and jumped around a lot.

    I’m currently almost done with with the Audio Graphics (“It’s a movie for your mind”™) version of Ilona Andrews’s MAGIC BLEEDS in their Kate Daniels series. Yes, I’ve read and listened to this series multiple times but Audio Graphics is now producing the books with a full cast. They’re fun to listen to and very close to the original versions but lots of actors. I have about 2 hours left to listen.

    Next up? I’m not sure. Maybe a Linda Winstead Jones paranormal RomCom (BIGFOOT AND THE LIBRARIAN) or SHARDS OF GLASS, the first in a new fantasy series by Michelle Sagawa. I can get both either from the library or the library’s affliation with Hoopla. I’ll see what I’m in the mood for. :lol:

    Happy reading all!

  2. Viki S.
    December 6th, 2023 at 3:51 pm · Link

    I think I’d enjoy the book you are currently reading. From what I’ve seen it is quite popular.

    I am about to start Cynthia Eden’s WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS. I just have very little time to read and when I finally get to bed with my Kindle I fall asleep often before finishing 2 sentences. It’s really getting to me.

    C and his buddy came over last night because the buddy couldn’t get it out of his head that the oven didn’t work. He had a thought, they tried it and the oven is working. I called and cancelled the service appointment. Now I have to learn how to use another new oven and the stove top 😊.

    I hope your day is going well.

  3. Jenn
    December 6th, 2023 at 4:25 pm · Link

    Silver, I know, 1st person, present is hard for me too. This one doesn’t make my brain stutter, but I get why you can’t do it. But glad Starling House worked for you! I’ll keep it in mind (and then I laughed when I wrote that, because my mind accesses things randomly, and rarely when I need it!)

    I was thinking about Born to Badger when I get into my next bake-a-thon. I’ve found that while I find her books funny, sometimes she does jump around a bit. I always tell myself I’m just not keeping up, which is very likely. I’m also glad she does explain in long exposition dumps.

    Magic Bleeds produced that way does sound fun! I’ll have to check it out because I’m sometimes not the right target for that style. But I won’t know until I try!

    I love the title Bigfoot and the Librarian! Let me know if you like it!

  4. Jenn
    December 6th, 2023 at 4:30 pm · Link

    Viki, it seems to be very popular. I saw a conversation about it on FB, downloaded a sample and really loved it. It hasn’t disappointed so far!

    I know you really enjoy Cynthia Edan’s books, but I’m sorry you’re struggling with staying awake. I do okay if I read when I have coffee at 5:30 am. But I also like that time to look for recipes, etc.

    Kudos to C’s buddy! It’s amazing how are brains will work on a problem and then send up the solution like that. I’m so happy you got it working and were able to cancel the service call! You’ll get the hang of it soon.

    My day is long but good. Hope you day is going well too!

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