TGIF!! We are already a week into December, this year is racing toward 2024 now. With no time to waste, lets jump right into sharing five random things about our week:
- I made dairy and gluten free pumpkin cookies for youngest. He’d mentioned about 7 times he liked them, so I finally took the very subtle hint and made them. Cookies are my favorite things to make for smaller projects. But I miss making cakes and decorating them. I’ll get back to it this next year though, and I keep reminding myself of that.
- I’m not very happy with the Christmas cards I ordered, but I suspect most of it is user error — in other words, I didn’t design them very well using the vendor program to create the cards. So basically I’m annoyed at myself. I’ll shrug it off though, in the scheme of things we need to worry about, this one doesn’t even count, LOL.
- We went to a funeral this week and needed to pick up Wizard’s mom and her husband on the way. Traffic made us late, so they were going to drive themselves. We were stressed about that, but in a stroke of great luck, we managed to arrive at their house just as they were getting in the car to leave. That was a huge relief for us! The service was lovely. However, I’m a bit concerned about Wizard’s mom’, but given her age, that worry is pretty normal.
- Yesterday we went to his brothers (the one who passed) and got all his clothes packed up. It was just too hard for his wife, which is understandable. We took care of that, and as a bonus, I got to see their dog, Bailey! She’s such a sweetie. She and I are good friends now, and when we left, she watched us in the window. It was so cute. I wish I’d taken a picture of her, but I didn’t think of it at the time.
- Today we are going to try to go to the Shelby Museum in Irvine, CA, unless we’re both just too tired. Other than that, I don’t know exactly what we are doing this weekend. I’m hoping Wizard can go racing Sunday. It’d be good for him to hang out with some friends. I’m going to finish up some Christmas stuff and maybe plan out a fun holiday cake (per #1 above) if time and energy allows me to focus on it. This week was a bit of a drain, and it’d do us both good to slow down for a day or two and catch our breath a bit. On the other hand, life has a way of changing plans that keeps us hopping so we’ll see.
That’s my five — one of my New Years Hopes is to be less boring in blogs and life in general Now I’d love to hear your five! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
December 8th, 2023 at 11:47 am · Link
You aren’t boring! Yay for cookies, cake planning, possible museum trip, arriving in the nick of time, cute pupper, and helping family. Wiz is an awesome brother and you a SiL. Me, on the other hand? TOTALLY boring! Okay, my mundane five:
1. I think I FINALLY have the stupid timeline set up right. Until I work through the whole series of “current” events, I won’t know for sure but my brain and the characters have quietened down and are allowing me to read, write, revise, and move scenes around. 🤞🏼 this trend continues.
2. Stormy had a decent soccer match Tuesday night. He’s enjoying playing goalie for the second half of the game so that’s all that matters.
3. The school Christmas program Wednesday night was funny and adorable. It was called “In a Galilee Far, Far Away” and was about a space ship travelling back in time for the birth of Christ. Only built the ship’s control board. Stormy was in the chorus. There are 4 boys in his class (they’re called the 4 Horseman for…reasons! ) and they were all next to each other on the risers. Watching them trying to outdo each other on the song gestures was a hoot.
4. In news I can’t be specific about but I need another random thing, life for two of the family is in a holding pattern. We’re hoping for successful resolutions in both instances. Even one will be a good thing but two would be all kinds of awesome. P.S. Nothing bad! (No health issues or anything like that!!)
5. Pete has decided that I need to get up earlier. He’s started getting off his pillow/bed and doing a big stretch with at least one paw touching me. Then he walks across me to get to the foot of the bed, where he waits expectantly for me to get up and head to the bathroom. If I don’t, he walks up my body and stares until I give up. FYI, this happens between 5:25 and 5:30 every day. My “just 30 more minutes, Mom” falls on deaf cat ears. 😺
That’s it for me, and I was having to dig deep! No weekend plans beyond unraveling the mess that has become this WIP. And maybe some naps. We’ll see what happens. Have a great one, all!
December 8th, 2023 at 4:02 pm · Link
1. Nice job on the cookies. I’m sure the cake baking will rev up soon.
2. Sorry the cards didn’t turn out as you would have like. The good thing is it’s the thought behind the card.
3. Wow, talk about good timing. It’s really good that you guys were able to do the driving and keep Wizard’s mom and hubs safe.
4. That was a really good and kind thing you did. Packing things up is SO hard. Plus on Bailey.
5. I hope you got to the museum and that you both can take a breather this weekend.
1a. Got my hair done today. She cut it funny. I will not complain because it grows.
2a. Hubs carried on so much that I ordered us the new iPhones. They are here and C will help us transfer and set them up tis weekend.
3a. I haven’t used the newest oven yet but the top is nice. It’s huge and I’m short so I must look so funny trying to cook.
4a. Tomorrow we’re taking A and all the family (minus TN) out for dinner to celebrate A’s birthday. He chose an Indian place. None of us have been there so reviews will come in ;).
5a. I’m going to decorate this weekend.
I hope you have a good weekend!
December 8th, 2023 at 4:48 pm · Link
Silver, thanks but I feel boring As for helping, it’s the least we can do. She took such amazing care of him, we are happy to what we can to help her. Okay, let’s see if its even possible for you to be boring!
1) It sure sounds like you’ve tamed the time line now!
2) Yes it is what matters! Go Stormy!
3) Cute name for the play! And Kudos to Only for building the ships control board. Finally, LOLOL on the 4 Horseman! I can imagine the reasons.
4) I understand having to be vague at times, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for two great resolutions! Also, I’m so glad no one is in ill health.
5) Pete is such a character! And a demanding one. Clearly he has a specific window of time for his breakfast and he will not tolerate any deviations! It must look pretty funny when he stares at you. When Maggie thinks she should get a treat, she sits by the pantry door and stares at it, then looks at me to make sure I see her subtle suggestion.
While I get that the WIP feels like a mess, I actually think you’re getting more clarity, then working hard to get all the pieces and times in place. Have faith, it will come together! Also — you’re not boring!
December 8th, 2023 at 5:01 pm · Link
Viki, you’re right on the cards, but I’m ignoring them for now because I’m mature like that, LOL. Thank you on packing up the clothes. It was nowhere near as hard on us as it would have been for her. And she was comforted by giving it all to the cancer society and that was another bonus. Bailey is so sweet I can’t resist her now — she has me fully trained!
1) It probably looks cute to everyone else, but is annoying you. Sorry the cut went a bit wrong, but you’re right, it grows out. Hopefully next time will be better!
2) New iPhones is exciting! I’m tempted sometimes to get another iPhone next time we get new phones. But my cheapness will probably win out.
3) I’m jealous of your second over! And I laughed at the height them — I just reach my microwave and look funny when I use it. I’ve been teased about it! But I make it work.
4) Hope you love the Indian restaurant! Happy Birthday to A!
5) Have fun decorating, but don’t overdo and get too sore.
Enjoy the new restaurant and decorating, oh and your new iPhone once C sets them up and transfers the data!