Jennifer Lyon

Monday, December 11th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

It was a nice enough weekend :-)

Friday, we went to the Shelby Museum. We saw some cool cars, but it didn’t have any real energy to it. I suspect this location is more about events than catering to people who pay just to see the cars, but we enjoyed it. We did not, however, enjoy the traffic. A large cargo trailer had overturned on the opposite side of the freeway. Which happens when you try to pull something like that with a regular truck. Anyway it blocked three lanes and created a nightmare on that side, and way too much “lookie loo” traffic on our side. We took an alternate route home and all was well for us. As I understand it, no one was hurt in the accident, and that’s good too.

Saturday was all cleaning, organizing and errands for me. I think I made cookies too. I need a lot of organizing things for my kitchen and pantry, but when I start trying to figure it out, I get overwhelmed and do nothing :-) But I did what I could to semi-prep for baking. The rest I’ll worry about after the holidays.

Sunday, other than running by Youngest’s house for a few minutes, it was quiet. I had a long list of things I wanted to do, but my energy failed and I only got half way through that list :-). However, I’m not complaining! My brain is way too energetic for my body these days, and that’s okay. Better to have the drive and goals rather than do nothing. It just means my body insists on a slower day here and there.

All the major parts of my Christmas shopping is done and wrapped. But we are having back to back events the 23rd through 26th and I’m not sure how to juggle cooking (I’m bringing dishes or in one case, taking an entire dinner plus dessert), and the baking I’d like to do. I’ll figure it all out, and take some short cuts. Either way it’ll work out!

That was my weekend, how was yours?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    December 11th, 2023 at 8:12 am · Link

    Busy lady! And it sounds like that won’t change until after the holidays. As you’re figuring out your schedule, be sure to make some time for just sitting and resting! Knowing you, you’ll get all the cooking orgainized, lined out and done to perfection.

    Our weekend was…dull and boring. Except for Iffy. Iffy found my stash of espresso and the dark chocolate. She’s been boucning off the walls ever since and is demanding I stop everything to work on her super-secret project. 8-O More on that another time if it becomes less secret…

    I gave my hair a cut yesterday. I’m still trying to achieve a “Meg Ryan Pixie” cut but my hair grows weird–back faster than front, parts of back faster than the rest… Anyway, it’s a tad shorter today but that’s okay. I’ll get it organized eventually. :lol:

    Other than that, I worked. Hopefully, I will have updates to add by Friday. :roll:

    In the meantime, I’m off to Wallyworld. Yippee. At least Jake and I will get Starbucks on the way home. Yippee! Have a great week, all!

  2. Viki S.
    December 11th, 2023 at 3:18 pm · Link

    I had a feeling the car museum was more for events and such. But I’m sure Wizard, being a car guy, still really enjoyed it.

    Drivers are idiots. It amazes me that these people are ever behind a wheel. The neck stretchers drive me just a crazy. I’m glad you guys made it through the mess.

    Seems like you got quite a bit accomplished on Saturday and Sunday. Don’t tell anyone but, my mind thinks it can do all kinds of things that the body just says “NO” to too. Getting older stinks.

    Saturday we had A’s b-day dinner. His A didn’t come. She woke up with a sore throat and wasn’t feeling well. The Indian food was great. My complaint – NO menus. I hate places that have you scan a code to see a menu. That’s what this place does and they do not have ANY real menus for those of us that really can’t read menus well on our phones.

    While we were at dinner Harrison’s family were seeking shelter from the tornados. They were very fortunate. One went just north of them and the other just south. Many of Harrison’s activity places (like the pool and outdoor gym that goes with it) were destroyed.

    Sunday C came over and got our new phones going. It’s another learning curve.

    I sure hope you have a great day.

  3. Jenn
    December 11th, 2023 at 9:24 pm · Link

    Silver, I love your confidence in me! But I’m just going to see how it goes and cut where needed. And I’m taking your suggestion to work in downtime. I recognize that I’m the one putting the pressure on myself, no one else expects me to be superwoman so there’s that :-)

    Oh Iffy! She’s always up to mischief and she loves new and shiny ideas when you’re struggling to get the old ideas finished and polished. Any chance you can slip her a Xanax until you get this project done?

    Given that each time I’ve see you, your hair looks great, I’m going to guess that no one else notices those little weird things. But I fully get your frustration! Hope you get to the Meg Ryan soon!

    Looking forward to the possible updates on Friday! Hope you and Jake enjoyed your Starbucks!

  4. Jenn
    December 11th, 2023 at 9:35 pm · Link

    Viki, Wizard did enjoy it, and I did too. There were some pretty awesome cars there. But yeah, it’s more for events. And in our area, traffic is always the wild card factor.

    Exactly on what we want to do and what our bodies are willing to do. I try hard to mentally counter that frustration with gratitude for what my body can do. I’m not always successful, but I try!

    I’m nodding my head with you on driver’s are idiots. I make mistakes too, but some of the stuff we see is just pure stupidity.

    I’m so glad you had a good birthday dinner for A but really sorry his A was unwell and couldn’t go. That sucks, but she made the right choice with all the viruses going around. Man, I HATE when they don’t have menus. When I was still writing and had a ton of emails and texts each day, I didn’t want to pull it out to read a dang menu and get blasted with work stuff. I wanted to be there with the people I was eating with. It’s just really annoying to have technology intrude on every part of our lives, and for businesses to expect us to look up things rather than providing us the info. It’s not customer friendly!

    Yikes! That had to be really scary for Harrison and his family! I’m glad they’re safe, but I’m really sorry for all the people who were injured or worse, and for the mess the tornados made, creating a lot of difficulties for people. I hope their town will recover quickly.

    Yay for C getting your phones operational. Crossing my fingers the learning curve is short and easy!

    Hope your week is off to a good start.

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