One more week until Christmas! It’s crazy how fast this year is coming to a close. But let’s talk about this last weekend, which was pretty good.
Friday: We went to Turbo’s Christmas play and it was delightful! The kids were all so cute. Then we went to dinner and all had a wonderful time. We just talked, nothing special. The girls and I sat together, Wizard in the middle and and my two sons hogged Turbo sat with Turbo. But I got hugs from him, so I let it slide I so appreciate the lowkey, easy going family dinner in the middle of all the holiday prep!
Saturday: I made cookies and made a mistake of only adding half the butter I’d taken out to one complicated recipe. Long story short, I nearly destroyed my neck, shoulder and down my right side trying to mix the melted butter, chocolate and sugars with the dry ingredients, and that’s when I realized what I’d done. At that point all I could do was melt the rest of the butter and try to fix it. For any bakers out there cringing, I know!! It’s changes the texture of the cookie and it’s wrong! So the cookies are a bit denser and more chewy, more of a mocha brownie texture, than a cookie. Once I got over being mad at myself, I accepted that the cookies may not meet my expectations but they are “good enough.” I was doing other stuff too, but it’s mostly boring — probably as boring as that story
Sunday: I made two doughs and baked one of them. All good, but I got distracted in the middle of one of the doughs when I was measuring the dry ingredients and Wizard came in from an errand. “There are horseback riders behind our house!” I stopped what I was doing, and both of us climbed on chairs like the dorks we are, to look out the window at the riders. There was about six or seven that I could see, and one guy had a kid on the saddle in front of him with a helmet on (I approve!) We watched the horses for a while. We don’t know the riders, but we’re trying to guess if they live up the hill where some ranches are. Anyway, I finally went back to my baking, and could not remember if I’d added the salt I was just ready to add when Wizard came in. I think I did — I hope I did! Have you ever tried to taste flour and baking soda to see if you added the salt?????? I really don’t recommend it, but I decided I had added it and kept going. Fingers crossed I made the right call!
Last night we went to dinner, because I needed a break from anything resembling kitchen duty
So that was my weekend, how was yours?
December 18th, 2023 at 1:40 pm · Link
Of course Turbo was adorable! And all of his peers. That’s such a cute age. Yay for low-key/high-fun dinners with family. Personally, I like browinie/chewy textures in cookies. I won’t mention the time I added baking soda instead of bakin powder to my waffle recipe (that I’ve made for 60 years… 🤦🏼♀️ **facepalm**) It happens. And besides, HORSES! Besides, less salt in the diet won’t hurt.
Okay, my weekend. Only was getting ready to upgrade her phone when she dropped it and cracked the screen on Friday. LG had it set up with the phone insurance provider to get the screen fixed so she could still trade it in on the upgrade on Saturday. That turned into a charlie foxtrot for…reasons. So today, there’s a brand-new replacement phone delivered that will be traded in for the upgrade. How any of this make sense on a corporate level is beyond me. There are reasons she needed a working phone but still can’t say why. Hopefully for Friday Five. Anyway…
After all the frustration, we vegged the rest of Saturday. LG provided dinner by running out to Golden Chick. I splurged and had macaroni and cheese instead of salad for my side.
Sunday, I was supposed to give blood but my hemogoblin count was a .1 below their threshold. Evidently scarfing down a small cinnamon dolce latte right before going in knocks my level down. Ah well. I tried. I came home and did laundry. Whoppee. At least it’s done and put up so I accomplished something over the weekend.
Today was Wallyworld and now I’m trying to get back into writing mode. So far, it’s a losing battle. 🤷🏼♀️ **shrug** Have a great week, all! I hope everyone is ready for the holidays and just relax. I need to make roll dough. Maybe tomorrow.
December 18th, 2023 at 3:41 pm · Link
I hope you or someone recorded the play. They are great to look back on when the kids get older.
That’s so cute how they “hogged Turbo” but you got hugs. Hugs are the best.
Oh no, your poor neck/arm. How is it feeling today? Even minor periods of hand mixing kill me so I can only imagine the pain you have been in. I’m sure they tasted just fine and if not – they better say that they taste just fine ☺.
That’s so neat that you had people riding behind your house. Good job on the kid wearing the helmet too.
We used to have riders in our woods all the time but the kids have grown and left. The horse farms are still here but they now stay on riding paths.
So how did the bread turn out? My guess is that you had added the salt and all was fine. Tasting raw bough for saltiness, I don’t know. I’m not sure I would be able to figure it out.
The tree is decorated and one item wrapped. I’d love to get more done but every time I turn around someone is on my back. Hopefully tomorrow morning while he’s at an appointment I can get a few wrapped.
No baking either. I swear some time this week I will get a sweet bread, maybe zucchini or cranberry, made.
It’s been snowing all day but very lightly. That is until and hour ago and now it’s coming down in buckets. We are under a snow warning, 6-10 inches. But it will all be gone by Christmas – bummer.
I have to go figure out dinner. It may be breakfast for dinner night.
Have a fantastic afternoon!
December 18th, 2023 at 6:47 pm · Link
Silver, oh yeah, it happens! I do stupid stuff all the time. This year, I’m just trying to do too much with too many interruptions. And I didn’t plan well, so I’m not doing this again. My fault. And my oven is electric which I don’t feel is the best for baking.
Oh poor Only, what crappy timing to drop her phone! And the hoops you all had to jump through is utterly ridiculous. Fingers crossed on whatever that “why” is!!
Vegging + splurging is good for getting over that kind of frustration.
Trying matters, but sorry you weren’t able to give blood. I had no idea that the drink could affect your hemoglobin so I learned something new. Always a win for me
Hope you are all done with Wallyworld for the week. Sympathies on trying to write the holidays. I suggest you take a break, but I know that really never worked when people game me that advice
Happy cookie dough making if you get to it!
December 18th, 2023 at 6:51 pm · Link
Viki, yep we took videos! And my arm shoulder is better today. It’s up and down and some of it is my fault. I don’t even want to talk about my throat
LOL yeah, I could tell there was salt but just barely. Still the cookie didn’t crinkle the way it should…and I’m over it. It’s just that kind of year for me and I’m accepting it.
The riders were awesome to see! I see hoofprints now and again. I’m hoping one day Maggie and I will be on a walk and see them — I’d love for Maggie to watch them from a safe distance.
Huge sympathies on not getting done what you plan because of interruptions. It’s so frustrating and stressful. I hope you’re able to get some time the rest of the week to do the things important to you.
Wow I heard about the storms, please take care! And sorry you won’t get a white Christmas if that’s what you enjoy.
Breakfast for dinner is always a delicious choice!