Jennifer Lyon
Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
Post Surgery Update

Hi, I’m checking in. I’m writing this five days after the surgery, and I’m doing pretty well.

The surgery took over four hours. It had been projected to take two-and-a-half to three hours, so it definitely went long. There were a LOT of bone spurs pressing into my nerves. I believe the doctor told me there was one or more near my spine too, but I’m not totally sure. I was in recovery and some of that is a little blurring in my memory.

I came through the surgery fine, woke up able to talk, proving there was no damage to my voice. In an aside, I was so hot in recovery, the nurse had ice packs all around me. I really do have some weird reactions! It wasn’t a fever, I was just so hot, anyone near me could feel the heat radiating off me. Anyway, I stayed one night in the hospital, and the next day got up and walked with my physical therapist. The therapist was surprised, but honestly, I just wanted to go home and was willing to do whatever it took to get me there. My doctor released me and Wizard got me home by late afternoon.

I battled several days of nausea, which is just how I react to anesthesia. Now I’m over it and my appetite is improving. I’m on the absolute lowest dose of pain meds as I’d rather have pain than nausea. Otherwise, my throat is very sore, but getting better each day. My incision is bigger than we thought it would be, and it looks like someone cut my throat.

I know—gross.

But the incision is healing, and the scar will be what it will be.

We won’t know how the surgery works as far as my existing pain for a while. But I’m very confident that we stopped the progression. With that many bone spurs, it was just a matter of time before something really bad happened.

Another side effect of the surgery is that I have bruises all over my arms, my shoulder and my scalp. That’s from the nerve specialist—he had probes in my nerves to make sure the doctor didn’t hit something he shouldn’t. Apparently, he sent currents of electricity through those to test the nerves, and that would cause me to jerk on the table. That caused the places where the needles were placed to bruise, and I bruise easily. All that will heal so no big deal. I remember nothing about any of the surgery. The last thing I recall is being wheeled into the O.R. room, and the next thing I remember is being woken up in recovery.

Otherwise, I’m up and around, though I tire easily. Wizard and the boys are taking great care of me. I’m listening to Wizard because I only want to do this once. I’m resting all the freaking time. Reading a lot or watching TV. Oh and the doctor gave me a soft collar I can sleep in, or eat in, then I wear the big hard collar the rest of the time. After a few days, I’m used to it, and I know it’s there to protect my neck so that helps too. But when I wear the hard collar, you can see the incision and I want to spare you that, so no pictures.

So that’s how I’m doing, now I’d love to hear how all of you are doing. I may not respond, but I will absolutely read each and every comment. I’m not going to be posting regularly for a while yet, but will check in once a week or so.

Wednesday, October 31st, 2018
Happy Halloween and Surgery Snafu :-)

Surprise, I’m here! My surgery was rescheduled for Thursday at 12:30. First, let me say that Wizard and I are NOT upset. This was a system of checks and balances that worked. I got all the way to the O.R. when the doctor discovered in his pre-surgical check that the donor bone was NOT what he’d ordered. He didn’t think it was the right bone for me, and I trust him. Everyone there was professional, kind and apologetic.

Now the hilarious part. They moved me from the OR back into a curtained bay and were trying to get ahold of Wizard. He’d been with me until the took me to the surgery room, then was heading to the cafeteria to get breakfast. He had my clothes, my glasses, everything. I had nothing but the thick paper hospital gown I was wearing. The doctor pulled out his phone and told me he’d call Wizard right now. (You can see why we really like this doctor).

I groaned. “He won’t answer if he doesn’t recognized the number.” I know how he thinks–he’d just left me, so the nurses or doctors couldn’t possibly be calling him yet. Even I couldn’t get into trouble that quickly, right?  And Wizard never answers a number he doesn’t recognize unless he’s expecting a call. That’s his logic. I know exactly how he thinks.

So the doctor called while I watched.

Wizard didn’t answer.

Then the nurse tried.

Wizard didn’t answer.

I’m now picturing myself flinging off my covers, grabbing the IV pole and heart machine I was hooked up to, and dragging them with me as I stomped to the cafeteria in my flapping gown, flashing innocent people middle-aged booty, and yelling “Wizard answer your phone or you’ll never have cheesecake again!!!”

The nurse had another idea. She texted him. Wizard read that, turned around and rushed back to see what happened. The doctor saw him in the halls, recognized him and explained. Wizard sauntered in, took one look at me and said, “Seriously, Witch? This stuff only happens to you. Only. You.” Then he took my hand and told me it’s okay, that he’s glad the doctor discovered the problem before he started surgery and we’ll come back Thursday.

I was so happy to see him, I forgot to yell at him for not answering his phone :-)  I’m not actually mad about that, it’s just Wizard-logic.

And one more quick story. We went to pick Maggie up from boarding and make new arrangements for Thursday. They told me Maggie had a new friend named Teddy. The brought Maggie out, I leashed her and while we were talking, a little furball, I think a Yorkie, launch himself into the air, landed on the admissions desk and slid across it right into Wizard’s arms.

Teddy was trying to follow Maggie. It was adorable. And for a fun twist, Teddy is a rescue and needs a home. It took everything I had to say no. One dog is enough, and obviously, right now we have too much going on to ever think about something like that. But dang, that little guy was pretty cute, and so sweet. It boggles my mind how these wonderful animals end up homeless.

Okay after all that, let me finish by saying I’ll try to do a check in post at some point when I feel up to it. In the meantime, you all have a fun Halloween and stay safe while I’m gone!




Monday, October 29th, 2018
Weekend Roundup

It was another fast weekend! Saturday evening, Wizard and I went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary early. We went to Taps Fish House and Brewery, a pretty upscale place. And WOW! the restaurant did not disappoint! We both had lobster dinners, and desert. Wizard had cheesecake and I had an amazingly delicious Flourless Dark Chocolate Olive Oil Cake with salted caramel and pistachio nuts. We had planned to come home and open a bottle of wine CPA Boy and Special K had brought us from Napa (wine country in Northern Ca), but we were too full! This picture of the cake pic on the right is one I snagged off Yelp.

Sunday CPA Boy and Special K brought Baby Slayer out again! It’s a long drive, and I really appreciate it. This picture was one Wizard snapped outside. Baby Slayer is looking down at something on the cement, and he was getting tired from playing nonstop for two hours in the house. He’s crawling all over now, and pulls himself up to standing on anything he can reach. I have videos…so many videos, LOLOL!! I swear he’ll be walking before his bottom two teeth finally come it! Every baby develops on their own timeline (a quote from Baby Slayers pediatrician). Also it’s still hot here in So Cal which is why both Baby Slayer and I are dressed in shorts, and he doesn’t have socks on. I think it was 95 yesterday.

By the way, Baby Slayer’s T-Shirt says, “Grandma’s Tech Support.” Now Special K is demanding her own T-Shirt that says “Father-in-Law’s Tech Support” since she’s been helping Wizard with his phone. Special K deserves a t-shirt!

Today I have an early hair appointment, shopping, laundry and we’re going move the big recliners into the family room. I may not be able to sleep in a bed, so we have the recliners in the family room as a backup option.

And lastly, my surgery is tomorrow (Tues, Oct. 30th) at 7;30 am, and we have to be at the hospital at 5:30. I’ll likely spend the night at the hospital and come home on Halloween. I doubt I’ll be online much. I’ll try to check in and let you guys know I’m ok, but if you don’t hear from me for a while, it’s just because I’m recovering and will update you when I can.

Now how was your weekend?


Friday, October 26th, 2018
Friday Five

TGIF! It’s almost Halloween, and that means the holiday season is almost here. Where did the year go? Well that’s another blog :-) Right now, it’s time to share five things about our week:

  1. I made enchiladas and froze some of them for Wizard to eat while I’m recovering. He was happy.
  2. I also made brownies this week. I believe we’ve discussed my lack of self-control.
  3. Decaf coffee makes me sad. (I switched over slowly to decaf until after the surgery.)
  4. Maggie heard Coyotes howling the other night, and just had to run outside to check “her lizards” which is to say, she checked the trash cans where she finds the most lizards to chase. I guess she thought the coyotes were going to steal her lizards????
  5. We had a Movie Fail yesterday. We tried to see First Man before my surgery since Wizard really wanted to see it. When we got in the theater, the screen wasn’t on at all, so I let the management know. The screen came on and 25 minutes later it was still playing commercials. At that point, we got a refund and so did most of the other people in that theater. It’s a small annoyance in life.

So that’s my five things that I can think of right off the top of my head. Now it’s your turn!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018
Wednesday Worthy

It’s hump day and time for our Wednesday Worthy candidate! This guy is a rerun, but I think he’s worthy enough for a few repeats :-)

So what do you think, is he repeat worthy?

Monday, October 22nd, 2018
Weekend Roundup

Okay who stole the weekend? Here it is Sunday evening, and I’m like…there was a weekend?

Heads up: I have a serious question at the end of this blog. You can skip to that if you don’t want to hear the details of my weekend.

Friday, we had my final pre-op appointment, and all my tests are good so we’re ready to go. While discussing concerns, I brought up my reaction to General Anesthesia which is nausea. Wizard jumped in with, “She’s not overselling it, she gets sick. Really sick. And it doesn’t stop.” Umm…thanks for the help, Wizard??? LOLOL! But he’s not lying, and the doctor doesn’t want me sick (he said retching, UGH!), since we want the bones to fuse. So we talked about ways to minimize that, and we’re all set for Oct 30th. I’ll find out my time of the surgery the day before. Later that day, Wizard and I got our flu shots, then he began the “chase” for his phone. The new phone showed up–and it’s the wrong one. We don’t know if it’s an honest mistake or they are playing games. We’ll see, but I’m less happy about the customer service right now.

Saturday, I went to see BIL in the hospital, then he threw my sister out so we could go to lunch. He wanted her to have a break from the hospital, which is a good sign that’s he’s feeling well enough to worry about her. He’s going to be up and down now as he recovers, but he’s a fighter and determined to recover. By the way, my sister is handling all this like a rock star.

Sunday, I planned to have the day to catch up on some stuff and maybe write, but my day got better! Youngest called and invited me to go look at the wedding venue that his fiance is excited about. We went and looked, and they signed the contracts! I’m so happy about this, it’s for November 2019 so there’s lots of time for me to recover and still be a part of planning. Vet Tech Fiance and her mom are both made of Awesomeness and are making efforts to include me in the planning. I don’t have daughters, so this is pure fun for me! Our last son marrying :-) Wizard is just as thrilled as I am.

And now my question: Do you think people would be interested to hear about my surgery journey? I can do video updates, but my videos will be amateur ones. Some will be me on pain pills :-)  They will definitely be all me–not feeling well, wearing a cervical collar, no make-up and natural weird hair. Or should I just keep it light with just blogs and posts when I can? Obviously, I’m not going to worry about it if I don’t feel well enough to talk on video. I’m still thinking about this and would love any input you have.

Okay that’s my weekend-plus-question. Now I want to hear how your weekend was!

Friday, October 19th, 2018
Friday Five

Well hello there, Friday, how are you? So nice to see you again even though it feels like it’s only been ten minutes since we last saw you :-) Okay, it’s time to list 5 things about our week. Here are mine:

  1. My Brother In Law wins the Mega-Tough Award! He had open heart surgery and while he’s in pain, he’s getting up, sitting in a chair and walking a few steps at a time. That’s pretty danged impressive! My sister, Biker Witch, is doing well. I worry about her because that’s what sisters do, but she’s been handling all this like a champ.
  2. Maggie is mad at me right now because I won’t move the trash cans fifty million times. She’s convinced there’s a lizard under there, which there was, but he escaped to a safer spot an hour ago. Maggie refuses to believe it.
  3. I bought new Sketcher sneakers at Target. I think I can wear them for everyday stuff, not for hiking though (I use my old, dirty but reliable, Reeboks.) Finding shoes I can actually wear has been a battle for years. I’ve wasted so much money on shoes, and I hate that. Every time I find a pair I can wear, I want to celebrate!
  4. Wizard’s new phone is doing this quirky disappearing act with keyboard screen. He took it into the cellphone store once and they reset it for him. It still did it, so he went back again, and they ordered him a new one. It’ll be here in a day or two, and I’m happy with that response. I did try to get him to upgrade to the same phone that I have, but he refused. He really likes his phone, except for that one weird issues. If the new one works as it should, he’ll be satisfied.
  5. Today I have my last pre-op, and this one is with my surgeon. He will go over my pre-op tests, and make sure everything is set for surgery. After that…I can still run :-) Okay I’m mostly kidding. I’m focusing on a positive outcome and getting back to the job I love!

That’s my five, now it’s your turn to share five things about your week.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!