Jennifer Lyon
Monday, December 11th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

Another super busy weekend. Friday I saw the new pain doctor and really liked her. The takeaway from that long visit is that she did several (NINE!!) trigger point shots that day. Those are for the muscles pain and they helped. For the nerve pain, she wants to try an epidural. They already schedule that for mid-January assuming my insurance approves it. The one thing I really liked was both she and her assistant were the first ones to tell me that the ringing in my ears may be related. That’s actually a relief.

The fun part of the weekend was Nursery Assembly Day! I didn’t get any good pictures, but Special K has a jungle theme with really cute trees, monkeys, and other animal decals that we put on the walls. It looks adorable! I can’t wait to be a grandma :-)

Maggie went to her first doggy day care on Saturday and seemed to do well. Next weekend we’ll try the overnight boarding there. Our sons are finding this all hilarious. I keep trying to explain, but then I hear myself saying it out loud and yeah, it’s funny that we’re doing all this for a dog. On the upside, it’s going to be nice to have a place to leave her if we’re going to be gone for eight hours, overnight or traveling.

So that’s the quick version of my weekend. How was yours?



Friday, December 8th, 2017
Friday Five

**Sorry for the late post, I set the wrong time when I scheduled the blog last night.**

That whooshing sound is another week flying by, and once again it’s time for Friday Five! Here are five random things about my week.

  1. Today I see the new pain specialist and hopefully he or she will keep going with the pain shots.
  2. Southern California is on fire. I’ve lost track of how many are burning and it’s heartbreaking to see people losing their homes, businesses, and animals.  Wizard and I have been lucky so far with no fires close to us, but I’m heartbroken and worried about all the people in the paths of the flames or the smoke. The fire crews are exhausted, and the work treacherous. Police and other agencies are coordinating evacuations, volunteers are arranging and running shelters, and the media is running around asking victims how it feels to watch your home burn down.
  3. Here’s a picture that shows why Wizard and I are so vigilant about fires–this is where I was hiking with Maggie yesterday in the hills behind our house. It wouldn’t take more than a spark to send the whole area up in flames. We walked from our house, telling you how close it is.  Just to balance things out, here’s a pretty view shot of the lake that made the climb worth it:
  4. Trying to get a handle on Christmas is taking up all my time as usual. I love the holiday, but my energy is limited right now which sucks time from any hope of writing. It will improve though, so I’m trying not to let it get to me.
  5.  Tomorrow we’re going to CPA Boy and Special K’s, along with our other two sons and their fiances, for a “Nursery Assembly Day” to help them get the baby’s room ready. They are so cute! The baby isn’t due until late March, but since CPA boy will be going into his busy season right after Christmas, and they wanted to get it all done now so they’ll be all set. It’s going to be fun!

Now it’s your turn to share your Friday Five. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

It’s hump day and time to evaluation our Wednesday Worthy Candidate! If you happen to like full beards, this one is for you:

So what do you think, is he worthy?

Monday, December 4th, 2017
Weekend Roundup & A Monday Rant

This was probably the last calm weekend before the new year. It was wonderful! Friday I had coffee with Biker Witch. Saturday Wizard and I checked out a doggy daycare and boarding facility for the second time and like it for Maggie. We’re going to try it next Saturday and see how she does. (I know you’re all laughing at us!)

Wizard put up the outside Christmas light and I’m ready to put up the tree this week. I’m might actually be getting into the holiday spirit :-)

Sunday I had the whole day to work, and finally tackled the scene that’s been tangling me up in knots. I’m accepting that it’s never going to be perfect, but I got the bones down. I’ll edit it today and move on.

Now for the ranty portion of today’s blog. I read something over the weekend about romance writers and how “nobody understands what’s it like to be a writer…”

I call bullshit.

Sorry to all my beloved writer friends out there, but I call bullshit, and I’m calling it on myself too. These last months have sucked out my ability to write. Pain, family illnesses, endless stress…

And that’s bullshit too.

Yes writing is hard. It’s supposed to be hard. But you know what else is hard? Doing almost any job. Work is hard. Commitment is hard. Sometimes pushing through is the hardest thing. But writing is also a gift, a chance to tell the story of people living in our heads and hearts, and share it with readers who care about them almost as much as we too. That’s a gift, and if we wanted it bad enough, we find the time and will to do it.

So don’t tell me no one understands. Just do it. If there’s anything you love, go do it. Don’t wait for permission or the perfect time.

As you can see, this article I read (okay I stopped reading soon after that line about how no one, not even her husband or mother understands). It’s like I told my kid when they were in their junior and senior year of high school, and looking toward their futures. If you want it, then go out and find a way to make it happen. Don’t wait around for your dad or me to wave our magic wand (or pull out our wallets) to make it happen for you. And for sure, don’t let us stand in your way if our vision for your life is not your vision. If you want it, if you believe or a certain college or career path is right for you, then go make it happen yourself. Believe me, if you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way.

And all three of our boys did that.

And so am I. Sure the road can be bumpy, it’ll have set backs and sometimes it doesn’t turn out exactly the way we planned or hoped. But I don’t let “no one understands my art or passion” excuse or cop out ever stand in my way.

Do you???

This concludes the ranty portion of my blog. So how was your weekend?



Friday, December 1st, 2017
Friday Five

Happy Friday! As usual, the week was a blur. And today is December 1st! Nooo!!! I’m not ready! Anyway, it’s time to list five random things from our week.

  1. Monday I took Wizard to a specialist for his eyes. That went well, EXCEPT that we were there three freaking hours. We arrive twenty minutes early and waited two hours past our appointment time before we saw the doctor. Does anyone even care anymore?
  2. In good news, I see my new pain doctor a week from today. I had the one out of three pain shots completed before my previous doctor screwed that up in a colossal way. But that one pain shot helped enough for me to endure getting through changing doctors and setting up the new referrals so that’s something I’m grateful for.
  3. Wizard does NOT agree with me on the pain shots. He thinks I’m going to need surgery and that I need to see a neurosurgeon ASAP. Just the idea of surgery aggravates me. I’ve lost too much too and disappointed a lot of fans. It weighs on me every damned day.  I know it was beyond my control, and we’re all tired of hearing it, but I hate letting down readers who’ve been so wonderful. They deserve better.
  4. It was cool enough yesterday morning for Maggie to wear the shirt her “godmother” gave her on our morning walk. Maggie’s godmother is youngest son (BLB’s) finance. Wizard deemed her Maggie’s godmother as she’s the our emergency number on all Maggie’s files. She’s also the vet assistant who takes care of Maggie, so it makes sense :-) FYI the shirt says “I Whine, She Wines.” 
  5. Today I’m writing and meeting Biker Witch for coffee. This weekend, Wizard and I are checking out a daycare/boarding facility for Maggie and I’m working some more. I’m going to get as much of this revision going as I can before more holiday stuff kicks in.

Now it’s your turn to share your Friday Five! Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

It’s hump day! I’m re-running one of my favorite Wednesday Worthy Candidates. For me, I love the way he’s looking at his hands, as if recognizing he’s powerful enough to do serious damage, but understanding that with that power comes responsibility. (If only we recognized the power of our words with the same deliberation…)

But the important question here, is what do YOU think? Is he worthy?


Monday, November 27th, 2017
Weekend Roundup & Holiday Madness

First, our Thanksgiving was great and zoomed by way too fast. The entire four days was a blur of trying to be everywhere and do everything. I bet a lot of you can relate! Which brings me to my next point:

Holiday Madness. Shopping, wrapping, decorating, blowing the budget, money worries, cooking, cleaning, dealing with misunderstandings…it’s enough to drain any of us. Then add things like work deadlines and no wonder we feel a little bit like:

The Grinch

As for me, I’ve accepted that I can only carve a few hours of writing time out during the season, but I’m going to commit to those few hours. The last few weeks have completely gotten away from me and that’s going to stop (after I take Wizard to a doctor appointment today–that’s the kind of stuff constantly getting in my way this year). It’s okay to prioritize a few hours for the work that I love.

But there’s so much more. And here’s a few of my tips:

  1. Either we manage our stress or it will manage us. So let’s adjust our holiday expectations. A perfectly decorated tree, cookie, or squeaky clean house isn’t as important as our family and friends. I know I’d rather show up and be present with a smile and a plate of the best-I-can-do (or store-bought) cookies, than show up stressed, tired and snappish. So I suggest we let go of a few smaller details to enjoy the people and moments we truly cherish. I rarely remember a clean house, but I do remember a warm smile that makes me feel welcome.
  2. Exercise even if it’s just walking the dog for fifteen minutes. Do whatever helps you relax and breathe.
  3. Forgive ourselves for mistakes. We’re human and we all make mistakes. A simply apology goes a long ways. (An apology that doesn’t include the word “but” in it. I’m sorry I overreacted. Is good a good apology. I’m sorry I overreacted but… Is an excuse not an apology.)
  4. In the same vein: Forgive those around us. Misunderstandings happen, and often there truly is no real malice behind it.  The more we can let it go, the easier it is for us to move onto a better place.
  5. However, we are perfectly within our rights to simply walk away from toxic situations. I know it can be hard to let go of arguments or feeling unjustly attacked, but we’ve all worked hard to build our lives, so let’s live them and refuse to give toxic people the power to ruin more than a brief moment in our day.
  6. Do one thing for others this season: Give a few groceries or $10.00 to a food bank, drop a new toy off at a Toys for Tots location, drop off blankets and a few dollars to a local shelter or rescue, or whatever matters to you. That one gesture will make you a holiday hero to some adult, child or pet out there, and you’ll feel great for having done it.

Okay guys, now it’s your turn. How was your Thanksgiving weekend and do you have any tips you’d like to add for managing holiday stress?