Jennifer Lyon

Archive for August, 2009

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Friday, August 14th, 2009

funny-pictures-cat-threatens-to-edit-your-face1Hey witches, it’s Friday! This week went by so fast I think I might have windburn!

I took yesterday off to work on another project, but today I must read through the manuscript and see what revisions I need to do and be thankful that no one else sees this draft but me! That’s pretty much my plan for the weekend. 

I’m kind of a bummed becauseI have a stack of books I’m dying to read, but I supposed I can read 2010.  Okay, I can read sooner than that, I’m just whining.

Anything you want to whine about this weekend?  Hope you all have a great one!

Thursday, August 13th, 2009
Appletini Worthy News

appletini-1I didn’t think it would happen, but I finally finished the draft of BLIND MAGIC. It needs a lot of work before I turn it in, but at least I have a draft! My “draft” is something like 465pages so it’s not a small feat. It’s at least worth an Appletini…right?

My husband swears every book is this hard, but man, there were so many moments when I never thought I’d get the draft done.

Now if I can revise it into something readable and in on my deadline, that will be truly amazing! But hey, I have a whole two weeks to do it, what am I worried about? Bwhahahaha!!!!

Okay, guys, what’s your news? What do you have that is Appletini Worthy?

Monday, August 10th, 2009
Weekend Roundup

My wgoddessofthehunt_smeekend was great! Friday we finally bought a car we’ve been looking at forever. We keep our cars a long time.  The car we traded in was over nine years old. 

Saturday I went to my chapter meeting of Romance Writer’s of America. It’s always great to hang out with other writers! That’s where I bought  the book I’m reading right now, GODDESS OF THE HUNT by Tessa Dare (Eve Ortega).  I am really enjoying it! It’s been a while since I’ve read a historical romance but now I’m hooked on Tessa Dare’s historical romance!

Sunday I went out to lunch with my sister AND she gave me a huge bag of books. My sister and I trade books, so we get twice the reading for half the price—or something like that. Math isn’t my strong point!

This week and I am going to be writing like a fiend…although I really want to finish Tessa’s book!

How was your weekend?

Thursday, August 6th, 2009
Fresh Pick!



BLOOD MAGIC is Fresh Pick at Fresh Fiction.  It’s so cool when this stuff happens. I got the email just out of the blue, letting me know. 

So I was wondering, what’s the “freshest” book you’ve read this year? For me, off the top of my head, I’d say ANGEL’S BLOOD by Nalini Singh.

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