Jennifer Lyon

Archive for May, 2018

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Friday, May 11th, 2018
Friday Five

TGIF Again!! It’s time to share five random things about our week. I’ll go first :-)

1) I’ve been cooking and freezing a few meals. So far, I have spaghetti sauce and chicken cacciatore. Today I’m making 2 servings of enchiladas to freeze.

2) I’m doing the above because next week Wizard is having more back surgery. This one is a little more involved than the one he had last year, but if this works, it will be worth it.

3) Yesterday, despite #2, Wizard came in the house yesterday and said, “Witch, I need your help with something.”

I went outside and found the EXTENSION LADDER leaning up against the tall palm trees. Even more worrisome, this is on a freaking SLOPE. I narrow my eyes. “What do you think you’re doing?”

He held up big hedge clippers like it was obvious. “Trimming the tops of the trees. I need you to hold the ladder.”

I looked at the aluminum extension ladder precariously placed on the sloped yard and shook my head. “No. Absolutely not. You’ve lost your mind.”

Wizard frowned, studied the ladder and said, “You’re right.”

Of course I am. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Wizard went into the garage and reappeared with a small block of wood. “Let me put this under the ladder.” He wedged it under one leg of the ladder that didn’t sit flush in the grass BECAUSE THE YARD IS SLOPED!!! Then he said, “Now hold the ladder so I can get this done.”

“Have you lost your mind?” My voice rushed up the street, hit the hills at the top and bounce back in a screaming echo. “You’re not doing this!”

He stared at me. “Yes I am. The ladder is a little shaky though. Just hold it. And don’t worry, if I fall, I’m having surgery anyway.” I swear to you, that’s what he said! And then he smirked and added, “You know, like two for one deal.”

And before I could smack him, he started climbing the ladder. I had no choice but to grab and hold it.

He didn’t fall, but I’m still pissed. All these shenanigans cause him more pain too. What is WRONG with men? Is there medication to make them sane???

4a) This is Maggie yesterday on our morning walk. There were bunnies at the park, and she is staring at one in the bushes.

4b)  And this is Maggie’s expression after I tugged her away from the bunny, lifted her on a wide rock wall and tried to get her to pose for a picture: 

**In case you’re wondering why she has two collars on, the second one is a Martingale collar that I use for her safety when we hike. She’s never taken off on me or fought her collar, but if she did, she could possibly slip her regular collar and either get hurt or rush into danger. This collar prevents that, and she’s perfectly comfortable in it. I take it off when we’re finished walking.


Okay that’s my Friday Five, now it’s your turn to share yours!

Wednesday, May 9th, 2018
Wednesday Worthy

A quick update before we get to Wednesday Worthy. I got the results back from my brainscan, and despite Biker Witch’s snort of disbelief, my brain is normal!

Yeah, Wizard choked a little too.  In fact, he demanded to see a copy of the report, and HA! I have proof that I am normal! Well my brain is anyway.

Okay, serious face here, I am enormously relieved and grateful. There is no evidence of tumors lurking around my auditory nerves and creating the havoc going on in my head. The ENT doctor agreed that all, or at least most, of the symptoms are likely coming from my bulging cervical discs and nerve compression. So my next surgical injection date is June 7th, and that will be a series of 6 to 8 injections into the cervical facet joints.

Enough of that, let’s leap ahead to Wednesday Worthy. I found this guy pondering the whole #Cockygate thread going on Twitter, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t realize it’s an author getting a dubious trademark on a commonly used word, rather than a reference to anatomy. But don’t blame him, for anyone who’s not a writer, or following authors on social media, there’s no reason they would know :-)

So what do you think, is he worthy?

Monday, May 7th, 2018
Weekend Roundup + Rant

It was a good weekend, but there’s no way I can get everything crammed into this blog in the short time I have to write it, so I’ll  recap with–we had a good weekend. We saw Baby Slayer and he’s getting bigger, stronger, faster and amazing!! Here’s the picture I posted on my FB of him (he’s 7 weeks old):

Now taking off my Grandma Hat and dusting off my Author Hat: If you’ve ventured anywhere romanceland online over the weekend, you’ve probably heard that latest uproar. I oftentimes avoid social media pile ons, but I consider this a potentially serious threat to authors. My recap is this: A self published author has trademarked the word “Cocky” that appears in her series title, thereby (supposedly) preventing other authors from using the word in their titles. And she’s sending takedown notices to authors who’ve used “Cocky” in their published single book titles.

**NOTE: I am not a lawyer, I don’t play one on TV and this is not legal advice**

However, I’m an author who’s been around a long time, and I’m calling this a cheap-ass, attention-grabbing, bullying move. If it’s not and I’m wrong, I’ll happily admit it. But from where I stand, that’s what it looks like. The word “Cocky” has been appearing in titles for quite awhile now BEFORE she used it, and it’s a commonly used word in romance. It’s my opinion (and only an opinion) that it should never have passed the trademark threshold, but that’s not something I’m not at all qualified to judge, so whatever.

However I’ve been a human being for decades now, and I’m not seeing much humanity in her actions of sending authors cease and decease letters with a threat to sue, and then reporting them to Amazon, as the authors involved claimed has happened (see copy of takedown letter here). That does not show class, integrity or good business sense.

Again I could be wrong.

But I’m not wrong about this: If something like this happens to you as an author in the romance world, reach out to your fellow authors. We will try to help you if we can. That’s exactly what is happening with this latest uproar that has the (unfortunate in my view) name of “#Cockygate” on Twitter. You can also read more about it here  and a more legal explanation here of Trademark here

Also if you’ve been targeted for using “cocky” in a book title, Romance Writers of America would like to hear from you. They are working with an IP attorney to clarify this issue, and hopefully resolve it. Contact Carol Ritter

What I want you all to take away from this bears repeating: IF SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENS TO YOU, ASK FOR HELP! The romance community has its faults, but when we pull together to help authors we feel are being treated unfairly, we are powerful and relentless. You’re not alone. We may not be able to give you an instant fix, but we can be there to support and help you.  I’ve reached out in my career and received help, and I believe I’ve helped others.

So, as you may know, I’ve been very quiet on most social media lately, and in fact, this blog is where I engage the most. But even though writing is a struggle for me with my cervical spine issues right now, I still care passionately about all my fellow authors. I respect their hard work and right to make a living. So here I am speaking out :-)

Okay, stepping off my soapbox now. How was your weekend? As always, I really want to know!

Friday, May 4th, 2018
Friday Five

TGIF Again! Okay time for some randomness! I’ll list five random things about my week, and then it’s your turn to do the same :-)

  1. On Wednesday, it was so cold I had long sleeves and a jacket on to walk Maggie. On Thursday, it was so hot, I wore shorts and a tank for our afternoon walk. And by dinner time, both Wizard and I had sinus headaches…because the weather is psychotic.
  2. We had a scheduled power outage from 2am to 5am Thursday morning. Both Wizard and I woke up the second the power went off and didn’t sleep.  There’s no logical reason for this, but our brains both decided we should be awake and so we were.
  3. I made tacos last night for dinner, and I fried Wizard’s taco shells the way he likes them even though they are good for him. Bad Jen. But how can I say no when I know he loves them fried??
  4. Maggie doesn’t have a watch, but she knows when it’s time for her morning walk around 8am, and her afternoon walk around 3pm. She’s sits and stares at me if I’m working.
  5. And…Wizard’s eyes surgery appears to have worked this time! And both he and his surgeon are happy. I’m so happy for him.

That’s my randomness, now it’s time to share yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

P.S., I get to see Baby Slayer this weekend!

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018
Wednesday Worthy

In my search for the right candidate, I have seen things I can’t unseen. First, my “safe search” filters were off, and WHOA…I need some bleach for my eyes and brain! I’m not sure why my filters are skewed, I’ll figure that out later. After that, I somehow got in the central casting reject room for all the wannabe Tarzans, Hulks and Wolverines. Also…why was that one guy dressed in a fur hat and creepy mist???? So weird.

Anyhow, this is the guy I finally settled on, even though I suspect he might have Elf lineage (or my eyes are still trying to recover).

So what do you think, is he worthy?

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