Jennifer Lyon

Archive for May, 2020

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Wednesday, May 13th, 2020
Wednesday Grins

Todays grins brought to you by Kid & Dog Partners In Crime!

Duo # 1

Duo #2


Duo #3

Which duo is your favorite?

Monday, May 11th, 2020
Weekend Roundup

Mother’s Day was good, but quiet. Because both Wizard and I had some allergies, so we erred on the side of caution and didn’t see Turbo. But we video chatted with him and had fun. Middle Son called and Youngest dropped by. Mother’s Day is good as long as my kids are healthy, happy and reach out to say hello.

Also, Youngest Son wrote nice stuff on a card, then added, “P.S. I could use some more cookies.” So, I’ll probably make him some this week, then I get to keep a few for myself :-)

Otherwise, we cleaned, did stuff and I happily wrote.

Here’s Maggie showing off her new chair:

It’s a small inexpensive chair, and works great for her, and fits the spot better.

So that was my weekend. How was yours, and how was your Mother’s Day!

Friday, May 8th, 2020
Friday Five

TGIF! I’m hoping you all are healthy physically and emotionally.  And most especially, Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there!

Now let’s jump into sharing five random things around our week.

  1. I ordered Maggie’s new chair on the April 18th, and it never arrived. They created a shipping label, but never actually shipped it. After multiple tries, (frustrated eye roll), I got through to Target on May 1st, the gal was super helpful. She canceled the chair, issued a refund and ordered a new on. This one shipped, and guess what? Yesterday TWO chairs arrived. Yep they shipped the canceled chair and the new one. So I called Target, waited on hold 48 minutes, and they said “Keep the second chair at no additional cost.” Well, okay then. So now I’m just waiting to see if this is the end of the story, or another plot twist is coming :-)
  2. In a separate issue, my desk chair is cracking, peeling and looking bad. We’d just begun looking for a new one when Covid hit. So the other day, it dawned on me that maybe I could order a seat cover. I clicked away $10.00 on Amazon, a cover arrived and now the chair is like new! Cheap and easy fix! So yay.
  3. I spent two days writing, writing, writing. then yesterday got slammed by allergies that aggravate my tinnitus. I tried to power through, but stupid time-consuming stuff kept popping up like unruly weeds. I walked away, but while doing something else, I realized what my next scene should be. I’m begging all the Writing Deities, Please Let This Continue!!!
  4. My blogging platform updated and now I can’t find my spell check. I actually feel stupid, I’m probably looking right at it and somehow missing it. But people, I NEED spell check. I type and read fast, and often, my brain will automatically fix typos so I don’t register them as I’m rereading, especially on a computer screen. Plus, I’m a very creative speller, LOL!
  5. If my allergies clear up today, we’ll see Turbo this weekend. Otherwise, Mother’s Day will be quiet.

So that’s my Friday Five, now I’d love to hear yours! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020
Wednesday’s Silly Puns Smiles or Groans

Just for fun, silly puns!

Pun #1

Pun #2

Pun #3

Did these make you smile or groan (or yawn)? It’s probably rather telling that my favorite is number 1 :-)

Monday, May 4th, 2020
Weekend Roundup

Best weekend we’ve had in awhile :-)

Typical Jen Moment. Friday morning, I climbed to the stop of the hill to help Wizard put up a tarp for the summer. I successfully got my side of the tarp secured to a hook in the fence. Yay, extra shade in the summer! Pleased with myself, I turned to walk along the top of the hill and scraped the crap out of leg on a tall sprinkler. Sigh, I never go to the top of the hill where the tall sprinkler heads are so I didn’t even think to look for them. The leg doesn’t hurt (except when I did it), it just looks scraped and bruised. The next day, oldest son saw my leg and rolled his eyes. “What did you do this time, mom?” LOL.

Saturday morning. Youngest son came by and brought their dog Roxy–a beautiful collie. She and Maggie did pretty good together. It was so great to see Youngest. he was dropping off a present for Turbo and a single specially made Funfetti cookie. FYI–Turbo loved the cookie! We adults ate the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

We had so much fun with Turbo. And sure, his parents too :-) When it was time to leave, Turbo cried and kept saying, “No! Grandma and Grandpa, inside!” He was so tired from playing (mostly with Grandpa!). At one point, Wizard actually tried to block me from playing with Turbo on the stairs. True Story! Wizard got in trouble from Grandma and had to go in time out, LOL! We also went swimming. Last year, Turbo was afraid, this year, he loved it.

Sunday, I did some writing. I’m not sure if I’m on the right path with this scene but every writing session gets me closer!

So how was your weekend?

As always, I hope everyone is staying healthy.

Friday, May 1st, 2020
Friday Five

TGIF!  How can it be May??? Okay time to share five random things about our week:

  1. I just put this picture of my grandson as wallpaper on my phone.
  2. I’m writing in spurts, got over one hump and then yesterday I ran right into a big wall, LOL  After a couple of fruitless hours (filled with distractions) I had the sense to walk away. Today I’ll figure out the scene or jump ahead to the next scene.
  3. The other morning I made toast, slathered on almost butter, topped with partially defrosted blueberries and sprinkled on cinnamon. It was AMAZING!
  4. In my big push this year to do morning strength and strengthening exercises, I developed pain that my doc and I think is Piciformes Syndrome, which is pain in the big butt and upper thigh muscles that pivots your leg side to side (I think I’m explaining that right but I’m too lazy to look it up). I stopped doing things like squats and leg lifts, and am trying to use targeted stretches and walks to heal. But it’s not working and I’m frustrated. When the Covid thing is over, I may have to try some physical therapy to learn the right exercises and hope that does it. FYI–Don’t do what I did, and keep working out through pain thinking it’ll get better! I thought I’d developed some tiny, mini tears that build muscle and it would repair itself. Nope. All I did was prove I can be stubbornly idiotic sometimes.
  5. We’re planning some Turbo time and very excited. We are still staying home and using all reasonable precautions, but slowly expanding for family.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a good (and healthy) weekend!

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