Jennifer Lyon

Archive for July, 2020

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Wednesday, July 15th, 2020
Wednesday Reading

Anyone else feel like this?

California shut down again, which I suspected would happen because our numbers and hospitalizations are soaring. And while I’m trying to get this story nailed down BEFORE I write it so I can do just a few drafts, the hunters and witches are laughing my face. So…whatever. I’ll write a thousand and two drafts, but if I’m gonna suffer, then so are they. Just saying….

So yeah, reading is my escape, how about you?

And if you’re looking for a reading escape, here’s a new release! Last week I told you all a good friend of mine had a heart attack? Her name is Mindy Neff, and thankfully, she’s home and  recovering. Whew that was scary! In good news, her newest book, THE PRINCE & HIS CINDERELLA, just came out yesterday for only 99¢! If you like sweet and sexy small town romances, check it out here. This is the first book in a 3-part series that are all completed and being released back-to-back.


Monday, July 13th, 2020
Weekend Roundup

Well, it was a weekend. Two main high points were:

Seeing Turbo because grandkids are so fun.

And I told Wizard about my idea of how to amp up my heroine in Primal Magic, and he was excited. I mean so excited, he keeps coming up with ideas. I love that so much and tells me I’m on the right track. Now I’m working that into the short synopsis I had, and naturally, that creates 30,000 more questions I need to find answers for, but that’s all part of the process. I’d hoped to start writing today, but I think it’s going to take a few more days or a week of pre-writing work to be really ready because the next two books are intertwined so I need to be sure I have certain things right. Patience!

Otherwise, was an unremarkable weekends. I’m slowly rereading the series, and working on creating the series timeline. That’s going to be an ongoing process for a couple more weeks, which is fine.

I try not to think much about SAVAGED DEVOTION with my editor. First, she clearly let me know her timeline so the turn around will be slow. And second, worrying won’t change a thing, but believing in myself and the book will keep me writing :-) Appropriate amounts of fear and worry can guide us away from trouble, but too much fear and worry become massive roadblocks to success.

So that’s it for me, how was your weekend?

Friday, July 10th, 2020
Friday Five

Another week zoomed by! So here’s my Friday Five:

  1. I have a good chunk of my Wing Slayer Story Bible done. The one that needs the most work is the overall timeline, and that’s something I’ll have to backfill as I read through the series, and think of things. But at least I have a really good start to work from now.
  2. Today I’m going to pull out my short synopsis of the next two books, and make some notes. I already know that writing detailed outlines is just makes the hunters find ways to screw them up, so…maybe I can outsmart them? Sigh…probably not. They live to torture me. I’ll just have to go through my normal write, delete, swear, beg and bargain, and then rewrite everything twenty more times to get the stories written!
  3. Under the category of Things Wizard Has A Meltdown About. I could quite literally come home with something completely frivolous like an expensive purse, and he’d say, “You deserve it.” But yesterday I came home with some new 20 oz plastic tumblers that cost 79 cents each to replace our old ones.  He was AGHAST and said, “But I like these tumblers.” He actually held one up that he happened to be drinking tea out of like it was a trophy. I was super sympathetic when I laughed and told him to deal with the major life change and move on.  He did :-)
  4. I ended up with a UTI this week, and that slowed me down a bit. Annoying, but I got right into the doctor, and it should clear up. Once again, the doctor’s office had the whole Covid thing down, clearly taking reasonable precautions to protect themselves and the patients which I really appreciate.
  5. I haven’t killed my herbs plants! I don’t know if they’ll survive the hot, 100+, heat of summer, but I’m going to try! I’ll have to start actually using then in dishes soon.

That’s my five random things about my week, now I’d love to hear yours! Hope everyone has a healthy and happy weekend!

Wednesday, July 8th, 2020
Wednesday Picture

Yesterday, we got home from visiting Wizard’s mom (we are Covid-Careful), checked my messages and got a shock. A long time friend of mine had a serious heart attack. I’m truly shocked. However, she’s in the hospital getting treatment and we have every reason to be positive.

This news really rocked me a bit, so my post today is just a picture that makes me smile.

I love that little Frenchie face :-) (But not as much as I love my own beloved Maggie!)

How’s your Wednesday going?

Monday, July 6th, 2020
Weekend Roundup

I had a pretty decent weekend. Saturday, Turbo came over with his parents. It was a fun day of swimming, hamburgers and hot dogs.  Turbo and Maggie have such a cute relationship :-) They left early enough to be home with their dogs long before fireworks.

Saturday night I stayed up really late with Maggie from the fireworks. Our city normally has a big fireworks show over the lake every year. This year it was cancelled due to Covid. Many citizens were extremely upset and chose to create their own show despite it being illegal and extremely dangerous. It was a nightmare for the police and fire departments. One of our councilmen posted that at one point, they had more fires than fire engines. Meanwhile I, like most dog parents, stayed home with my dog. At least inside the house, she didn’t shake. She just stayed by my side until I told her it’s bedtime, and she ran in her kennel.  Maggie’s kennel is tucked back between a corner wall and my bookcase, with a mat on top, so it feels secure to her. She seemed fine in there for the rest of the night.

I didn’t sleep much. Sunday I was a zombie, but I did work on my Wing Slayer Hunter Story Bible. This is a HUGE project. I have a three ring binder notebook I keep everything in. I originally started all this on the computer, but between all the various files, computer changes and the fact that I often handwrote stuff because that’s how I plot and problem solve, it’s a huge mess. Many of my  handwritten notes and timelines have been lost, or more likely, accidentally tossed out. So I’m rebuilding all this, and I want it in one main computer file, and in the notebook. Then I can still handwrite in the notebook as I’m writing, and update the computer files as needed. All this work will payoff to do what I have planned.

And I’m rereading the series, so my world is pretty filled with magic, LOL!

That was my weekend, how was yours?



Friday, July 3rd, 2020
Friday Five

**Edited to add the picture I forgot. First my blog didn’t post as scheduled, then later realized I neglected upload the picture into my post. Facepalm, LOL! 

Happy Friday, the day before the Independence Day in the U.S.!

**NOTE** If you’re looking for an update on Wing Slayer Hunters, check out #2 :-)

Let’s move along to sharing five random things in our week:

  1. So as most of you probably know, I sent my book, SAVAGED DEVOTION, to my editor. I’m trying not to think about it because it’s out of my hands for now. But what I will share is that I cut nearly 70 pages and about 18 thousands words from my first draft. I am happy about that, and I suspect there’s more places I can cut and tighten.
  2. I am going to write more Wing Slayers Hunter books. This week, and probably next, I’ll be re-immersing myself in that world, and redoing my outlines and updating my bible that I desperately need to write these books. I want to write the next two books quickly, but one thing I know for sure, these books are hard to write. Very Hard. Well, all books are hard, but the world building in these books up that challenge significantly :-)
  3. My little herb experiment is a bit out of control. In the picture below, I now have red bell pepper, English thyme, curled parsley, sweet mint and basil! I repurposed the silver container and put succulents into it–that sits on my patio table, but I moved it here for the picture so it wouldn’t feel left out. Also, if the my red pepper grows, I will have to transplant and get it a support system for it. I even had to buy the table I have the plants on now until I can talk either Wizard or Youngest Son into building me the big plant holder table I want. Well, unless I kill them all, then we shall never speak of this little adventure again.
  4. I’m listening to INSIDE THE FIVE-SIDED BOX by Ash Carter (former Secretary of Defense) on my youngest son’s recommendation. I hesitated on this one because youngest reads books that should be marketed as miracle cures for insomnia :-) But he thought I’d enjoy learning about more about the pentagon and how things are run. He was right! I have a few other books lined up on my Kindle, but my physical reading is going to be focused on Wing Slayers for a couple weeks.
  5. I think Turbo is coming over for July 4th, but I haven’t verified that when I’m writing this blog. We are having serious Covid-19 spikes in CA  (as it is in many other states) and huge increases in hospitalizations, causing restrictions to tighten up again. Wziard and I were being careful anyway, as are Turbo’s parents, so for now, we are going to keep seeing them.

That’s my Friday Five, and now I’d love to hear yours. I hope you all  stay safe and well, and those of you in the U.S. have a great Fourth of July!

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020
Pick Your Smile

Which one makes you smile the most?

Baby Skunk

Baby Raccoon

Baby Albino Koala

Choose your smile for the day!

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