Jennifer Lyon

Archive for September, 2022

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Monday, September 12th, 2022
Weekend Roundup

We had a pretty good weekend aside from the thunderstorms/humidity. It’s supposed to dry out this week, and my hair is very excited about that, LOL. So are my joints.

Saturday we had CPA Boy, Special K and Turbo over, and had so much fun, probably for the last time in this house. The guys and Turbo went in the pool and were surprised that it was almost cold. The water has been about 88 to 90 degrees for weeks, but in the last two days, it dropped significantly. It didn’t bother Turbo any as he showed off his learning-to-swim skills. After that, Wizard made his special smoked hamburgers, we had ice cream then we walked over to the elementary school so Turbo could ride his bike. That bike is a hand me down that his other grandpa fixed up for him and put on training wheels, which makes it even more special as he learns to ride.

While at the school, Turbo saw a picture of the school mascot — a dinosaur. So he decided it must be a school for dinosaurs (obviously!) and we looked for them everywhere. We never did find them, but we got to see the field where the dinosaurs play soccer :-) The image of dinosaurs playing soccer cracked me up. I love this age!

Sunday was a bit quieter. And it was 9/11 which is a sober memory.

The movers are scheduled for two weeks from today! Hopefully all goes as planned and we get the keys the Friday before that.

How was your weekend?

Friday, September 9th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF! That feels a little weird to say when there’s a tinge of sadness around the world today with the passing of the Queen of England. She was a woman who wielded power and influence with grace, dignity and a steadfastness that I grew to admire more and more over time. She lived a long and amazing life, and deserves to go onto her peace with other loved ones who are waiting for her.

Shifting gears here, lets jump into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine where I will try NOT to mention (as in whine about) the weather :-)

  1. Wizard broke a tooth a couple weeks back. The temporary has fallen out twice. Poor guy has to keep going back. He should get the permanent in Monday. He’s not in pain or anything, it’s just been annoying and adding to the running around.
  2. Speaking of Wizard, he’s so patient on the big stuff, and we’ve had a lot of that lately. But little stuff sends him into Ranty McRanter. Yesterday I saw an email to both of us regarding the house stuff, he asked me to read it so I began. I didn’t get halfway through reading before he began a verbal tirade, stormed into another room and closed the door. When he came out, he was still ranting. I’m not laughing….LOLOLOL!! You just had to be there. I handed him a glass of wine and nodded my head a lot while he worked his way through his tirade. A couple hours late, I began teasing him about his tantrum and he laughed at himself.  We both tend to lose it on the dumb stuff to release stress. I wasn’t the least bit upset, just amused. All that said, he worked hard together the info needed. I told him I’d do it, but he’s better at it and we both know it.
  3. Last Friday, I had my eye exam. All is good, but I need new glasses because my right eye has changed. I hate choosing glasses. It gives me anxiety, partly because the complexity of my prescription requires a big size lens area so that really limits what I can choose. I just went with a tortoise shell frame this time. Shrug. I mostly just use them at night anyway so I have no idea why I stress about it at all. Hopefully they will be ready in the next couple weeks.
  4. We drove a ways to go to a place that only sells barstools and dining tables to find stools for the island in the new house. This is odd for us because we normally buy cheap stuff from discount places. But we want specific kinds of comfort, stability and accessibility. After scouring twenty two thousand stools (okay maybe 50), we both loved one and only one stool. I did have one concern as the cushion is almost white, and you know, its are going to stain in ten minutes. But then we discovered that one advantage of buy expensive (to me!) stools, the cushions are easy to take off then recover or replace, so that was a huge bonus for me. We bought them and now can’t wait to put them in the house! This sounds like a small thing, but it’s something both of us cared a lot about. We want people to be able to sit comfortably at the counter and hang out while we’re doing our thing in the kitchen. Or we can eat there, work on our laptops, or wherever.
  5. My reading can be eclectic. I’m currently reading a book on Winston Churchill and WWII and also listening to a book on self improvement and hustling by — wait for it — 50 Cent (AKA Curtis Jackson). The book on Churchill I chose because I was restless and wanted a reading challenge. I was frustrated by light books that turned whiny and dumb at the halfway point (FYI endless whiny exposition will make me hate the heroine and not care of about the characters or their conflicts). I’m enjoying the book on Churchill, although it’s a slow read. The one by Curtis Jackson was recommended to me, and I am  enjoying learning about lives outside of my own experience. But I’m the first to admit I can read a wide range of unexpected things.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
I’m Here!

Hey I didn’t mean to disappear! So I had a post for Monday set, but it didn’t post and I didn’t realize it until late in the day. Then Tuesday my website went down due to a technical problem with my server, so I couldn’t get a blog up for today. But now my website it back and I’m here!

The weeks have been a bit turbulent lately due to some stress or illnesses with people we love. Wizard and I are fine though. However, we’re distracted or running around a lot these days. That’s one of the reasons I hadn’t even checked until late Monday to see if my blog had posted.

In better news, we got in to see our house yesterday! Both Wizard and I are very happy. It still needs a few things; a few cabinet doors, the oven and cooktop installed (they have it already), and some final touches here and there. But it all looks on schedule for now. One of the big things we were worried about was the floors. Like most people, we live on a budget and couldn’t afford the floors we’d hoped for. That’s not a big deal in the scheme of things, but our choices were so limited we were worried we’d hate it. However, we were pleased and relieved. Now we can wait until we can afford floors and not be upset that we bought a new house and hate the floors. And after all the granite agony, we’re happy with the look of it!

We really needed that little lift yesterday. Especially with the oppressive heat.

So how are you?

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, September 2nd, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF! Let’s jump into sharing 5 random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. The heat is on! It’s been around 110 degrees. On the upside, we had a couple dryer days, and my hair loved that. But the humidity is returning. Fire season is ramping up too, although thankfully, we haven’t had the Santa Ana winds yet. We had one bad fire this week pretty far north of us, and several firefighters ended up hospitalized for heat related problems. That’s a little scary.
  2. Early Thursday morning I saw a cricket in the house, but it disappeared before I could get it. I looked and looked. Then in the late afternoon, the cricket turned up nearly dead by the back door. I’m pretty sure a certain innocent looking puppy is responsible for his condition. Maggie loves things that hop…until they don’t hop anymore. But at least I don’t have to wonder where that cricket is now!
  3. It’s September and the house is supposed to be ready toward the end of the month! Wizard and I started working on an estimated budget for things like window coverings, some furniture we’ll need and doing the outside. We were using the SWAG Budgeting Method. SWAG stands for Scientific Wild Ass Guess :-) It was fun and we’re getting excited again, rather than feeling stuck in a holding pattern which is nice. I’m pretty sure at least half our list is a wish list, LOL. And yes, I know lists and budgets are weird to some people. But it helps us prioritize what we really need to do to make the house functional and comfortable, and the rest of the stuff can wait until we can do it.
  4. We went to Costco yesterday. Wizard NEVER EVER EVER wants me to go to Costco by myself.  And before anyone things Aw, he’s trying to help or he’s protective. You’d be right if you’re thinking about our budget :-) Once we get into Costco, he suddenly race walks like it’s an Olympic event. I mean, I blink and suddenly we’re standing in line to check out. Everywhere else we go, including the grocery store, I try to get him to move faster. But in Costco? The man can win the gold medal! I’m not sure why he thinks I’ll spend more $$ in Costco, but it’s become a family joke.
  5. Today I’m getting my eyes checked (boring) and I need to go check on Phoebe as her parents are working, and that’s fun for me. She’s so easy to take care of, and makes me feel like a hero for stopping by to see her.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend and a fantastic labor day on Monday (for those in the U.S.)!

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