Jennifer Lyon

Archive for February, 2023

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Friday, February 10th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

TGIF! How is it even Friday? Well apparently it is, so it’s time to share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. The weather has been high sixties and seventies. Since we’ve had a fair amount of cold weather, I appreciate the nice days more than usual.
  2. Maggie and I discovered a new set of hiking trails. We had to walk, I don’t know, maybe three quarters of a mile through streets to get to it, but boy, was I surprised. It’s less brush, and wider trails that feel safer. But I should find someone to walk with me for safety. The only two people I can think of willing to do it are oldest son, or middle daughter-in-law and they live too far away. Wizard agrees that only crazy people do this, LOL.  From the trails, we could see the poppies spreading like a virus over hills that are a few miles away.
  3. We also found this secret spot that was interesting. It’s not easy to access, but maybe BMX or dirt bike jumps?
  4. Yesterday I made a little sourdough starter, and we’ll see if it grows. Wizard eyed the weird sludge in a jar on the kitchen counter and asked what I was doing. I told him a secret science experiment. It drove him nuts for a couple hours until I finally explained I’m trying to grow wild yeast. Once I assured him it’s only flour and water and it won’t kill him, he lost interest :-) And still on the subject of baking, I’m going to test a gluten free/dairy free cake recipe and if it’s good I’ll make it for youngest’s birthday. But dang…the cost of ingredients! I had to run to the store for one ingredient for the cake, and two ingredients to make Chicken Francese for dinner. I bought dairy free baking butter, some white wine and a small bottle of sage (a spice), and spent nearly $25.00. I never used to even blink when I ran to the store to pick up a couple ingredients I was missing, but now I think hard if I really need to go to the store!
  5. Wizard is racing this weekend, and I’m taking each day as it comes to decide what to do. Which oddly, makes me think of something Wizard said. So I was listening to a podcast by a group that analyzes behavior in crimes. I find them interesting, especially two of them who have significant experience in military interrogation techniques. Wizard comes in and asked me what I was listening too and I told him. He nodded, then as he walked away, said, “I feel a book starting.” By the time what he’d said registered with me, he was already outside. I was so surprised. I’m not writing, he knows and supports that. Now his comment is floating around in my brain making me wonder what he’s observing in me that I’m not seeing??? I swear he probably just said it to mess with me because I made him what a couple hours to find out what my “science experiment” is :-)

So that’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023
The Rule of the Scale

I forget to tell you, we got a new bathroom scale. Now I know you’re just dying to know — What happened to the old scale?

Well I’ll tell you what happened. Wizard came out one morning and said they scale was weighed him too heavy and must be broken.

You’ll be so proud of me, I just nodded and kept my mouth shut.

The next day, I had to run to Target and he asked me to buy a new scale. So I did. Again without saying anything. Wizard tried both scales side by side, want to guess how that went? Yep, they both weighed the exact same.

I didn’t laugh. Noe even when he said to me with a straight face: “It’s only broken sometimes.”

Now I do know what happened, see Wizard doesn’t believe in The Rule of the Scale. We weigh ourselves ONLY when we first get up before we have even taken a sip of water. That’s the only time the scale will work correctly. If you weigh any other time of day, the scale has complete freedom to screw with you.

Seriously, it’s an ironclad rule. Don’t believe me? Weigh yourself in the morning before you dress, eat or even take a full breath of air. Then go to the doctor’s and get weighed. See what happens??? Don’t break the rule!

I’ve told Wizard this rule repeatedly, but does he listen? Nope. He thinks he has the complete freedom to weigh himself any time of the day he wants to. He’ll weigh himself as instructed in the morning, then he’ll do it again two hours later after he’s dressed, put on shoes, had coffee and pancake breakfast. Then dare the scale again later than night after donuts with Turbo and some massive dinner. Then he swears the scale is broken for showing him a few pounds heavier. All I can say is; he was warned. But if he continues to break the rule and drive himself nuts, then I’ll keep buying new scales to toy with him :-) He’s been warned!

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, February 5th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

Note: I’m posting this early on Sunday because sometimes when I add in pictures, it won’t post when I schedule it.

This weekend was pretty good. I’m just not talking about my health for awhile — it’s so boring.

Saturday we went to see Turbo. Before we got there, Turbo called me to ask what was taking us so long :-) He had a surprise for Grandpa! Ten agonizing (for Turbo) minutes later, we arrived to find Turbo and his dad waiting at the bottom of the driveway. Wizard barely turned off the car before Turbo grabbed his arm, led him inside and presented him with the chocolate donut Turbo picked out for him that very morning! Turbo had a Cookie Monster Donut. The two of them ate their donuts and it was too cute! In case anyone is wondering, they all knew I wouldn’t eat a donut right now, but they did pick up a few small donut holes for me just in case I wanted a small bite. My son had some other things there that I could eat, so it was all good. We had a really good day. Turbo was a huge chatterbox!

Sunday went to breakfast for the first time in a couple months and them I worked on the cake until I ran out of energy, so I’ll finish it today. I definitely need this practice to remember how to carve cakes and do fondant, then I think I’ll try my air brush.

It’s been just gorgeous here, like truly stunning. But guess what all the rain is bringing us?

POPPIES!! Sigh. They are already blooming on the lush green hills. Our city has closed down the trails after the horrible experience a few years ago. It’s so sad that they have to do that, but there was no controlling the hordes of people. They just parked anywhere they wanted — including freeways and on and off ramps. Their kids and dogs were running into the roads. A few fools were bit by rattlers. And most tragic of all, a police officer was hit and killed on the side of the freeway. This particular trail doesn’t have a large area to park as 95% of the time, only a handful of people ever us it. All that said, it’s lovely to see the hills blooming a fiery orange from my house.

And lastly, I have a few pics that Wizard took of our backyard.

Where you see the square cement pads is outside our dining room. I’m planning on a lot of plants, some chairs and maybe a small safe fire pit (the small kind from a place like Home Depot)

We love it, and Maggie is really enjoying it too. She loves the planters, and we’ve seen her sprawled on the turf soaking up the sunshine.

How was your weekend?

Friday, February 3rd, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF!! How is it February? Okay, let’s jump into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. I had hoped to share a picture, but due to slow drying concrete, phase two of the backyard won’t be done until sometime later today. So far, Wizard and I are very happy though! The drying concrete is some cement pads to create a sitting area outside our sunroom, and today the artificial turf in, including around those pads of concrete. I will show pics once it’s all done. Next will be the smaller stuff like figuring out, buying and then planting the landscape.
  2. While we’re happy, Maggie is stuck in the house. She doesn’t understand why she can’t go into her own backyard and looks at us with sad eyes. I’m not saying that Maggie is a con artist, but this “look” has earned her extra treats and walks.
  3. I’m feeling somewhat better this week and hoping I continue that way. I saw my doctor again and am doing all I can to resolve this or at least control it.  At least this week has been better!
  4. I finished reading TERM LIMITS by Vince Flynn and enjoyed it! I am finding I read more in trade or hardback rather than my Kindle lately.
  5. I baked and froze a cake, made some fondant, and managed to get out to my cake store although I didn’t buy anything. I’ve sketched out some designs, but this weekend I think I’ll try the hardest one that I am pretty sure won’t work :-) There’s no reason except that I feel like trying it that way.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone is doing okay after the brutal weather in some parts of the country this week! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 1st, 2023
Wednesday’s Question

Short blog today :-) But this was a question I was thinking about while driving to the doctor’s today.

What was your most hated job?

Mine lasted about a week. I got a job at a small café. I can’t remember what I thought I was going to be doing, but I ended up bussing the tables. I couldn’t handle it — I think we all know I have a weak stomach :-) I very quickly got another job! The thing about having bad jobs, in my opinion, is they really motivate us to strive for better jobs! All my kids worked in things like fast food or similar jobs that sure motivated them to get useful college degrees and work hard to build careers they mostly enjoy.

I’m curious — what was your most hated job?

Happy Wednesday!

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