Jennifer Lyon
Monday, September 30th, 2019
Weekend Roundup

My weekend must have been on steroids :-)

So Friday night, Youngest Son texted and asked if I was coming by on Saturday. I told him yes, I was bringing him cookies. My sneaky boy then casually said, “Great! And if you want you can help me paint.”

Yep, I was totally set up! And of course I did it since Youngest is technically still on the injured list with his sliced up hand. So Saturday, I made breakfast, then baked cookies, and got to Youngest Son’s by 10:30 am. We painted a couple of living room walls while his fiance was at work. By the way, she’d painted two other walls all by herself the day before! I finished up some trim work on those walls then moved onto the other two walls. It’s fun to help out. And Wizard brought us lunch and some supplies. Then I came home and cooked dinner, watched a movie and passed out? LOL!

Sunday, Wizard went racing, and I had my soon to be daughter-in-law’s shower. My awesome, amazing sister came over early brought me a large latte. Best Latte Ever! We got to spend an hour enjoying our coffee and chatting, then we headed over to the beautiful shower. The bride’s sister and mom did the shower, and I’m so impressed with how lovely it turned out. But when I looked at my watch, four hours had gone by! I needed to get Biker Watch back to my house so she could get home. So we left but…

My car wouldn’t start. Grrr! I hate car trouble. However, my oldest son had come to pick up his wife and my other daughter-in-law, so I ran around the corner–in heels!–and caught them before they left. They jumped my car, it started and I got us home. So while it stressed me out a bit, all is fine. Tomorrow we’ll get the battery changed.

Are you all impressed I can run, okay more like slow-jog, in heels? Okay they were wedges, but still, they are high wedges and I didn’t break my ankle :-)

So that was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, September 27th, 2019
Friday Five

So this week came and went. I’m always mildly alarmed lately at how fast time is passing! So here’s five truly random things about my week:

  1. Yesterday we went to see Turbo! We took him out on our first solo grandparents trip to McDonald’s and it went very well. Turbo chowed down on chicken nuggets, french fries and applesauce while chatting away to us in Toddlerese. I know some of the words like apple, ice, bus, car, baby, and good. Some were in Vietnamese as Turbo is bilingual which is über cool. And some words were part of the mysterious secret language of toddlers.
  2. The best part was when Grandpa and Special K attempted Project Unistall the Car Seat from our car. It took the two people with master’s degrees in the family nearly fifteen minutes to conquer and complete Project Uninstall. When I asked Wizard about it later, he rolled his eyes and said there’s a web of straps hidden beneath the device making it a tricky project. Okay…. 
  3. This week I found a bra that’s the perfect color for my dress for Youngest’s wedding! Is that TMI? **shrug** Don’t care, the struggle has been real to find the exact right shade. The dress has a sheer illusion neckline, so I was determined to match the color enough so the straps of the bra would blend rather than stand out. I succeeded, I think…or my vision is so bad I can’t tell. So then I asked Wizard if he thought it worked, and he gave me the thumbs up. Yay, success! But wait…Wizard has terrible vision and has had two eyes surgeries…never mind. I shall believe the bra works :-)
  4. Last weekend, Youngest was prepping a wall in his house for painting, and the tool he was using mistook his hand for the wall. He’s fine–Urgent Care fixed him right up with some glue and Steri-Strips. Last night, I asked him how his hand was doing and if he needed cookies to heal faster. He replied that his hand is doing well, but he definitely needed cookies to achieve ultimate healing. Well duh, every mom knows that. So Saturday, I will be taking cookies to Youngest Son.
  5. Sunday is my soon to be daughter-in-law’s bridal shower! They’re wedding is the first part of November–it’s coming fast!

So that was some of my week, and now I’d love to hear five random things about your week! Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019
Where Are All the Good Men?

Yep in Romance Novels! LOLOL! I’m teasing of course since I believe I married a good man, and raised three. Good men are definitely out there, but the show up much more consistently in romance novels for sure!

So true confession time: I haven’t been reading romance novels for a few months now. Who knows why, but lately, I’m starting to REALLY miss romance stories and that’s a relief :-) However I’m going to give it a little more time as I must have just needed a break.

What about you all, do you ever need a break from specific things?

Monday, September 23rd, 2019
Weekend Roundup

My weekends have been hijacked by life, LOL! And that’s okay. I’m happy to be busy :-)

Saturday was my mother-in-law’s husband’s 90th birthday. It was very sweet seeing his family honor him. I went by myself as Wizard had to be somewhere else. That’s not as weird as it sounds–Wizard’s dad passed away when he was a teenager, so this is his mom’s second marriage. But Wizard absolutely would have been there if he hadn’t had a prior commitment. Anyway, I went, and had a great time. Traffic sucked as usual, but audiobooks make traffic much easier to cope with!

Sunday, Wizard was still occupied, so I went to see my favorite boy, Turbo!


We had fun doing simple things like going to breakfast and to the park to play. He’s 18 months old now!

Then Special K gave me a gift:

Ha! Does my daughter-in-law know me? Yes she does!

Oh, and yesterday, I once again proved I can’t be trusted around chocolate, even frozen chocolate. I ate a frozen Twix Bar and I loved it! I let it soften for a few minutes, and then enjoyed every bite.

How was your weekend?

Friday, September 20th, 2019
Friday Five

Wow I’m tired! It’s been a good week, just somehow busy. Let’s jump right into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. The weather has cooled a bit so we haven’t had to run the air for a few days. Love it!
  2. I’ve written a bit this week, and can see slow but definite improvement in my concentration. I don’t want to jinx it though so enough said.
  3. We spent yesterday with out-of-state old friends that we see about once a decade. It was fantastic to see them! We went to lunch on the patio of a winery in Temecula, then visited a couple other wineries, and ended our day having some wine and a cheese plate on the patio of the final winery.  We saved the best winery for last, and it was lovely up there on the patio overlooking the hills in 80 degree weather. It was a wonderful day, with perfect weather and great friends.
  4. Poor Wizard was once again our designated driver. Which meant I was the designated watchdog (NAG!! ) to make sure he only had a few sips of wine. Wizard is such a good sport about being the DD.  And I just have to say, these days, we leave Maggie for about six hours alone in the house and she’s absolutely fine. I really appreciate that, overall, she’s such a low maintenance dog.
  5. This weekend…stuff is going on because it always is :-)

That was some of my week, now I’d love to hear five random things about yours! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 18th, 2019
Wednesday Question

True story!

Is this true for anyone else? Or am I the only one out there talking to myself?

Monday, September 16th, 2019
Weekend Roundup

Another weekend zoomed by.

Saturday, I baked all day, while Wizard was at Youngest Son’s house, helping him out on stuff. Then Wizard came home, picked me and Maggie up, we grabbed some food, and headed back to Youngest’s house for dinner. It sure is nice having one of the kids lives so close by!

CPA Boy and Special K’s housewarming party turned out really fun! It was a long day, but worth it and great to see extended family. CPA Boy’s two brothers and some of their cousins were both outside playing with Turbo (my grandson) so mom and dad could set up the food. That was fine, but I went outside to check, and they had pulled out the hose and filled up Turbo’s standing water toy. Turbo was having a great time splashing and generally getting soaked! I cracked up, but I but let Special K know–it’s a mom-courtesy thing, I’d want to know what my 17 month old son is doing, and I know Special K does too. She went out and checked, then just shrugged, let them all play and went back to her task of entertaining. Once I brought him in, Turbo’s parents quickly washed him off, changed his clothes and didn’t even blink an eye at the fact that he got soaking wet playing in water in the middle of a party. I was really pleased to see how chill they were about it. They were happy his uncles and adult cousins were all playing with him.

If anyone’s interested, the lemon bars and Twix cookies came out pretty good. They are time-consuming because they have to be done in layers. The lemon bars have a shortbread base which is baked first, then lemon custard topping that is poured over it and baked again. Those came out very lemony-tart and good if you enjoy lemon. The Twix bars are three layers: the shortbread base which is baked and cooled, then the caramel layer, then the chocolate layer. Here’s the recipes:

Lemon Bars

Twix Bars.

Umm…the one downside of baking is I have some extra Twix bars in my house and no will power. Send help, or at least a heavy dose of self control :-) I froze the extra lemon bars so I’m safe from that threat.

So that was my weekend, how was yours?