Jennifer Lyon
Monday, July 9th, 2018
Weekend Roundup

Dang it was hot! And it’s still hot today too. Summer is here.

Saturday we went to see Baby Slayer, and he’s as adorable as always! But is it possible, my sweet dog Maggie, is slipping into a life of crime? Maggie never takes anything she’s not supposed to, except around Baby James. To date she has stolen his stuff giraffe twice, two pairs of his socks and this time it was his handmade stuffed pony.

Special K caught Maggie in the act!

I was playing with Baby Slayer and his pony. Maggie saw me and came over to investigate. I told her “No, this isn’t your toy.” Maggie went back to her blanket and watched like a perfect little princess.

When I was done, I put the pony away beneath Baby Slayer’s changing table and walked into the kitchen. I heard Special K called out, “Maggie no.” (She said it way sweeter than I would have!) and I turned to see Maggie drop the toy.

I walked up to Maggie and said, “Did you steal Baby Slayer’s toy?”

She swears she thought Baby Slayer dropped it and she was picking it up for him. No really, that’s how it happened! Honest, Mom!


Should I believe her? LOLOL!!

Overall my weekend was good, and included some writing (yay!). How was your weekend?

Friday, July 6th, 2018
Friday Five

Happy Friday, at least I think its Friday. Having a holiday midweek has thrown me way off! So here’s 5 random things from my week:

  1. The heat wave is back—ugh. My phone says it’s supposed to be 113 today.
  2. Because of the heat, I’m taking Maggie for her walk at 6:30ish in the morning and skipping the afternoon walk.
  3. We had Biker Witch and her hubby out for 4th of July and really had a great time. Sometimes it’s nice to keep it small and simple. The apple pie was good too :-)  That was the good part, the bad part was all the illegal fireworks.  It was frustrating because we took Maggie with us to see the city fireworks, and through those she laid at my feet. She was scared and shook a bit, but overall she handled it. We thought she’ll go home, relax and realize, Oh hey, that wasn’t so bad. But instead we pulled into what sounded like a war zone in out housing track. Okay I don’t actually know what a warzone sounds like but this was bad (like sonic booms). Still we got off easy compared to some pet owners. Maggie feels safe enough in her kennel, that that’s where she wants to be with no whining, crying or barking. A lot of animals react in mindless terror and can’t feel safe until it stops. Some end up injured or worse.
  4. My MRI was cancelled due to some insurance authorization snafu. I just shrugged, I’ll get it sorted out next week.
  5. We plan to go see Baby Slayer this weekend.  And I’m trying to work despite my pain level going up again. It is what it is.

That’s my Friday Five, now its your turn to share yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

We’re celebrating a birthday in the U.S!

I added the Frenchie picture as a gentle reminder that many pets are utterly terrified of fireworks. If we own pets, we need to make sure they are secure and safe. We’ll see how Maggie does, we have a couple of people in our neighborhood who set off fireworks all night long. Which makes sleep nearly impossible for me because I worry about fire, and now I’ll worry Maggie will be upset too. Although, once she’s settled in her kennel, she usually feels safe and sleeps fine.

To celebrate, Wizard and I are having my sister and brother-in-law over for an early dinner, which gives me an excuse to make an apple pie :-) We may go watch the city fireworks once it’s dark, it just depends how tired we are then. What are you doing? Whatever it is, stay safe!

Monday, July 2nd, 2018
Weekend Roundup

Happy July! Can you believe it? July!!! How is this possible?

The picnic on Saturday was a lot of fun! Baby Slayer was the hit of the party (it was a work picnic for his dad and uncle) and Maggie was a really good girl. She did well with meeting new people and dogs. I think she had a crush on one little dog :-)

FYI I was NOT a baby hog! I waited a whole 20 minutes before I pounced on, I mean asked CPA Boy to hand over my grandson.  But not long after that, Youngest Son was completely unreasonable and demanded Uncle Time with Baby Slayer. Since we were in public, and it was his work picnic, I was sort of forced shamed into handing over Baby Slayer gracefully :-) Okay I really am kidding. I didn’t hog Baby Slayer, I have no reason to since his mom and dad give us so much access to him anytime we want. It’s pretty amazing.

I also reworked the troublesome parts of the book and hope I can finally move forward.  And I have an MRI of my cervical spine on Thursday. This is important to determine our next step in the endless saga. The last set of shots helped for a couple weeks, but is wearing off.

Okay that’s my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, June 29th, 2018
Friday Five

Happy Friday!! It’s time to list 5 random things about our week:

  1. In contrast to my Happy Friday greeting, I’m so damned disgusted by weak, sick cowards committing mass murders. Hate is easy. You know what’s hard? Finding the good in people, situations and life. Doing the right thing, choosing to face problems and strive to work together for solutions.  Courage is being willing to try, and when you make a mistake, own up to it and apologize. But killing? It’s the easy way out. It’s the path of least resistance. Okay…I’ll stop except to say one thing–my heart goes out to all who are touched by these shootings. Rant. Over.
  2. I get so close to getting out of this plot ditch, and something knocks me back in. But I never give up a fight and I will win :-)
  3. Wizard had his six-week check up after his back surgery. The doctor told him he’s doing better than most his patients. I’m not a bit surprised. Wizard is a fighter, and he’s kept himself in good shape which also helps. At this point, he’s at about 60% improvement in nerve pain on one side, and 50% on the other. It’s unlikely he’ll ever be 100%, but there are other options we can look at down the road. He’ll begin PT as soon as all the paperwork goes through. Oh and most of his restrictions have been lifted, and that will help me get a little more time to writing too :-)
  4. I made my first jewelry project, a “paw” bracelet. Here’s a picture completely with my mistake (a missing spacer bead):  I enjoyed doing this and hope to keep learning!
  5. We’re going to a picnic tomorrow, and I plan to take Maggie with us. So naturally I ordered Maggie a new leash to match her snazzy green collar. Wizard rolled his eyes so hard, I’m pretty sure he saw the inside of his brain.

That’s 5 things from my week, now it’s time so share your 5 things. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018
Wednesday Worthy

I’m writing this on Tuesday while waiting to go pick up Maggie from her teeth cleaning appointment. I know she did fine under anesthesia because my Vet Assistant almost daughter-in-law texted me that she did great and didn’t need any extractions. Yay! Maggie’s awesome vet, Dr. Tran, checked her over in the morning while I was there and said she look great, had gained some weight and muscle mass (she was too thin when we got her), had a strong heartbeat, shiny coat and overall good condition. It was great to hear that! We’ll see if Maggie is mad at me when she comes home :-)

Now for Wednesday Worthy. This is the guy I brought found yesterday.


Eh, I’m not really feeling it. Could be just me though. What do you think?

Monday, June 25th, 2018
Weekend Roundup

So this weekend was a blur. Saturday we went to Middle Son and Fiance’s house, and had a great afternoon there. Sunday I did errands that included buying new drinking glasses and that morphed into cleaning out some cupboards, then I had a list of other projects and next thing I knew…Monday is looming.

I think I squeezed in an hour of writing. But today I’m definitely writing!

Tomorrow I’m taking Maggie in to the vet’s to get her teeth cleaned. They’ll need to put her under anesthesia, so she’ll be there all day. That will give more a few more hours of writing time once I get the grocery shopping done. Should be a good work week! Although Wizard’s bored since he’s still on restricted activity after his surgery, and he comes up with distractions to get my attention…so we’ll see!

But I have to write, the characters are sick of my excuses :-)

How was your weekend?