Jennifer Lyon
Friday, June 22nd, 2018
Friday Five

TGIF!! Here’s five random things about my week:

  1. Some writing is happening! Not enough, but I’m definitely doing better.
  2. Oh, my follow up doctor appointment. So the facet injections helped, I’d say a good 50%. But I’m having burning in the shoulder and arm, and slight loss of sensation in fingers, and some other things so we’re going to do another MRI. Then we’ll decide if I should consult a neurosurgeon. I don’t want surgery, but I also don’t want to permanently damage the nerves to my very dominate right shoulder, arm and/or hand.
  3. I bought a small tool kit for making jewelry, and I’m watching videos on how to do it. I kept telling myself I’d try this hobby after I finished the book. But I got really tired of punishing myself for being late on the book. Plus, I desperately need another hobby besides “How to Bake Your Way to Middle Aged and Fat.” Just saying…
  4. Yesterday I took Maggie in for a bath/grooming (I’ve bathed her at home, but I don’t cut her nails)  and I bought her a brand new neon green collar.  Maggie loves it, but Wizard is totally traumatized by her new collar, that’s OMG A DIFFERENT COLOR!! IT’S LIKE NEW AND NOT THE SAME AS HE’S USED TO! You all might have noticed that Wizard does not adapt well to change :-)
  5. While waiting for Maggie to get bath and nails done, I headed over to Walmart and look what I found!   We hope to pop out to give this to Baby Slayer, but our main goal this weekend is to visit Middle Son and his Fiance since we haven’t seen them lately, and we miss them. It’s hard to be everywhere!

So that’s my five, now I’d love to hear five random things about your week. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018
Wednesday Worthy

Happy Hump Day! I have a follow up doctor appointment for my cervical joint injections, then writing and then Wizard and I are meeting a friend for dinner. Busy day! But the good news is I’m almost out of my plot-ditch, I think.

Okay so today we’re going for a totally different style, because I’m bored with the usual assortment of candidates, and…cowboys!


So what do you think, is he worthy?

Monday, June 18th, 2018
Weekend Roundup

We had a good weekend! I got a little writing done. I’m still climbing out of the plot hole, but I’m making solid progress. The good news is I’ve been able to read (books other than my own) a bit more than I have been, and I’m delighted about that! It feels like more progress. I read right through the third book in the Fifty Shades series. I only liked the first one, and was bored by the second so I never read the third. But I had a professional reason for reading it, and was surprised that I had the concentration level to sail right through it (still not my favorite, but I can see why others love it–to each his own). And now I’m reading a thriller that I’m able to focus on too. I suspect this is a half and half thing: Half from the treatments making my pain more manageable, and half from my brain slowly learning to cope with the tinnitus. Our brains are amazing if we give them the time and training to adjust :-)

Father’s Day was really nice. Two of our sons were out-of-town, and called Wizard (he was happy with that). We went to breakfast, then took Maggie and went to visit Baby Slayer, and his mom and dad. We had so much fun! Wizard and CPA Boy picked up some lunch, and when they came home, Special K offered to take Baby Slayer so I could eat.

I may have pouted.

She took one look at my expression, cracked up, and said, “That’s not happening, is it?”

My daughter-in-law, totally gets me :-)  But that’s okay, I get her. Later, she took Baby Slayer and he went right to sleep on her. She showed me, and said, “Sometimes he just wants his mom.” She meant that in a sharing-bonding, we’re both moms now, way.  Especially since I’ve been telling her that this would happen. They also gave Wizard and Baby James matching shirts, and a gave Wizard gift cards for the toll road. Trust me, it may not sound like an exciting gift, but it’s awesome present for Wizard. It’s both so he can get to his hobby easier once he’s able to do it again, and to see his grandson, and sons, easier. A very thoughtful gift! He was really touched.

Maggie was such a good girl too, despite stealing Baby Slayer’s tiny pair of rolled up socks from the shelf below his changing table. She’s a stealthy little sock thief :-) But that’s about the extent of her mischief. Maggie’s just an easy dog for the most part.

That was my weekend, how was yours???

Friday, June 15th, 2018
Friday Five

Happy Friday! Here’s five random things about my week:

  1. There’s not enough hours in the day, and not enough coffee to keep me going! Also, insomnia sucks. And so does Wizard being bored and stuck on limited activity. Just under two weeks to go, then he’ll start physical therapy.
  2. I had a good 24 and a 1/2 minutes of uninterrupted writing yesterday. I’ve backed up for the 844th time to try another detour, and at this moment, I think I’ve finally chosen the right path. But stay tuned, that could change! We all know I’m directionally challenged, both in real life travel and in writing my books.
  3. I’m helping out with two wedding showers, which is a little bit of work and a whole lot of fun. Life is about celebrating the big moments of those we love, right? This goes in the good column!
  4. I’m meeting Biker Witch for coffee today. I’m leaving Maggie home in charge of keeping Wizard out of trouble. She’d better succeed or there will be no more treats. Okay I’m lying, she gives me her sad look and gets pretty much whatever she wants :-)
  5. And don’t think you’re escaping Baby Slayer Time! First an update, he’s gained 2 lbs and grown 1 1/2 inches in a month! He’s just turning three months old this weekend. If you need a smile, here he is talking to his pony.

So that’s my five random things, now it’s time to share yours. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018
Wednesday Worthy

It’s so hot in So Cal. Fires are breaking out, and I guess, summer is here. So I went through my files to find a guy who looks almost as sweaty as I feel:

What do you think, is he worthy?

Monday, June 11th, 2018
Weekend Roundup

We had a pretty good weekend. Wizard and I went to the movies to see Bookclub. Eh, it was just so-so, but it did the trick as far as getting Wizard out of the house (he’s still on restricted activity), and to distract me from an post-procedure headache. Saturday, I did errands and some writing. Sunday I made these:

I had Special K and youngest’s fiance come over to talk about a family party thing we’re doing in a couple of months.  Of course,  CPA Boy and Baby Slayer, and Youngest Son came too. But I made the chocolate covered strawberries for the girls :-)

Baby Slayer was hilarious when he got very interested in one of my couch pillows and chatted away with said pillow. LOLOL!! Babies are awesome.

My goal this week is to finally get out of a plot dip that I’ve been swimming around in so long that I’ve turned a “dip” into the Grand Canyon. So I realized it’s time to stop worrying about the whole book, and focus on getting out of this ever-deepening spot before I drown.

So that was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, June 8th, 2018
Happy Friday

Hi guys, I had another round of shots in my neck yesterday, so I’m bailing on Friday Five. Predictably after six shots into my cervical spine (into the facet joints specifically), I’m sore and tired. One note: I did have some mild anesthesia this time which made the series of injections easier. I was never asleep, just much more comfortable than the first time I had this done. I also ended up telling my recovery nurse allll about Baby Slayer, LOLOL!!

Anyway, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Friday, and a fabulous weekend!