Jennifer Lyon
Friday, May 12th, 2017
Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! It’s been a crazy week with physical therapy and life running at full speed. I’m constantly trying to catch up! After Monday next week, things should slow down a tad.

Speaking of Monday, guess who the genius is that scheduled a colonoscopy the day after Mother’s Day? Yep, that’s me. Sigh. Wizard and I didn’t realize it until just over a week ago. I could have rescheduled, but I want to get this done so my doctors will be happy and stop bringing it up.

Anyway…I’ll be spending Mother’s Day unable to eat solid food and and…well…let’s not talk about it. Ever :-)

Youngest Son (BLB) told me, “You really could have found a better way to spend Mother’s Day.” LOL! No kidding!

To all the mom’s out there:


If I don’t post on Monday, I’ll definitely be back on Wednesday. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

Our cable internet is up and running! No problems or glitches so far. I really am happy about that.

Today’s Wednesday Worthy candidate is brought to you by Jen’s Ab Envy!

So what do you think, is he worthy?

Monday, May 8th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

Twix Cookies!! Here they are!

These were a tad more work than I expected, and the chocolate isn’t my best work because of my shoulder/arm. But Wizard has officially approved them and is already nagging me to make them for the next family event. I really liked them!

The rest of my weekend was work and a few small life glitches :-)  I’m back in the writing cave working on edits. Oh wait, I’m really excited that I’m switching from high-speed **cough cough** DSL to a much faster cable internet this Tuesday. I really need this transition to go smoothly as I’m recording a Podcast with Romance Between the Pages on Friday (click on the link to check podcasts with some amazing authors!) That will air early June, and I’ll give you all the links when it’s live. Fingers crossed that the cable internet works!

How was your weekend?


Friday, May 5th, 2017
Happy Friday Five

Okay let’s do this!

  1. I got my line edits back from my editor on Savaged Vows (book 2 in Savaged Illusions Trilogy). The good news is there are no more big changes, just a few small tweaks and a lot of typical line edits to clean and strength the writing. I need to get them back to her by next Wednesday, so I’m diving in and working.
  2. I think I’m going to make the Twix Cookies this weekend if Wizard has time to help me. Here’s the link  
  3. Yesterday was day two of physical therapy in which I learned massage means torture :-) I’m kidding!  I really like this PT facility. They are nice, knowledgeable, responsive to any question or concern I have, and I trust them. Samantha was the woman working me yesterday and she really tried to work the swollen knots in my shoulder, back and arm to break them up and relieve the pressure. I’m still on no added weight or resistance exercises due to the inflammation.
  4. And here’s Wizard! Okay, yeah, his head is cut off :-) But that was on purpose. See that car body he’s holding? One of his friends custom-painted that for him with his favorite baseball team as a birthday gift. How cool is that? If you’re wondering, that body goes to an Radio Control Car. Wizard races them along with our middle son. It’s a fun hobby.
  5. Just a little over 6 weeks until Savaged Dreams releases!! It’s available for pre-order now!Savaged Dreams                                                                                                           Kindle / B&N / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play

That’s my Friday Five, now it’s your turn to share yours. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

My blog is acting weird, so if you guys have any trouble, it’s not you, it’s cyber gremlins. I’m testing this blog today to screenshot any problems, then I’ll send them to my web guru and we’ll get it sorted out. For any of you who have the time, if you can leave a quick comment with your name in the comment box (whatever name you sign in with), that would really help me. The comment box has incorrectly identified some users and is part of the problem.

You guys don’t want to hear me yammer on about my shoulder/neck/arm misery, except that I’ll say in the last few days, the pain has been intensifying, spreading and forcibly limiting my ability to work or be online. But I started physical therapy yesterday, and they were very knowledgeable and helpful, giving me real hope. I have to write this next book fast and hard so I’ll do whatever it takes to resolve this and strengthen up to prevent future issues. Now enough of that :-)

Let’s go to Wednesday Worthy. Here’s our candidate:

What do you think? Is he worthy?


Monday, May 1st, 2017
Weekend Roundup

It was a decent weekend, except I didn’t get the start on Savaged Devotion that I’d hoped for (and really need!!). I’m pretty sure it’s combination of three things:

  1. My doctor put me on a nerve pain med that’s making me a little spacey (it’s not a narcotic, this is just my reaction). I’m going to skip the morning dose today (Monday), and just take it at night. Hopefully I’ll focus better.
  2. The sinus infection that keeps on giving. Both Wizard and I are having issues–we’re not super sick, just plugged ears and pressure that we’re told is normal with this particular cold virus/sinus infection/endless misery. It’s weird because we thought we were all better, then BAM, round three shows up.
  3. And I know these opening scenes for Savaged Devotion are going to be emotionally tough so I’m in avoidance mode :-) Although I’ve been sorting out timeline issues, so I’ve been working, but just don’t have tangible pages to show for it.

My marketing plan for Savaged Dreams and the whole trilogy is taking up more time. Anna’s (my assistant) is doing her part too, but unfortunately, some things I have to do. I wish I could clone myself (the smarter, more production side of me, not the lazy butt, wine-drinking, excuse-making side :-) ) The reality is in the current climate of self-publishing that is completely saturated with new books, and readers are weary of getting burned by bad experiences, it takes a LOT more effort to sell. I’m really striving to reach reviewers and other sources readers trust to help them find my books. All that said, when I get some time, I want to do a detailed blog on my thoughts and experiences on marketing.

The highlight of our weekend was a steak and shrimp dinner Wizard and I attempted. We haven’t cooked shrimp much, and tried to BBQ them on skewers basted in an olive oil mixture. The shrimp came out a little tough. But add in a good bottle of wine (yeah, I know, I’m on meds…sometimes we live dangerously, plus I timed it carefully) along with some Dove chocolate candy, and turned out to be a fun night. It doesn’t take much to keep us entertained, LOL!

And a personal highlight for me, I saw a reviewer read an advance copy of Savaged Dreams and rated it 5 Stars on Goodreads with the comment “Loved!” Her review won’t post until the blog tour–but OMG it make me so happy. I think she’s the only reviewer I sent the book to that early, and that was just because we talked on Twitter about something else. Most of the review copies haven’t even gone out yet but they will be soon.

So that was my weekend, how was yours?


Friday, April 28th, 2017
Happy Friday Five

Happy Friday! Let’s do Friday Five

  1. First the shocker–I’m switching to decaf coffee and cut out diet cokes. I’ve been working on it for a week and a half and no humans, animals or fictional characters have hurt in the process :-). By next week, I’ll 100% on decaf coffee (yes, I know decaf has some caffeine.) Are you impressed????
  2. So why am I getting mean about caffeine? Midway through May I’m having a routine procedure that begins with colon and ends with why-the-hell-am-I-doing-this-oscopy. Anyway, I can’t have coffee the day of the why-the-hell-am-I-doing-this procedure. People were frightened by this prospect. And by people I MEAN WIZARD THE BIG COWARD. :-) :)  (Love you Wizard, but admit it, you were scared, LOLOL!)
  3. So it turns out that I’m not indestructible. I’m blame Justice and Liza (from the Savaged Illusions Trilogy) for this. Writing Savaged Vows became an obsession and chained me to the computer! I saw my doctor yesterday for my shoulder/arm/neck pain. As soon as he walked into the room, he sat down and said, “So who did you punch?” I resisted the urge to confess that in the last month or two I’ve mentally punched at least four fictional characters because I don’t have time for a psyche evaluation right now…or ever. Instead I explained about deadlines, and begged for help getting back to being an obsessive nut job a full time writer. The doctor was able feel spasms in the shoulder/arm/neck area and thinks I have a pinched nerve. The end result is I got a shot, some prescriptions and I’ll start physical therapy next week. But he didn’t ask for a psyche eval…so it’s all good!
  4. I’m really worrying about writing Savaged Devotion. Book 2 ended so powerfully, (as did book 1) and now the bar is so high…how am I going to surpass it? The answer is by ignoring the panic, keeping my butt in the chair and trusting my characters. Oh, did I mention I have to write this full length novel in two and a half months? Obviously this is the perfect time to deal with a shoulder problem, commit to physical therapy, do a colon-why-the-hell-am-I-doing-this-oscopy and give up caffeine. Bwhahahaha!!!
  5. I’m listening to the audiobook TAKE ME BACK by Meghan March and love it! It’s starts off as a straight romance about a couple who goes on vacation for 10 days to save their marriage. It’s emotional and sexy…and then it takes a turn into action and suspense and I love it! There were just enough hints in the beginning that it’s not completely out of the blue, but written so well that it’s a welcome twisty surprise.

That’s my Friday Five, now it’s your turn to share five random things about your week.