Jennifer Lyon
Monday, February 20th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

I’m just about halfway through writing Savaged Vows! I’m a bit behind time wise, but I refuse to think about that and just keep working. I’m eating, sleeping and breathing this book. Like my Wing Slayers and Plus One Chronicles, this story is driving me relentlessly.

But I still took time off for family :-) Saturday night, we went to a brewery to celebrate Youngest (BLB’s) birthday. Although we were wondering if Wizard would be able to do it, he did really well and we had fun!  We couldn’t stay as long as we normally would, but the kids understood. They were just thrilled to see their dad doing better. However, even though it was a brewery, I opted for a glass of wine. I am NOT a beer drinker. I just can’t acquire a taste for beer.  But I had fun watching the others try extremely weird flavors of beer :-)  Wizard didn’t drink at all, of course. Back surgery recovery and alcohol are not a good mix.

Sunday I made a killer Chocolate Kahlua Pound Cake and let me just say this–Wizard’s appetite is back! He ate two pieces yesterday. Unfortunately I overindulged too and need to get my butt back to the gym real soon here.

That was my weekend, how was yours?


Friday, February 17th, 2017
Happy Friday Five

Here we are again–another Friday! And we know what that means–time to do our Friday Five!

  1. Youngest Son’s birthday is this week. For those of you who remember him as BLB (Broken Leg Boy), he’s doing so much better these days. I still admire that boy so much. He could have let this injury defeat him. But nope, he recalibrated his life and thrived despite dealing with limitations and pain.
  2. I mowed the yard for the second time. It’s not a great picture but that’s me mastering the lawnmower. It amuses me only because Wizard has such a weird thing about it–he doesn’t think his wife should have to mow the yard. It’s a point of pride–like he won’t let me carry bags when we’re shopping. It’s a guy thing I guess? But obviously, I’m fully capable. (Even if Wizard does a better job).  
  3. The weather dudes have been predicting a Monster Storm to hit sometime last night and today. I dunno…we’ve had more rain that we’ve had in years, but I’m still skeptical. Southern CA weather dudes tend to exaggerate. We’ll see around the time you guys all read this blog.
  4. For any who missed it in my newsletter, here’s the one for Savaged Dreams, book 1 in The Savaged Illusions Trilogy!It’s on Goodreads, and up for pre-order at B&N / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play  and I’ll get it up at Amazon next month. Amazon limits pre-orders to 90 days before release.
  5. I’m writing away on Savaged Vows (book 2–tentative release month July 2017). Even though I know this story, these characters keep surprising me as they grow and mature. I think one of the hardest things is that I wish I could spare Justice and Liza from what’s coming–but I can’t. I have to let them crash and burn so they can truly learn that’s important.  It’s tough being an author-parent sometimes :-)

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

Today’s Wednesday Worthy Candidate was brought in for the express purpose of glaring at my current book.

Yep, just like that. Bwhahahaha!! How do you feel now, book, huh? That’s what you get for messing with me. No seriously–what the hell is up with leading me down all those wrong turns that run smack into dead ends? Do you know how much wine I’ve consumed? I’ll tell you NOT ENOUGH. NOT NEARLY ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH YOU!

Wait…um…what were we talking about?

**scratches head.**

**squints at blog title**

Right, okay, so um, what do you think, is he worthy?

Monday, February 13th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

This weekend was pretty good. Wizard is doing the three steps forward one step back method of recovery :-) Saturday was tough for him, but Sunday was so much better that he suddenly announced, “I made dinner reservations for Valentine’s Day.”

I was working in the next room and thought maybe I heard him wrong. So I got up and said, “You what?”

“I made reservations to take my witch…uh I mean my wife…out to dinner on Valentine’s Day.”

Still shocked, I said, “When did you do this?” The day before he hadn’t wanted to leave the house at all.

“Just now. On my computer.” He grinned and held up his Asus (tablet computer), so danged proud of himself. “We’ll go early so it’s not crowded but it’ll be good to get out.”

So yep, we’re going out for Valentine’s Day unless it’s a bad day for Wizard. Other than that, our Valentine’s Day will be low-key and exactly how we like it :-)

In other news, I made the reservations for the NINC Conference in Florida in Oct. I booked a room with a balcony facing the beach (the gulf) and I’m so excited. I really hope we can go.

And I worked, both on Savaged Vows and on a secret scene that I have plans for but that I can’t share yet. Because you know, I need ANOTHER FREAKING PROJECT, LOLOL! But this is something I want to do so I’m trying to work it in. Although I have to say–when I think of these ideas at 2am, they sound a lot easier than when I actually sit down to execute the idea. Thinking about something is soooo much easier than doing it!

My newsletter is going out tomorrow with two new cover reveals. I’m excited to share those!

And finally:

So how was your weekend and do you have any Valentine’s Day plans?


Friday, February 10th, 2017
Happy Friday Five

Happy Friday! I hope all of you in the path of the latest snow storm are warm and safe!

Okay let’s do our insomnia-driven-and-therefore-very-random Friday Five:

  1. I’m trying to decide between two different conferences being held in Florida this year (RWA in late July or NINC in early October). I’m leaning toward NINC but… by the time I decide, they’ll both be booked and I’ll be mad but save a ton of money. Wizard’s no help–although he’ll go with me, he tells me it’s my call because it’s my career. Did I ask him to be logical? No I did not. I asked him which location–Disney World in Orlando or Tradewinds in St. Pete’s Beach–he would prefer. Men.
  2. However Wizard is looking up first class flights for both of us to go to Florida. I’m going to have to sell a kidney and yet, with his back, I know it’s better for him. I tried to talk him into me flying in coach and him flying first class…um…that conversation didn’t go well.
  3. Why does one of my eyebrows have a couple gray hairs, but not the other one. Why??? I’m unbalanced and it’s oddly disturbing. I feel like my eyebrows are messing with me, maybe even plotting evil things.
  4. And speaking of whys–why does fun have a price? An out-of-town friend called and was in town. Yay! It was great to see him and a good break for Wizard who is bored out of his mind, but those few hours of fun cost me with deadlines bearing down on me. Fun should be free, that’s all I’m saying.
  5. Yesterday I was tired (anyone have a spell to banish insomnia?) and working on a tough scene that involves a touchy subject. Frustrated, I paced the house saying, “Dang it Liza, what do you feel? It’s allll about the feels. How can I write the scene if I don’t know what you feel about this subject????” Wizard looked up from reading the paper. “This is a totally new line of crazy for you. But it looks good on you. Carry on.” Then he went back to reading the paper. Whatever…

Okay that’s my random Friday Five. Your turn!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy, Valentine Edition

Valentine’s Day is less than a week away. To celebrate, we’re doing Five Days of Giveaways over on my FB Page. Anna will be posting one giveaway a day excluding the weekend. Be sure to check the page! 

Okay onto Wednesday Worthy Hunk:

Oh wait, I said hunk not husky. My bad. Here you go:

Hmm…I think maybe I got it right the first time with Husky over Hunk :-) Who do you think is more worthy, the Valentine Husky or Valentine Hunk?


Monday, February 6th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

Another quiet work weekend. I was able to finish my editorial pass on the scanned copy The Sex on the Beach Book Club and send that off to the copy editor. I was doing that edit at night around taking care of Wizard, so I’m very happy to have that done and in production. In the days I’m writing Savage Vows, which is suddenly going well. Shhhh, I don’t want to jinx that by talking about it.

Then yesterday I decided to take a couple of hours off writing to work on the Sex on the Beach Book Club blurb (that’s the back cover copy). I ended up spending all day on and I’m still not happy. I need to set it aside…or on fire…or something. Yep, definitely time to step away, LOL!

Otherwise,  I know yesterday was the Superbowl, but I’m knee-deep in work and ignoring it. Oh except I made Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Sticks with salad for dinner. There’s nothing healthy about those pizza sticks but they’re fun and Wizard loved them!

How was your weekend?