Jennifer Lyon

Archive for the 'Witch and Wizard' Category

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Monday, May 7th, 2012
Enough Teasing…

I had a good weekend.  For days, okay a week, I’ve been needling Wizard a little bit. Saying things like, “When I get Siri (my new iPhone with the voice feature named Siri)…

Perhaps I’ve said it too much. Wizard knows how bad I want this iPhone.  So yesterday morning, I was just leaving the house to meet Biker Witch for coffee. As I drove down my street, I realized I hadn’t checked my old flip phone.  Biker Witch could have sent me a text or called (my phone sometimes doesn’t ring or alert me). So while driving down my street, I flipped open the phone for a quick check.

No text. But I found a label on my phone that read, “Hi! I’m Siri!”

OMG! I had to pull over I was laughing so hard. Score one for Wizard! That was too funny. I have no idea when he did that with his beloved label maker.

But I’m still getting my iPhone if he would just make up his mind on what kind of phone he wants.

Okay, now for the news. I’m actually pretty excited about this: I’ve sold a book to Entangled Publishing. It’s a digital first publisher that I’m hearing great things about. Jennifer Probst has hit the bestseller lists with her Entangled books.

The working title of the book is A HERO’S TOUCH. It’s a contemporary love story in the shorter format of category (Harlequin Desire, Special Edition etc). The pitch is:

When Adam Waters returns home from the Marines his first thought is of Megan, the girl he left behind. Though Megan’s heart was broken by him, she never stopped loving the father of her child. Can Megan find the courage to tell Adam about his son, and will Adam forgive her or leave forever?

This is a very fresh different direction for me.  Adam is home from the Marines and has opened a security agency with some of his buddies, who I hope will get their own books.  I think of this new venture as my Broken Heroes: Broken in Battle and Healed in Love.

Naturally, I am not leaving paranormal. At this point, I still plan to write CAGE MAGIC around writing the book for Entangled.

So how was your weekend?


Monday, December 12th, 2011
Monday Roundup

Saturday was great! I went to my local RWA meeting where agent Helen Breitwieser from the Cornerstone Literary Agency was our speaker.  She came across as a very forward thinking agent. I chatted with her for a bit and liked her.

I also hung out with friends! We don’t get to do that often enough.

Then that night Wizard and I went to a party and had a blast.  This was our conversation the night before the party:

Wizard, “You’ll have fun. You’ll go around and chat with everyone like you always do, and I’ll stand in the corner checking my watch.”

Me, “We’re talking about me right? Not your girlfriend?”

Wizard, “You are my girlfriend, Witch.”

“But I’m a hermit!I like staying home.”

Wizard. “Suck it up. Girlfriends go to parties with their men.”

“Damn it.” I mean seriously, how do you argue with that?

I’ll have you know I put on high heels and went to the party. Am I the best girlfriend ever, or what?

How was your weekend?

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011
The Color of the Season

Wizard actually agreed to go to Wal Mart and look at new tree ornaments with me.  So off we went, then we got into a heated discussion as I chose blue and silver.

He wanted bright colors. Reds, greens, even purple.

Uh no. This year, I’ve decided Christmas is blue and silver.

Wizard says Christmas is always red and green, and other bright colors.

So we are debating this when we run into one of my son’s girlfriend and her mother. I had back up! I knew it! They are women, so…they’d see the beauty of a tree dripping with silver and blue. So we took a vote.

Wizard lost.

Of course, I won with my usual grace, meaning I was laughing at him.

He rolled his eyes, then gave in with surprising ease. Hmm…

Then, after we’d paid for them and I was all smug with visions of my first pretty adult Christmas tree, we were driving home. He casually mentioned that all three of our sons are going to agree with him. Which means the four of them will torment me endlessly on Christmas.

Okay he gets points for that. But I still got the colors I wanted! Christmas is blue and silver…unless I change my mind.



Tuesday, October 25th, 2011
Witch, Wizard and Candy

So Wizard and I were having dinner and talking when the subject of candy came up.

Okay, I brought it up. See, this weekend, Wizard decided that I didn’t have a freaking clue how to buy Halloween candy.  Since I’ve only done it for our entire marriage and have yet to turn away kids candy-less on Halloween night, his assumption makes sense.


Just saying…

Anyway,  Wizard came home with a HUMONGOUS  bag of candy to supplement the two bags of candy I had already bought.  I was busy so I didn’t pay much attention other than to tease him about the sheer quantity of candy he bought. So last night at  dinner, I  asked, “Are there any Heath bars in that bag of candy you bought?”

“No, they didn’t have Heath bars.”

“Hmm, really. So in the entire store, they didn’t have Heath bars? The one candy I asked you to be sure to get?”

Now Wizard know has figured out he probably screwed up.  “No I meant they didn’t have any variety bags with Heath Bars.”

I shrugged it off. Cuz, you know, I’m totally easy going like that. (Are you laughing?) And then, with total innocence, I said, “You know what I was thinking about today?”

Wizard, very wary now, replied,  “Murder?”

I smiled reassuringly, “Well yes, but that had nothing to do with you.”

“Promise? Swear to me on Bailey’s life?” I think Wizard might have been sweating a little bit.

I laughed. “Yes I promise on Bailey’s life I was not thinking about murdering you, just a character in a book.”

Clearly relieved, he asked, “So what were you thinking about?”

I said, “Neccos. You know, these candies.”

“Damn it, Witch! Now I’m thinking about Neccos. You knew I’d want them as soon as you said it.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I knew. I’m thinking about Heath bars and you’re thinking about Neccos. We’re both suffering.”

“Well played, Witch. Well played.”

Shh, don’t tell Wizard, but I’ll probably go out and buy him Neccos this week. While I am thinking about Heath bars (not sure why I fixated on those), I really don’t want to eat them right now and Wizard knows it. I’ll save my candy splurge for Halloween night. But it was fun to mess with him!

What candy do you tend to fixate on? If any…


Tuesday, October 11th, 2011
One Witch’s Confession…

When I uploaded the pictures from my camera after my local chapter birthday bash weekend and showed Wizard, he was struck my one particular picture.

Let’s call that picture Self Portrait of a Twit. And I’m staring in the pic.

Wizard said, “Uh, what’s this one? I know you didn’t wear that top at the Birthday Bash Mini Conference.”

“Crap,”  I said.  “I thought I deleted those.”

Wizard gets that stupid magic-eating grin of his. “Missed one, did you?”

“Shut up.”

He crosses his arms, trying to looking intimidating.  “Fess up, Witch.”

I went with the tried and true method of blaming someone else. “Remember when you screwed up taking the picture of me wearing my new jeans?”

“Like I’d forget that. You pouted for an hour.”

“Hey! I don’t pout. I contemplate.”

“Whatever, do you have a point or are just blaming me because you did something that’s going to make me laugh?”

He knows me so well. “Fine, I tried to take my own picture of my jeans…while I was wearing them.”

Wizard shifted his gaze to the picture on the computer. And as embarrassing as this is, here’s what he saw:

Then, naturally, he burst out laughing.

Then he doubled over laughing harder.

Yeah, I wasn’t even close to my jeans.  And that doesn’t even look like me, or I don’t think it does. And sadly? This wasn’t even the worst attempt.  In my defense, I’m pretty sure I was in huge procrastination mode.  I’ve been known to take pictures of lizards when I’m trying to avoid work.

Dying of embarrassment I said, “I thought I deleted them all!”

When he was able to stand up straight, he hugged me and said, “I like the picture…” he said other stuff I’m editing because…he’s just weird.

Anything YOU want to confess? Or am I the only one who does these inexplicably stupid things when I’m procrastinating?



Monday, September 19th, 2011
Weekend Roundup

I’m feeling much better!

Saturday morning I realized that I had to get new jeans. My old ones are just not fitting, but I’ve been afraid to buy new jeans, like I’ll somehow jinx myself and suddenly gain back the weight I’ve lost.

But I decided to be brave.  So I went to the store,  picked up  a few pairs, and went into shock when I found a pair that fit.  A full size smaller than I was.  In skinny jeans! I was so surprised I tried on more jeans in that size to be sure.  I bought two pairs, rushed home and told Wizard.

He grins, and says, “Let’s go out tonight to celebrate! I’ll take you to steak and lobster.”

Um, yeah, I know–eating to celebrating is part of the reason I gained in the first place, LOL!

So later, I put on my jeans and said, “Hey Wizard, take a picture of me in my new jeans in case I can never wear them again. Because I’m STILL not believing it. I want a record. He snaps a few pictures with my camera, and we go off we went to dinner.

That night, I loaded the pics onto my computer and noticed that Wizard entirely missed the point. Do you see my jeans here?


No! Wizard entirely missed the whole point of the picture! I told him that, and he looked surprised. “Oh you wanted a full body shot?”

Sigh…men just don’t understand!

How was your weekend?



Tuesday, September 13th, 2011
Random Musing

I feel like a slug. I’m trying to get started on my agent’s suggested revisions of my proposal, but nothing is happening.

Okay, that’s a lie. A lot is happening IN MY HEAD where it all needs to happen before it goes onto the page.  Yet it makes me restless and cranky when I’m not seeing any proof of my work.

Crap, now I sound like a math teacher telling students to “show their work.” Which makes me think, it’s a good thing readers never demand to “see the work” that goes on behind the scenes of a book.  I usually have folders, a notebook, computer files and random pieces of paper that would make zero sense to anyone but me.

In fact, back when I was writing SINFUL MAGIC, Wizard was doing something at my desk, when he found a sheet of paper.  Since my office is in the room that’s supposed to be the formal dining room, I could see him from the kitchen when he swiveled around in the chair and looked at me.  “What is this?”

I look at the item in his hand. “Looks like a sheet of paper, Wizard.” Seriously, them man has multiple degrees, you’d think he know what paper looks like.

“Funny. What I mean is when did you start writing poetry?”

I blinked. Me? Poetry? Was he drunk? Then I realized what he was holidng and said, “It’s not poetry, it’s Dyfyr’s story.”

The blank look on his face was priceless. “Whats’ a Dyfyr?”

I’m totally amused now. “He’s a dragon. He lived centuries ago, and now he’s waking. Of all the things I’m unsure of in this book, Dyfyr is the one absolutely thing I am sure of.”

Wizard carefully put the sheet of paper down where he found it, then he got up, came into the kitchen and poured a couple glasses of wine and then handed me one. “You are scary, Witch.”

“Your fault for looking through my work.”

He lifted his wine glass. “Touche.”

Which is why I really don’t think anyone really wants me to “show my work” that leads up to the actual book.

Got any random musings to share today?

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