Jennifer Lyon

Archive for March, 2020

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Friday, March 13th, 2020
Friday Five

TGIF and it’s time to share five random things about our week!

  1. It’s raining a LOT this week. Sometimes I love the rain, but other times, it’s depressing. Especially since I’m spoiled enough with the weather in So. Cal. to be able to walk my dog once or twice a day. Maggie and I both get cranky when our routine is disrupted, LOL!
  2. Turbo is turning 2 years old next week! That little boy owns a huge chunk of my heart.
  3. I don’t know what’s going on with Amazon. I ordered Turbo’s birthday gift, and they lost it. This is the THIRD time I’ve had a problem like this in just a few months. But the good news is Turbo is so young, I can grab something else fun to give him and he’ll be fine until his “real” gift shows up. So it’s not really a big deal, just annoying. But it has me wondering why I’m paying so much for “Prime” status when this year it’s just been “problems.”
  4. Maggie went to her board and groom place for a bath yesterday. She loves the people and the dogs there, but not the bath, and definitely not the blow dryer :-)
  5. I hope everyone stays well. I know that most people will have mild to moderate symptoms (if any) and recover fine if they get this version of Coronavirus (Covid-19). But many of us are immunocompromised, or have other health conditions that put us at higher risk. Plus, no one wants to get sick :-(. I just want all of you to be well, healthy and happy!

So that’s my five random things, now I’d love to hear yours!

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020
Wednesday Rainy Randomness

So I just walked into a wall. That’s gonna leave a bruise. Good thing it’s my upper forearm rather than my face that took the brunt of it.

I blame Maggie.

So it’s been raining all day, and Maggie doesn’t do rain. I have to drag her out on a leash or use the trick of getting her into the car and taking her to a favorite spot. So anyway, the rain had stopped for a while and I was trying to get her to come outside with me. She jumped off her chair, came part way, then noticed it was still damp outside and turned around.

I turned to look at her and BAM, I smacked my left forearm right into the corner of the wall and sent a jolt of Ouch through much of my upper body.

Honestly, I need supervision at all times. Or I either get into trouble, chocolate or manage hurt myself. True Story.

Also, someone needs to tell Wizard to stop laughing :-(

Speaking of blame, this weekend, Wizard announced, “Witch, you got me addicted to coffee.”

I laughed in his face. “Wizard, I’ve made the same pot of coffee the same way for three decades. For two and a half of those decades, you only drank a half cup on weekends. Think hard now, what’s changed?”

“You did it. I know you did.”


So how’s your Wednesday going?

P.S. I had a whole other ranty blog written, but when I told Wizard about it at dinner, he strongly suggested I delete it. So I did. I’m really ranty when it’s rainy and I don’t get my usual amount of exercise.

P.S.S. I’m gonna have a bruise on my arm, how can I make this Wizard’s fault? He wasn’t even in the same room…he just heard the thud. Suggestions??

Monday, March 9th, 2020
Weekend Roundup

We had a nice weekend. Rain is moving in, but the weekend was actually beautiful with coolish weather and clouds dotting clear skies. We are surrounded by hills that are gorgeous in this kind of weather. About mid-August, it’s just dry and barren.

Anyway, Saturday we went out to visit out grandson, Tubro. Here’s a pic of the two of us. As soon as Turbo saw that his mom was taking a pic, he pulled back and posed, which made me flash my crazy, demented smile :-)

My head looks as big as a horse’s but the important thing is Turbo, LOL! Also, I got to see CPA boy for about 15 minutes too, and he looks fantastic. The last two tax seasons took a toll on him due to things beyond his control, but this year is going better. He’s striving to take care of himself  and keep up with his workouts to manage his stress and pressure. Of course, we all know the real secret is having a great partner in life, Special K.

Sunday we headed back out to middle son’s to see him and his wife (both CPA Boy and Middle son live an hour or more away, depending on traffic). Maggie came with us and played with her cousin pups, Jett and Hazel. Maggie’s getting better with them, and she adores Middle Son and my daughter in law! Then we took Maggie with us to go to lunch–that was a first for her. She was well behaved with us out on the patio of the restaurant. I split a Fresno Fig Burger with my daughter-in-law. It’s a gourmet burger with fig marmalade and goat cheese. I’d never had it before, so I figured why not try it? It was delicious!  (And yes, I can, and sometimes do, eat an entire burger, but we were sharing appetizers too so there was plenty of food).

Both days were so lovely. As I’m writing this blog Sunday afternoon, Wizard headed over to Youngest son’s to give him a hand with something at his house, which means he gets to see all three boys in one weekend. I stayed home to write this blog :-) See? You all are important to me too.

So that was my weekend with no words written :-( Friday was a frustrating writing day, but it’s a new week with endless potential!

How was your weekend?

Friday, March 6th, 2020
Friday Five

TGIF! Did ya’ll feel the rush of the week speeding by?

Also, if anyone reading this lives near the devastation in Nashville, Tennessee, I’m thinking of you and hope you and those you love are okay.

Now, it’s time to share five random things about our week. Here are mine:

  1. I’m writing when I can, and although my internal editor is screaming like a banshee, it’s hard to hear her over that big gag I put on her. I’m just moving forward!
  2. Tax season is a weird time. CPA boy is ONLY quiet during tax season and I find myself randomly worrying. This week, I told Wizard I’m going to encourage CPA Boy to get a check up after tax season. Wizard told me that my Mom Radar needed an adjustment as it was stuck on Crazy. He’s not wrong. Really. CPA Boy is very good at taking care of himself and he has a wife who makes sure he does. My Mom Radar definitely needs an adjustment :-)
  3. I’m listening to Jessica Simpson’s autobiography. I bought this book on impulse when someone on Twitter raved about it. I’m not having the exact same experience, but I do like that she tries to be positive in general, and more specifically body-positive. She talked about a model she’d met who was anorexic and died in her 20s. Jessica seemed truly changed by that experienced, and that touched me. I loathe diet culture. I’m all for trying to be healthy and strong, or having personal goals. It’s just when we try to force unrealistic expectations on any body (male or female) that I have a problem. As for me, I’m trying to celebrate all the parts of me that work and I can rely on to get me through my day :-)
  4. Yesterday, I ended up doing a lot, which is kind of how this week has been–stuff just keeps coming up. Anyway, Wizard noticed that I was busy, and started pitching in by unloading the dishwasher and feeding Maggie while I was washing bathroom floors. People, that is love, ya know? I had those two things next on my mental list, and he stepped in and checked them off without me saying a word. I’d much rather have that kind of love and teamwork, then flowers any day of the week!
  5. We’re going to try to see Turbo one day this weekend, and Middle Son the other day, but we haven’t firmed up those plans with the kids yet because it’s been a wonky week.

That’s my quick Friday Five. Now I’d really love to hear yours! I hope all of you have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020
Wednesday Cravings

I met Biker Witch for lunch yesterday, which was convenient because I’d been craving chocolate for days. I ended up getting this:


And I ate it all!

What foods do you crave?

Monday, March 2nd, 2020
Weekend Roundup

Happy March!

So the weekend happening–nothing remarkable. Although I did get a couple of scenes written (I wrote more scenes but deleted those just so my delete button doesn’t feel left out).

I’ve been writing toward some existing scenes, but deep down in the box of things I don’t want to admit, I suspect those existing scenes aren’t going to work. That makes my lazy side sad…she really wants to just finish the damn book.

But my pushy, bitchy, naggy side is singing, Na-na-na-na, not gonna happen! You’ll have to rewrite it alllll!! Add in an evil cackle here.

My lazy side is plotting her death, but unfortunately, my lazy side is…wait for it!…too lazy to actually follow with the plot :-)

Today, I’m going to try to hit the gym, do the usual Monday stuff like laundry and back to the computer to write and see what happens.

How was your weekend?

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