Jennifer Lyon

Archive for April, 2020

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Monday, April 13th, 2020
Quarantine Weekend Roundup

I can sum it up in one word–boring :-)

We had as nice as possible under the circumstances Easter. We watched videos of, and video-chatted with, Turbo. Turbo mostly likes seeing Maggie when we video chat :-) He thinks watching her race up and down the stairs is hilarious. For dinner, we made tri tip, rice and green beans, and opened up another bottle of wine.

In other news, Wizard and I have agreed we’re going on a wine-tasting trip once we’re freed from this hell, uh, safe-at-home quarantine.  We rarely ever open our good wines, and this is the 2nd bottle we’ve opened in a weeks, LOL! Gotta enjoy the little things. And be grateful for the big things, like the fact that so far, we, and our family and friends, are all well and safe.

I don’t have much to share today, but I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter and we’re able to communicate with your loved ones. At least technology gives us more ways to stay in contract.

So how was your weekend?

Friday, April 10th, 2020
Friday Five

Sorry, guys, this is all I got this week:

  1. So. Much. Rain. It’s more of a steady rain with breaks here and there rather than a torrential downpour, so flooding is less of a worry. But we rarely ever has so much rain this time of the year. It’s just weird.
  2. Anyone else feel like they’re living in a dystopian novel? Where is the love-sick teenager who will save us all?
  3. Wizard commented that I’m managing to stay busy. Um…yes I’m at the computer  for hours a day, but I’m pretty much chasing my tail with a trying to fit 22 plots into 50 pages, then deleting the mess and starting over again. And again. And again.
  4. Maggie sits at the back window staring at the rain, then she looks up at me with pleading eyes as if I can make it stop. I actually apologize to her for the weather like it’s my fault Mother Nature can’t find the off switch.
  5. Here’s a pic of my grand-puppy Jett laughing himself silly when I told him the plot for my latest book idea. Good thing I love Jett, LOL!

That’s my stuck at home and a little depressed Friday Five. I bet your five is much more interesting than mine! I hope everyone is healthy and enjoys the weekend!

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020
Puppy Fight!

Happy Wednesday! I’m trying to be upbeat, so it’s the Battle of the Puppies! Which Puppy brings the biggest smile to your face?

Sunflower Puppy?

No Bath Puppy?

Puppy Licks?

Which Puppy wins the Make Me Smile Contest??

As always, I hope all of you are safe and healthy.


Monday, April 6th, 2020
Weekend Roundup

First, Wizard, myself, and the family all are well (at least as of last night when I wrote this). I hope the same is true for all of you.

Wizard had a decent Pandemic Lockdown Birthday. And there’s a phrase I never thought I’d use, LOL! We had ribs, apple pie and half a bottle of Merlot wine. With the help of youngest son, we managed to get him some gifts, and the thanks goes directly to all the people out there packaging and delivering under truly frightening circumstances. Youngest son made me promise I would not go to Home Depot to pick up the gift myself :-)

Just when I think things can’t get any stranger, our county declared that we cannot leave the house without masks. And it will be enforced with up to a $1,000 fine and/or possible jail time. Two law enforcement officers died from COVID 19 this last week, and they are not messing around. From what I’ve been able to ascertain in the confusion–they are expecting an explosion of COVID 19 here in Riverside County of California. It’s surreal. Wizard and I will comply because this is one of those safe is better than sorry situations. I don’t want to get sick and I really don’t want to get anyone else sick.

But then…plot twist! Now we are under an Potential Flood Watch for today. So we’re on lock down, can’t go outside without masks and we might have to evacuate…to where exactly????? Bwhahahaha!!! I can’t make this crap up :-)

Now just for a little fun, let’s play “I have Quarantine ____ “(fill in the blank as many times as you want). Here’s mine:

I have Quarantine….

Bangs.  (Wizard has offered to cut my bangs, LOLOLOL!! Umm, no, thanks)

Gray roots. 

Snacking disorder. 


Okay, so what about you guys? How was your weekend, and do you want to play “I have Quarantine _______.”?

Stay well!

Friday, April 3rd, 2020
Friday Five

Howdy! We’re back for another round of sharing five random things about our weeks in midst of a pandemic. Honestly who could have imaged the utter havoc 2020 would bring?

Anyhow, here’s my five:

  1. I’m not stressing about writing. I’ve been progressively regaining some of my concentration and ability to write, but this week, I’m more focused on keeping my attitude as positive as possible. Attitude can’t heal the world, but it’s part of the overall package of staying well enough to help those who need me.
  2. Amazingly, the mail order pharmacy was able to deliver my Humira medication. I am very grateful. However, I’m also very careful about taking my temperature daily and monitoring how I’m feeling before I take it since it’s a powerful immune suppressant.  A humorous aside: Our county has put out a strong advisory for us all to wear face masks anytime we go out…um…how do we get those? I’ve managed to find some fabric ones and ordered them, but I’m not sure they’ll deliver them in a timely manner.
  3. I made cookies yesterday :-) They are dairy free, so I’ve sent a text to youngest son asking if he wants half of the batch. He hasn’t answered yet, but I can guess what the answer will be. For his cookies, I was careful not to touch them once baked, and I’ll just drop them off on his porch if he wants them.
  4. I miss Turbo (my grandson), all my kids and Biker Witch so, so much. But I have Wizard and Maggie, and each day I am thankful for them. There’s no one else I’d rather be stuck at home with. Wizard and I aren’t getting on each other’s nerves any more than usual, but he’s been retired for a few years now so we’ve had practice at negotiating space.
  5. Wizard’s birthday is this weekend. Not great timing, but he’s a good sport. We’re making ribs and apple pie to celebrate, and we’ll open one of our nicer bottles of wine. Birthday shopping during a pandemic is a special challenge, LOL! But he understands that and probably won’t hold it against me on my birthday. Probably… :-)

That was my boring week, maybe next week will be more exciting :-) Now I’d love to hear five random things about your week! I hope everyone–and your loved ones–are all well. Have the best weekend possible under these trying circumstances!

P.S. I really wish I could call up the witches to heal the sick, and the wing slayers hunters to send this demon virus back to the underworld.

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
Need A Distraction?

Will this guy work?

Or how about this man?

Hunks not your thing today? Then how about this puppy?

Hope everyone out there is staying well!

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